zeklabsinstaller.ifp 4.4 KB

  2. [Header]
  3. ProjectFileVersion = 1.1
  4. [General]
  5. Program name = EQ2EMu-Zeklabs
  6. Program version = Build: 0.8.0-dev Installer: 0.6.0
  7. Windows 2000 = 0
  8. Windows XP = 1
  9. Windows Server 2003 = 1
  10. Windows Vista = 1
  11. Windows Server 2008 = 1
  12. Windows 7 = 1
  13. Windows 8 = 1
  14. Windows 10 = 1
  15. Windows Server 2016 = 1
  16. DoNotCheckOS = 1
  17. Company name = EQ2EMu-Zeklabs
  18. Website = https://www.zeklabs.com
  19. SFA = 0
  20. DFA = 0
  21. Comp = 1
  22. [Graphics]
  23. Wizard image = <main>
  24. Header image = <main>
  25. Show Label = 1
  26. VisualStylesEnabled = 1
  27. [Files]
  28. Installation path = c:\<AppName>\
  29. Autcip = 1
  30. [Uninstall]
  31. Vwau = 0
  32. Website = https://
  33. Include uninstaller = 0
  34. Uninstaller filename = Uninstall
  35. UseCustomDisplayIcon = 0
  36. CustomDisplayIcon = <InstallPath>\
  37. [Licence]
  38. Licence dialog = 0
  39. [Finish]
  40. Sart program = 1
  41. Reboot computer = 0
  42. Program = <installpath>\LAUNCH EQ2EMU.bat
  43. ProgramArguments =
  44. [Shortcuts]
  45. Allowtc = 0
  46. Shortcut path = <Company>\<AppName>\
  47. [Serialoptions]
  48. Allows = 0
  49. Number = 1000
  50. Mask = #####-#####-#####-#####
  51. [SplashScreen]
  52. Image = C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\zeklogo.jpg
  53. Sound =
  54. Time = 2
  55. PlaySound = 0
  56. Allow = 0
  57. [Build]
  58. File = C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\zeklabs-eq2emu.exe
  59. SetupIconPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\solicus\InstallForge\icons\modern.ico
  60. UninstallIconPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\solicus\InstallForge\icons\modern.ico
  61. CompressionMethod = 0
  62. CompressionLevel = 2
  63. [Updater]
  64. Allow = 0
  65. 1 = <AppName>
  66. 2 = <AppVersion>
  67. 3 = http://
  68. 4 = http://
  69. 5 = http://
  70. 6 = Update
  71. Language = 0
  72. RunProg =
  73. RunProgs = 0
  74. Execdlls = 0
  75. [Languages]
  76. 1
  77. [Files/Dirs]
  78. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\heidisql
  79. N/A
  80. [Folder]
  81. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\mariadb
  82. N/A
  83. [Folder]
  84. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\options
  85. N/A
  86. [Folder]
  87. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\server
  88. N/A
  89. [Folder]
  90. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\!!!! ReadMe !!!!.txt
  91. 2.3 KB
  92. txt
  93. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\LAUNCH EQ2EMU.bat
  94. 7.9 KB
  95. bat
  96. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\Options.bat
  97. 4.2 KB
  98. bat
  99. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\srvls.bat
  100. 55 Byte
  101. bat
  102. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\srvwrld.bat
  103. 53 Byte
  104. bat
  105. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\UnRAR.exe
  106. 374.2 KB
  107. exe
  108. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\eq2emu\Zeklabs\wget.exe
  109. 4.7 MB
  110. exe
  111. [Licence_Begin]
  112. 1969
  113. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 League Spartan;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}
  114. {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
  115. \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\ul\b\i\f0\fs20 README AVAILABLE IN YOUR INSTALL DIRECTORY.\par
  116. \cf0\ulnone\b0\i0\f1\fs17\par
  117. Included Software and Versions\par
  118. MariaDB(mysql) -- 10.4.12 (https://downloads.mariadb.org/)\par
  119. Unrar -- 5.90 (https://www.rarlab.com/rar/unrarw32.exe)\par
  120. Wget(windows) -- 1.20.3 (https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/)\par
  121. Zeklabs EQ2emu -- Git Live (http://cutpon.com:3000/devn00b/EQ2EMu)\par
  122. \par
  123. The default password for \b\i MYSQL\b0\i0 root user is blank (Localhost only).\par
  124. The user/password for \b\i Login\b0\i0 and \b\i Mysql\b0\i0 is eq2emu/eq2emu.\par
  125. \par
  126. ** \b Please note that this version of the EQ2Emulator CAN NOT connect to the main EQ2EMu login server. This is due to our updated encryption method EQ2EMu currently uses MD5 (Weak) and we use SHA512 (Quite Strong). We are working to bring the main EQ2EMu project uptodate in this regard.\b0 **\par
  127. \par
  128. \ul\b Configuration Options.\ulnone\b0\par
  129. \par
  130. \tab\b\i Server Update Options:\b0\i0\par
  131. \tab In file launch.bat If you want to update (You will lose all data) leave SET SQLUDATE=\b\i 1\b0\i0 . If you DO NOT want to download the most \tab recent db set SET UDATE=0.\par
  132. \par
  133. \tab If you do not wish to update your EXE at launch Set SET EXEUDATE=0. Default is to update at launch (SET EXEUDATE=1).\par
  134. \par
  135. \tab\b\i Server Options\b0\i0 :\par
  136. \tab In LoginServer.ini You can set your server name Worldname=<Your Server Name> Default Login Server Username/Password is \tab eq2emu/eq2emu.\par
  137. \par
  138. \tab\b\i Mysql Options (Optional):\b0\i0\par
  139. \tab In file my-large.ini(mariadb\\bin\\ directory), Set thread_concurrency = to number of cpu's * 2. So if you have 8cores set it to 16. The \tab default is 4 cores.\par
  140. \f2\fs20\par
  141. }
  142. �[Licence_End]
  143. [Registry]
  144. [Variables]
  145. [SCs]
  146. Desktop
  147. EQ2EMu Server
  148. <installpath>\LAUNCH EQ2EMU.bat
  149. 0
  150. [IFP_End]
  151. [Serials]
  152. [Serials_End]
  153. [Commands]