#207 chests need to have 10 min decay timer which leads to opening chest to all players

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Người hợp tác

    RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, ChestUnlockedTimeDrop, "1200"); // time in seconds, 20 minutes by default, triggers only if AllowChestUnlockByDropTime is 1
    RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, AllowChestUnlockByDropTime, "1"); // when set to 1 we will start a countdown timer to allow anyone to loot once ChestUnlockedTimeDrop elapsed
    RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, ChestUnlockedTimeTrap, "600"); // time in seconds, 10 minutes by default
    RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, AllowChestUnlockByTrapTime, "1"); // when set to 1 we will allow unlocking the chest to all players after the trap is triggered (or chest is open) and period ChestUnlockedTimeTrap elapsed
``` RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, ChestUnlockedTimeDrop, "1200"); // time in seconds, 20 minutes by default, triggers only if AllowChestUnlockByDropTime is 1 RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, AllowChestUnlockByDropTime, "1"); // when set to 1 we will start a countdown timer to allow anyone to loot once ChestUnlockedTimeDrop elapsed RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, ChestUnlockedTimeTrap, "600"); // time in seconds, 10 minutes by default RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, AllowChestUnlockByTrapTime, "1"); // when set to 1 we will allow unlocking the chest to all players after the trap is triggered (or chest is open) and period ChestUnlockedTimeTrap elapsed ```
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