#381 NPC_Spell enhancements

vor 2 Jahren geöffnet von neatz09 · 1 Kommentare
neatz09 kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

need DB flag + code to allow a spell to cast upon spawn/reset also need db flag +code for a spell to 100% cast on aggro

need DB flag + code to allow a spell to cast upon spawn/reset also need db flag +code for a spell to 100% cast on aggro
image kommentierte vor 1 Jahr

This is more involved than it might seem due to the current implementation:

  • Right now we form spell lists for NPC's just as they are "Spells" so there are no ways to track DB information
  • We load up NPC Spells for each Zone (YUCK!)
  • Our Brain logic doesn't even handle encounters/group buffing. We only take care of our "self" which is pretty limited.

So the 3 items above need to be added to the list of adding these DB flags.

This is more involved than it might seem due to the current implementation: - Right now we form spell lists for NPC's just as they are "Spells" so there are no ways to track DB information - We load up NPC Spells for each Zone (YUCK!) - Our Brain logic doesn't even handle encounters/group buffing. We only take care of our "self" which is pretty limited. So the 3 items above need to be added to the list of adding these DB flags.
image hat dieses Issue vor 1 Jahr aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 1 Jahr geschlossen
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