#287 (Rylec) When you hail a spawn using movement it should stop for a period before continuing movement

3 anos atrás foi aberto por image · 1 comentários
image comentado 3 anos atrás

see title

see title
image comentado 3 anos atrás

new rules (Int32)

	RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, HailMovementPause, "5000"); // time in milliseconds the spawn is paused on hail
	RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, HailDistance, "5"); // max distance to hail a spawn/npc
new rules (Int32) ``` RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, HailMovementPause, "5000"); // time in milliseconds the spawn is paused on hail RULE_INIT(R_Spawn, HailDistance, "5"); // max distance to hail a spawn/npc ```
image citou este problema em um commit 3 anos atrás
image fechado em 3 anos atrás
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