• #275
    Entity::DetermineHit rewrite P2 WorldServer tech debt

    image3 년 전을 오픈 Sirius - February 2021

  • #265
    (Rylec) A lua function to be able to set hair_color1, hair color2, hair_type_highlight_color, the same for face hair - and the same for all the equivalent soga colors P2 WorldServer tech debt 3

    image3 년 전을 오픈 Sirius - February 2021

  • #262
    Function needed to look into npcs and other player's eyes - Bind sight needs to be implemented P3 enhancement tech debt 2

    neatz093 년 전을 오픈 EpsilonCMa

  • #261
    spawns table needs a water spawn and flying spawn type support P2 WorldServer tech debt 2

    image3 년 전을 오픈 Sirius - February 2021

  • #260
    bots need a follow / stopfollow command P2 WorldServer tech debt 1

    image3 년 전을 오픈 Sirius - February 2021

  • #259
    Spell concentration not working P2 WorldServer bug tech debt 1

    neatz093 년 전을 오픈 Sirius - February 2021

  • #258
    AddImmunitySpell needs strikethrough added P2 enhancement tech debt 2

    neatz093 년 전을 오픈 OmiScorpii

  • #256
    function needed to reward status from spawns via lua P2 WorldServer enhancement tech debt 4

    neatz093 년 전을 오픈 Sirius - February 2021

  • #255
    function needed to get global time P2 WorldServer tech debt 2

    neatz093 년 전을 오픈 Procyon - July 2021

  • #253
    (Rylec) Lua functions NPC equip and unequip equipment (weapon and armor slots) P2 WorldServer tech debt

    image3 년 전을 오픈 Capricorn 2.0