#385 Stunned mobs do not stop pathing to node

há 3 anos atrás aberto por image · 1 comentários

They shouldn't continue on to the node they are pathing to, should be insta-stunned. Right now they just continue on until they hit the node, then stay stunned.

They shouldn't continue on to the node they are pathing to, should be insta-stunned. Right now they just continue on until they hit the node, then stay stunned.
image comentado há 2 anos atrás

this was addressed along with mez and root in 4b322d60ae

this was addressed along with mez and root in https://git.eq2emu.com/devn00b/EQ2EMu/commit/4b322d60ae21bf6b00958d70efd69e44acc04749
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