[/ Copyright Hans Dembinski 2018 - 2019. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ] [section:Accumulator Accumulator] An [*Accumulator] is a functor which consumes the argument to update some internal state. The state can be read with member functions or free functions. Must be [@https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/DefaultConstructible DefaultConstructible], [@https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/CopyConstructible CopyConstructible], and [@https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/CopyAssignable CopyAssignable]. [heading Required features] * `A` is a type meeting the requirements of [*Accumulator] * `a` and `b` are values of type `A` * `ts...` is a pack of values of arbitrary types [table Valid expressions [[Expression] [Returns] [Semantics, Pre/Post-conditions]] [ [`a(ts...)` or `++a`] [] [ Either a call operator accepting a fixed number of arguments must be implemented, or the pre-increment operator. The call operator may not be templated and not overloaded, except to support weights as described under optional features. ] ] [ [`a == b`] [`bool`] [ Returns `true` if all state variables compare equal. Otherwise returns `false`. ] ] [ [`a != b`] [`bool`] [ Must be implemented if `a == b` is implemented and must be equal to `!(a == b)`. ] ] ] [heading Optional features] * `A` is a type meeting the requirements of [*Accumulator] * `a` and `b` are values of type `A` * `w` is a value of type [classref boost::histogram::weight_type], where `T` is a number type * `ts...` is a pack of values of arbitrary types * `v` is a number value (integral or floating point) [table Valid expressions [[Expression] [Return] [Semantics, Pre/Post-conditions]] [ [`a += v` or `a(w, ts...)`] [] [ Does a weighted fill of the accumulator. Use this to implement weight support for an accumulator that is normally filled with `++a` or `a(ts...)`, respectively. Only the corresponding matching form may be implemented: `a += v` for `++a`, `a(w, ts...)` for `a(ts...)`. The implementations may not be templated and not overloaded. ] ] [ [`a += b`] [`A&`] [ Adds a second accumulator `b` of type `A`. The result must be the same as if `a` had been filled with all arguments of `b`. ] ] [ [`a *= x`] [`A&`] [ Scales the accumulator state by the real value `x`. The result must be the same as if `a` had been filled with all arguments scaled by `x`. ] ] [ [`os << a`] [`std::basic_ostream&`] [ `os` is a value of type `std::basic_ostream`. Streams a text representation of the axis. May not mutate `a`. ] ] [ [`a.serialize(ar, n)`] [] [ `ar` is a value of an archive with Boost.Serialization semantics and `n` is an unsigned integral value. Saves to the archive or loads serialized state from the archive. The version number `n` is the stored version when the object is loaded or the current version when the object is saved. ] ] ] [heading Models] * [classref boost::histogram::accumulators::sum] * [classref boost::histogram::accumulators::weighted_sum] * [classref boost::histogram::accumulators::mean] * [classref boost::histogram::accumulators::weighted_mean] [endsect]