// Copyright John Maddock 2007. // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include std::map results; std::map extra_text; void load_file(std::string& s, std::istream& is) { s.erase(); if(is.bad()) return; s.reserve(is.rdbuf()->in_avail()); char c; while(is.get(c)) { if(s.capacity() == s.size()) s.reserve(s.capacity() * 3); s.append(1, c); } } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { // // Set any additional text that should accumpany specific results: // extra_text["msvc-dist-beta-R-quantile"] = "[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]"; extra_text["msvc-dist-nbinom-R-quantile"] = "[footnote The R library appears to use a linear-search strategy, that can perform very badly in a small number of pathological cases, but may or may not be more efficient in \"typical\" cases]"; extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-beta-R-quantile"] = "[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]"; extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-nbinom-R-quantile"] = "[footnote The R library appears to use a linear-search strategy, that can perform very badly in a small number of pathological cases, but may or may not be more efficient in \"typical\" cases]"; extra_text["msvc-dist-hypergeometric-cdf"] = "[footnote This result is somewhat misleading: for small values of the parameters there is virtually no difference between the two libraries, but for large values the Boost implementation is /much/ slower, albeit with much improved precision.]"; extra_text["msvc-dist-nt-R-quantile"] = "[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]"; extra_text["msvc-dist-nchisq-R-quantile"] = "[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]"; extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-hypergeometric-cdf"] = "[footnote This result is somewhat misleading: for small values of the parameters there is virtually no difference between the two libraries, but for large values the Boost implementation is /much/ slower, albeit with much improved precision.]"; extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-nt-R-quantile"] = "[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]"; extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-nchisq-R-quantile"] = "[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]"; boost::regex e("^Testing\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)"); std::string f; for(int i = 1; i < argc-1; ++i) { std::ifstream is(argv[i]); load_file(f, is); boost::sregex_iterator a(f.begin(), f.end(), e), b; while(a != b) { results[(*a).str(1)] = boost::lexical_cast((*a).str(2)); ++a; } } // // Load quickbook file: // std::ifstream is(argv[argc-1]); std::string bak_file = std::string(argv[argc-1]).append(".bak"); std::ofstream os(bak_file.c_str()); e.assign( "\\[perf\\s+([^\\s.]+)" "(?:" "\\[[^\\]\\[]*" "(?:\\[[^\\]\\[]*\\][^\\]\\[]*)?" "\\]" "|[^\\]]" ")*\\]"); std::string newfile; while(is.good()) { std::getline(is, f); os << f << std::endl; boost::sregex_iterator i(f.begin(), f.end(), e), j; double min = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); while(i != j) { std::cout << (*i).str() << std::endl << (*i).str(1) << std::endl; std::string item = (*i).str(1); if(results.find(item) != results.end()) { double r = results[item]; if(r < min) min = r; } ++i; } // // Now perform the substitutions: // std::string newstr; std::string tail; i = boost::sregex_iterator(f.begin(), f.end(), e); while(i != j) { std::string item = (*i).str(1); newstr.append(i->prefix()); if(results.find(item) != results.end()) { double v = results[item]; double r = v / min; newstr += std::string((*i)[0].first, (*i)[1].second); newstr += "..[para "; if(r < 1.01) newstr += "*"; newstr += (boost::format("%.2f") % r).str(); if(r < 1.01) newstr += "*"; if(extra_text.find(item) != extra_text.end()) { newstr += extra_text[item]; } newstr += "][para ("; newstr += (boost::format("%.3e") % results[item]).str(); newstr += "s)]]"; } else { newstr.append(i->str()); std::cerr << "Item " << item << " not found!!" << std::endl; } tail = i->suffix(); ++i; } if(newstr.size()) newfile.append(newstr).append(tail); else newfile.append(f); newfile.append("\n"); } is.close(); std::ofstream ns(argv[argc-1]); ns << newfile; }