[section boost/python/function_doc_signature.hpp] [section Introduction] Boost.Python supports docstrings with automatic appending of Pythonic and C++ signatures. This feature is implemented by class `function_doc_signature_generator`. The class uses all of the overloads, supplied arg names and default values, as well as the user-defined docstrings, to generate documentation for a given function. [endsect] [section Class `function_doc_signature_generator`] The class has only one public function which returns a list of strings documenting the overloads of a function. `` namespace boost { namespace python { namespace objects { class function_doc_signature_generator { public: static list function_doc_signatures(function const *f); }; }}} `` [endsect] [section Example] `` #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace boost::python; tuple f(int x = 1, double y = 4.25, char const* z = "wow") { return make_tuple(x, y, z); } BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(f_overloads, f, 0, 3) struct X { tuple f(int x = 1, double y = 4.25, char const* z = "wow") { return make_tuple(x, y, z); } }; BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(X_f_overloads, X::f, 0, 3) tuple raw_func(tuple args, dict kw) { return make_tuple(args, kw); } BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(args_ext) { def("f", f, (arg("x")=1, arg("y")=4.25, arg("z")="wow") , "This is f's docstring" ); def("raw", raw_function(raw_func)); def("f1", f, f_overloads("f1's docstring", args("x", "y", "z"))); class_("X", "This is X's docstring", init<>(args("self"))) .def("f", &X::f , "This is X.f's docstring" , args("self","x", "y", "z")) ; } `` Python code: [python] `` >>> import args_ext >>> help(args_ext) Help on module args_ext: NAME args_ext FILE args_ext.pyd CLASSES Boost.Python.instance(__builtin__.object) X class X(Boost.Python.instance) | This is X's docstring | | Method resolution order: | X | Boost.Python.instance | __builtin__.object | | Methods defined here: | | __init__(...) | __init__( (object)self) -> None : | C++ signature: | void __init__(struct _object *) | | f(...) | f( (X)self, (int)x, (float)y, (str)z) -> tuple : This is X.f's docstring | C++ signature: | class boost::python::tuple f(struct X {lvalue},int,double,char const *) | | ................. | FUNCTIONS f(...) f([ (int)x=1 [, (float)y=4.25 [, (str)z='wow']]]) -> tuple : This is f's docstring C++ signature: class boost::python::tuple f([ int=1 [,double=4.25 [,char const *='wow']]]) f1(...) f1([ (int)x [, (float)y [, (str)z]]]) -> tuple : f1's docstring C++ signature: class boost::python::tuple f1([ int [,double [,char const *]]]) raw(...) object raw(tuple args, dict kwds) : C++ signature: object raw(tuple args, dict kwds) `` [endsect] [endsect]