فهرست منبع

Dof bags and someitmes not showing up

added bag_id to the sort so that bags would typically be at top of list when inventory items sent to client
Robert Allen 10 ماه پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه1 افزوده شده و 1 حذف شده
  1. 1 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ void WorldDatabase::LoadCharacterItemList(int32 account_id, int32 char_id, Playe
 	Query query;
 	MYSQL_ROW row;
-	MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT type, id, slot, item_id, creator,adorn0,adorn1,adorn2, condition_, attuned, bag_id, count, max_sell_value, no_sale, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_saved), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) FROM character_items where char_id = %u or (bag_id = -4 and account_id = %u) ORDER BY slot asc", char_id, account_id);
+	MYSQL_RES* result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT type, id, slot, item_id, creator,adorn0,adorn1,adorn2, condition_, attuned, bag_id, count, max_sell_value, no_sale, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_saved), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) FROM character_items where char_id = %u or (bag_id = -4 and account_id = %u) ORDER BY bag_id, slot asc", char_id, account_id);