#87 NPC fear is not implemented

vor 4 Jahren geöffnet von image · 2 Kommentare
image kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

when NPC is feared stands in place

when NPC is feared stands in place
image hat dieses Issue vor 4 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
image hat vor 4 Jahren geschlossen
image kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

If a zone has a .nav available it will use that for fear pathing. Otherwise mob will just stand in place.

If a zone has a .nav available it will use that for fear pathing. Otherwise mob will just stand in place.
image kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

For fear to work on a spell..:

Cast function needs to have:

AddControlEffect(Target, 6) 

Remove function needs to have:

RemoveControlEffect(Target, 6)
For fear to work on a spell..: Cast function needs to have: AddControlEffect(Target, 6) Remove function needs to have: RemoveControlEffect(Target, 6)
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