we don't set the blow type on death. This would decide between pain and suffering or drowning
the value for drowning is 10
if ( *(a2 + 12) == 10 )
if ( v32 )
sub_75347F(v35, "You are sleeping with the fishes! Glug, glug...");
sub_75347F(v35, "$0 is sleeping with the fishes! Glug, glug...");
we don't set the blow type on death. This would decide between pain and suffering or drowning
the value for drowning is 10
if ( *(a2 + 12) == 10 )
if ( v32 )
sub_75347F(v35, "You are sleeping with the fishes! Glug, glug...");
sub_75347F(v35, "$0 is sleeping with the fishes! Glug, glug...");
<Struct Name="WS_HearDeath" ClientVersion="1" OpcodeName="OP_ClientCmdMsg" OpcodeType="OP_EqHearDeathCmd">
<Data ElementName="attacker" Type="int32" />
<Data ElementName="defender" Type="int32" />
<Data ElementName="blow_type" Type="int8" />
we don't set the blow type on death. This would decide between pain and suffering or drowning
the value for drowning is 10
if ( *(a2 + 12) == 10 )