// Boost.Geometry // Unit Test // Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Licensed under the Boost Software License version 1.0. // http://www.boost.org/users/license.html #include #include #include int test_main(int, char* []) { typedef bg::model::point point; typedef bg::model::box box; typedef bg::model::linestring linestring; typedef bg::model::multi_linestring mlinestring; typedef bg::model::polygon polygon; typedef bg::model::multi_polygon mpolygon; point p; linestring ls; mlinestring mls; polygon po; mpolygon mpo; bg::read_wkt("POINT(0 0)", p); bg::read_wkt("LINESTRING(0 0,7 7,7 9)", ls); bg::read_wkt("MULTILINESTRING((0 0,7 7,7 9),(7 9, 9 9))", mls); bg::read_wkt("POLYGON((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0),(1 1,4 1,4 4,1 4,1 1))", po); bg::read_wkt("MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0),(1 1,4 1,4 4,1 4,1 1)),((2 2,2 3,3 3,3 2,2 2)))", mpo); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::perimeter(po), 32.0, 0.0001); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::area(mpo), 17.0, 0.0001); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::length(mls), 13.899494936611665, 0.0001); BOOST_CHECK(bg::covered_by(p, po)); BOOST_CHECK(!bg::crosses(ls, mls)); BOOST_CHECK(!bg::equals(ls, mls)); BOOST_CHECK(bg::intersects(ls, po)); BOOST_CHECK(bg::relate(p, ls, bg::de9im::mask("F0F******"))); BOOST_CHECK(bg::relation(mls, mpo).str() == "101F00212"); BOOST_CHECK(bg::within(po, mpo)); BOOST_CHECK(!bg::touches(mls, po)); mpolygon res; bg::intersection(po, mpo, res); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::area(res), 16.0, 0.0001); bg::clear(res); bg::union_(po, mpo, res); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::area(res), 17.0, 0.0001); bg::clear(res); bg::difference(mpo, po, res); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::area(res), 1.0, 0.0001); bg::clear(res); bg::sym_difference(mpo, po, res); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::area(res), 1.0, 0.0001); BOOST_CHECK(bg::is_simple(ls)); BOOST_CHECK(bg::is_valid(mpo)); point c; bg::centroid(mpo, c); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::distance(p, c), 3.5355339059327378, 0.0001); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::distance(mls, mpo), 0.0, 0.0001); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::distance(po, mpo), 0.0, 0.0001); box b; bg::envelope(mls, b); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::area(b), 81.0, 0.0001); polygon h; bg::convex_hull(mls, h); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(bg::area(h), 9.0, 0.0001); return 0; }