[section:nccs_eg Non Central Chi Squared Example] (See also the reference documentation for the __non_central_chi_squared_distrib.) [section:nccs_power_eg Tables of the power function of the chi[super 2] test.] [/chi super 2 failed to show the chi in pdf why??? (OK in html) so use words.] [import ../../example/nc_chi_sq_example.cpp] [nccs_eg] [endsect] [/nccs_power_eg Tables of the power function of the chi-squared [chi][super 2] test.] [endsect] [/section:nccs_eg Non Central Chi Squared Example] [/ Copyright 2006, 2011 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). ]