[section boost/python/make_function.hpp] [section Introduction] make_function() and make_constructor() are the functions used internally by def() and class_<>::def() to produce Python callable objects which wrap C++ functions and member functions. [endsect] [section Functions] `` template object make_function(F f) template object make_function(F f, Policies const& policies) template object make_function(F f, Policies const& policies, KeywordsOrSignature const& ks) template object make_function(F f, Policies const& policies, Keywords const& kw, Signature const& sig) `` [variablelist [[Requires][F is a function pointer or member function pointer type. If policies are supplied, it must be a model of CallPolicies. If kewords are supplied, it must be the result of a keyword-expression specifying no more arguments than the arity of f.]] [[Effects][Creates a Python callable object which, when called from Python, converts its arguments to C++ and calls f. If F is a pointer-to-member-function type, the target object of the function call (*this) will be taken from the first Python argument, and subsequent Python arguments will be used as the arguments to f. * If policies are supplied, it will be applied to the function as described here. * If keywords are supplied, the keywords will be applied in order to the final arguments of the resulting function. * If Signature is supplied, it should be an instance of an MPL front-extensible sequence representing the function's return type followed by its argument types. Pass a Signature when wrapping function object types whose signatures can't be deduced, or when you wish to override the types which will be passed to the wrapped function. ]] [[Returns][An instance of object which holds the new Python callable object.]] [[Caveats][An argument of pointer type may be 0 if None is passed from Python. An argument type which is a constant reference may refer to a temporary which was created from the Python object for just the duration of the call to the wrapped function, for example a std::vector conjured up by the conversion process from a Python list. Use a non-const reference argument when a persistent lvalue is required. ]] ] `` template object make_constructor(F f) template object make_constructor(F f, Policies const& policies) template object make_constructor(F f, Policies const& policies, KeywordsOrSignature const& ks) template object make_constructor(F f, Policies const& policies, Keywords const& kw, Signature const& sig) `` [variablelist [[Requires][F is a function pointer type. If policies are supplied, it must be a model of CallPolicies. If kewords are supplied, it must be the result of a keyword-expression specifying no more arguments than the arity of f.]] [[Effects][Creates a Python callable object which, when called from Python, converts its arguments to C++ and calls f.]] [[Returns][An instance of object which holds the new Python callable object.]] ] [endsect] [section Example] C++ function exposed below returns a callable object wrapping one of two functions. `` #include #include char const* foo() { return "foo"; } char const* bar() { return "bar"; } using namespace boost::python; object choose_function(bool selector) { if (selector) return boost::python::make_function(foo); else return boost::python::make_function(bar); } BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(make_function_test) { def("choose_function", choose_function); } `` It can be used this way in Python: `` >>> from make_function_test import * >>> f = choose_function(1) >>> g = choose_function(0) >>> f() 'foo' >>> g() 'bar' `` [endsect] [endsect]