#35 Memory leaks as far as the eye can see!

4 anos atrás foi aberto por image · 4 comentários
image comentado 4 anos atrás

World server leaks like a sieve. Woke up to 32GB of usage the next day.

World server leaks like a sieve. Woke up to 32GB of usage the next day.
image comentado 4 anos atrás

Blocker: valgrind / other mem tools can't load up, world server crashes. Need a slim version of the DB to just populate frostfang.

Blocker: valgrind / other mem tools can't load up, world server crashes. Need a slim version of the DB to just populate frostfang.
image comentado 4 anos atrás
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380808849722048525/686672216506892304/unknown.png https://i.gyazo.com/58a74d29bfc1fa369dbefd82c76a5e71.gif spawn scripts are leaking due to bad handling of the 'use' state of a running script.
image fechado em 4 anos atrás
image comentado 4 anos atrás
Fixed: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682795791185608720/686690773713813557/nomemleak.gif
image comentado 4 anos atrás

Also had a client crash fix in this cause we were removing the GetPlayer() spawn when we still had more to do with it..

Also had a client crash fix in this cause we were removing the GetPlayer() spawn when we still had more to do with it..
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