#346 in game /cmd to add a race_type to targeted spawn + a /cmd to get race_type for a targeted spawn

neatz093 年之前创建 · 4 条评论
neatz09 评论于 3 年之前
image 评论于 2 年之前

race type is based on the model id so you can't add a race type to a spawn, just change its model id.

We could add it to /spawn details, but we don't even have a translation in code from integer race id -> string, eg. 101 -> Dragonkind

race type is based on the model id so you can't add a race type to a spawn, just change its model id. We could add it to /spawn details, but we don't even have a translation in code from integer race id -> string, eg. 101 -> Dragonkind
image 评论于 2 年之前
  • need to be able to manipulate the race_types table to add new entries, race_id + category + model_type, potentially sub_category as well.
  • need command to return of race type string to display its DB ID
- need to be able to manipulate the race_types table to add new entries, race_id + category + model_type, potentially sub_category as well. - need command to return of race type string to display its DB ID
image 评论于 1 年之前

/spawn set race_type race_id:uint16 category:string subcategory:string modelname:string

category/subcategory/modelname are optional

/spawn set race_type race_id:uint16 category:string subcategory:string modelname:string category/subcategory/modelname are optional
image 评论于 1 年之前

/spawn details 2nd page is updated to also include the fields information for race type, category, subcategory and model name completed via 8a6753febb

/spawn details 2nd page is updated to also include the fields information for race type, category, subcategory and model name completed via https://git.eq2emu.com/devn00b/EQ2EMu/commit/8a6753febba21d49c92dfd541c0e8c9b58403f17
image1 年之前 关闭
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