#253 (Rylec) Lua functions NPC equip and unequip equipment (weapon and armor slots)

3 年 前image によって開かれました · 0 コメント
image3 年 前 にコメントしました

Commands for Entity class only (NPC/Client).

SetEquippedItemByID(Entity, slot, item_id)
SetEquippedItem(Entity, slot, item)
UnequipSlot(Entity, slot, no_delete_item) -- does delete the item upon unequipping by default, otherwise set no_delete_item = true
SetEquipment(Entity, slot, type, r, g, b, h_r, h_g, h_b) -- (r = red, g = green, b = blue, h_ = highlights)
Commands for Entity class only (NPC/Client). ``` SetEquippedItemByID(Entity, slot, item_id) SetEquippedItem(Entity, slot, item) UnequipSlot(Entity, slot, no_delete_item) -- does delete the item upon unequipping by default, otherwise set no_delete_item = true SetEquipment(Entity, slot, type, r, g, b, h_r, h_g, h_b) -- (r = red, g = green, b = blue, h_ = highlights) ```
image 3 年 前 に閉じられました
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