#563 LuaInterface::GetCurrentSpell

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GetCurrentSpell is used in a number of LUA functions to map out the luaspell the lua_state belongs to.. Unfortunately it is not reliable as it looks like SpawnScripts somehow map a state the same as a luaspell (that does not exist or was deleted). Need to keep this in mind when we have crashes on SetMaxHP or similar lua functions that allow usage in a spell (addspellbonus) and spawn script.. The AddSpellBonus is the cause of the crash because the spell is invalid.

GetCurrentSpell is used in a number of LUA functions to map out the luaspell the lua_state belongs to.. Unfortunately it is not reliable as it looks like SpawnScripts somehow map a state the same as a luaspell (that does not exist or was deleted). Need to keep this in mind when we have crashes on SetMaxHP or similar lua functions that allow usage in a spell (addspellbonus) and spawn script.. The AddSpellBonus is the cause of the crash because the spell is invalid.
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