#512 Loot chests from mobs that spawn in the air often return a message indicating the chest is out of range

1 рік тому відкрито LordPazuzu · 0 коментарів
LordPazuzu відкоментовано 1 рік тому

Chests from mobs like birds and bats that spawn in the air are unable to be opened on the ground. If you /fly up closer to the mob's vertical position when aggroed the chest can be opened.

edit: To clarify, the chest itself is on the ground.

Chests from mobs like birds and bats that spawn in the air are unable to be opened on the ground. If you /fly up closer to the mob's vertical position when aggroed the chest can be opened. edit: To clarify, the chest itself is on the ground.
image закрито 1 рік тому
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