#236 Item links do not work in chat

Créé il y a 3 ans par neatz09 · 4 commentaires
neatz09 a commenté il y a 3 ans
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neatz09 a commenté il y a 3 ans

correction... some work some dont

correction... some work some dont
image a commenté il y a 3 ans

So which items don’t work? Item names at the very least to even get this issue investigated in the future

So which items don’t work? Item names at the very least to even get this issue investigated in the future
neatz09 a commenté il y a 3 ans

It's random... It's usually right after looting it'll link but not allow you to click it... But relinking seems to work

It's random... It's usually right after looting it'll link but not allow you to click it... But relinking seems to work
image a commenté il y a 1 an

this couldn't be replicated on demand closing

this couldn't be replicated on demand closing
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