@@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@ int32 WorldDatabase::SaveCharacter(PacketStruct* create, int32 loginID){
int32 last_insert_id = query.GetLastInsertedID();
int32 char_id = last_insert_id;
UpdateStartingFactions(char_id, create->getType_int8_ByName("starting_zone"));
- UpdateStartingZone(char_id, class_id, race_id, create->getType_int8_ByName("starting_zone"));
+ UpdateStartingZone(char_id, class_id, race_id, create);
UpdateStartingItems(char_id, class_id, race_id);
UpdateStartingSkills(char_id, class_id, race_id);
UpdateStartingSpells(char_id, class_id, race_id);
@@ -3264,7 +3264,7 @@ int32 WorldDatabase::SaveCombinedSpawnLocation(ZoneServer* zone, Spawn* in_spawn
spawn = *itr;
- zone->RemoveSpawn(false, spawn);
+ zone->RemoveSpawn(spawn);
@@ -3442,21 +3442,37 @@ string WorldDatabase::GetStartingZoneName(int8 choice){
return zone_name;
-void WorldDatabase::UpdateStartingZone(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id, int8 choice)
+void WorldDatabase::UpdateStartingZone(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id, PacketStruct* create)
Query query;
- LogWrite(PLAYER__DEBUG, 0, "Player", "Adding default zone for race: %i, class: %i for char_id: %u (choice: %i)", race_id, class_id, char_id, choice);
+ int32 packetVersion = create->GetVersion();
+ int8 choice = create->getType_int8_ByName("starting_zone"); // 0 = far journey, 1 = isle of refuge
+ int8 deity = create->getType_int8_ByName("deity"); // aka 'alignment' for early DOF, 0 = evil, 1 = good
+ int32 startingZoneRuleFlag = rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_World, StartingZoneRuleFlag)->GetInt32();
+ if((startingZoneRuleFlag == 1 || startingZoneRuleFlag == 2) && choice > 1)
+ {
+ LogWrite(PLAYER__INFO, 0, "Player", "Starting zone rule flag %u override choice %u to deity value of %u", startingZoneRuleFlag, choice, deity);
+ choice = deity; // inherit deity to know starting choice is 'good' or evil
+ }
+ LogWrite(PLAYER__INFO, 0, "Player", "Adding default zone for race: %i, class: %i for char_id: %u (choice: %i), deity(alignment): %u, version: %u.", race_id, class_id, char_id, choice, deity, packetVersion);
// first, check to see if there is a starting_zones record for this race/class/choice combo (now using extended Archetype/BaseClass/Class combos
MYSQL_RES* result = 0;
+ string whereRuleFlag("");
+ if(startingZoneRuleFlag > 0)
+ whereRuleFlag = string(" AND ruleflag & " + std::to_string(startingZoneRuleFlag));
+ string syntaxSelect("SELECT z.name, sz.zone_id, z.safe_x, z.safe_y, z.safe_z, sz.x, sz.y, sz.z, sz.heading, sz.is_instance FROM");
if ( class_id == 0 )
- result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT `name` FROM starting_zones sz, zones z WHERE sz.zone_id = z.id AND class_id = 255 AND race_id IN (%i, 255) AND choice = %u",
- race_id, choice);
+ result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "%s starting_zones sz, zones z WHERE sz.zone_id = z.id AND class_id = 255 AND race_id IN (%i, 255) AND deity IN (%i, 255) AND choice = %u AND (min_version = 0 or min_version <= %u) AND (max_version = 0 or max_version >= %u)%s",
+ syntaxSelect.c_str(), race_id, deity, choice, packetVersion, packetVersion, whereRuleFlag.c_str());
- result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "SELECT `name` FROM starting_zones sz, zones z WHERE sz.zone_id = z.id AND class_id IN (%i, %i, %i, 255) AND race_id IN (%i, 255) AND choice IN (%i, 255)",
- classes.GetBaseClass(class_id), classes.GetSecondaryBaseClass(class_id), class_id, race_id, choice);
+ result = query.RunQuery2(Q_SELECT, "%s starting_zones sz, zones z WHERE sz.zone_id = z.id AND class_id IN (%i, %i, %i, 255) AND race_id IN (%i, 255) AND deity IN (%i, 255) AND choice IN (%i, 255) AND (min_version = 0 or min_version <= %u) AND (max_version = 0 or max_version >= %u)%s",
+ syntaxSelect.c_str(), classes.GetBaseClass(class_id), classes.GetSecondaryBaseClass(class_id), class_id, race_id, deity, choice, packetVersion, packetVersion, whereRuleFlag.c_str());
// TODO: verify client version so clients do not crash trying to enter zones they do not own (paks)
if(result && mysql_num_rows(result) > 0)
@@ -3464,15 +3480,65 @@ void WorldDatabase::UpdateStartingZone(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_i
string zone_name = "ERROR";
+ bool zoneSet = false;
+ float safeX = 0.0f, safeY = 0.0f, safeZ = 0.0f, x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, z = 0.0f, heading = 0.0f;
+ int8 is_instance = 0;
+ int32 zone_id = 0;
+ int32 instance_id = 0;
if( result && (row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) )
- zone_name = string(row[0]);
+ {
+ int8 i=0;
+ zoneSet = true;
+ zone_name = string(row[i++]);
+ zone_id = atoul(row[i++]);
+ safeX = atof(row[i++]);
+ safeY = atof(row[i++]);
+ safeZ = atof(row[i++]);
+ x = atof(row[i++]);
+ y = atof(row[i++]);
+ z = atof(row[i++]);
+ if ( x == -999999.0f && y == -999999.0f && z == -999999.0f)
+ {
+ x = safeX;
+ y = safeY;
+ z = safeZ;
+ }
+ heading = atof(row[i++]);
+ if(heading == -999999.0f )
+ heading = 0.0f;
+ is_instance = atoul(row[i++]);
+ }
+ if(is_instance) // should only be true if we get a result
+ {
+ // this will force a pre-load
+ ZoneServer* instance_zone = zone_list.GetByInstanceID(0, zone_id);
+ if (instance_zone) {
+ instance_id = CreateNewInstance(zone_id);
+ AddCharacterInstance(char_id, instance_id, string(instance_zone->GetZoneName()), instance_zone->GetInstanceType(), Timer::GetUnixTimeStamp(), 0, instance_zone->GetDefaultLockoutTime(), instance_zone->GetDefaultReenterTime());
+ // make sure we inherit the instance id setup in the AddCharacterInstance
+ instance_zone->SetupInstance(instance_id);
+ }
+ }
if (class_id == 0)
- query.RunQuery2(Q_UPDATE, "UPDATE characters c, zones z, starting_zones sz SET c.current_zone_id = z.id, c.x = z.safe_x, c.y = z.safe_y, c.z = z.safe_z, c.starting_city = z.id WHERE z.id = sz.zone_id AND sz.class_id = 255 AND sz.race_id IN (%i, 255) AND sz.choice = %u AND c.id = %u",
+ query.RunQuery2(Q_UPDATE, "UPDATE characters c, zones z, starting_zones sz SET c.current_zone_id = z.id, c.x = %f, c.y = %f, c.z = %f, c.heading = %f, c.starting_city = z.id, c.instance_id = %u WHERE z.id = sz.zone_id AND sz.class_id = 255 AND sz.race_id IN (%i, 255) AND sz.choice = %u AND c.id = %u",
+ x, y, z, heading, instance_id,
race_id, choice, char_id);
- query.RunQuery2(Q_UPDATE, "UPDATE characters c, zones z, starting_zones sz SET c.current_zone_id = z.id, c.x = z.safe_x, c.y = z.safe_y, c.z = z.safe_z, c.starting_city = %i WHERE z.id = sz.zone_id AND sz.class_id IN (%i, %i, %i, 255) AND sz.race_id IN (%i, 255) AND sz.choice IN (%i, 255) AND c.id = %u",
- choice, classes.GetBaseClass(class_id), classes.GetSecondaryBaseClass(class_id), class_id, race_id, choice, char_id);
+ query.RunQuery2(Q_UPDATE, "UPDATE characters c, zones z, starting_zones sz SET c.current_zone_id = z.id, c.x = %f, c.y = %f, c.z = %f, c.heading = %f, c.starting_city = %i, c.instance_id = %u WHERE z.id = sz.zone_id AND sz.class_id IN (%i, %i, %i, 255) AND sz.race_id IN (%i, 255) AND sz.choice IN (%i, 255) AND c.id = %u",
+ x, y, z, heading, choice, instance_id,
+ classes.GetBaseClass(class_id), classes.GetSecondaryBaseClass(class_id), class_id, race_id, choice, char_id);
if(query.GetErrorNumber() && query.GetError() && query.GetErrorNumber() < 0xFFFFFFFF){
LogWrite(PLAYER__ERROR, 0, "Player", "Error in UpdateStartingZone custom starting_zones, query: '%s': %s", query.GetQuery(), query.GetError());
@@ -3481,7 +3547,7 @@ void WorldDatabase::UpdateStartingZone(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_i
if(query.GetAffectedRows() > 0)
- LogWrite(PLAYER__DEBUG, 0, "Player", "Setting New Character Starting Zone to '%s' FROM starting_zones table.", zone_name.c_str());
+ LogWrite(PLAYER__INFO, 0, "Player", "Setting New Character Starting Zone to '%s' with location %f, %f, %f and heading %f FROM starting_zones table.", zone_name.c_str(), x, y, z, heading);