This is what the packet data should look like :
SearchStores: ITYPE=18446744073709551615 LTYPE=4294967295 BTYPE=4294967295 MINPRICE=1 MAXPRICE=18446744073709551615 MINSKILL=0 MAXSKILL=6 SELLER=|| ITEM=|46611| ADORNMENT=|| MINTIER=1 MAXTIER=12 PAGESIZE=8 SORTTYPE=1 SKILLNAME=|commoner| MINLEVEL=0 MAXLEVEL=10
seems we got cut off just after the ITEM=|
Still working on fixing EQStream, one issue was identified with packets that just have no base opcode
Got this doing broker search while GDB debugging
This is what the packet data should look like :
SearchStores: ITYPE=18446744073709551615 LTYPE=4294967295 BTYPE=4294967295 MINPRICE=1 MAXPRICE=18446744073709551615 MINSKILL=0 MAXSKILL=6 SELLER=|| ITEM=|46611| ADORNMENT=|| MINTIER=1 MAXTIER=12 PAGESIZE=8 SORTTYPE=1 SKILLNAME=|commoner| MINLEVEL=0 MAXLEVEL=10
seems we got cut off just after the ITEM=|
Still working on fixing EQStream, one issue was identified with packets that just have no base opcode
This has been resolved no further corrupt packet handling