[/============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Joel de Guzman Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) I would like to thank Rainbowverse, llc (https://primeorbial.com/) for sponsoring this work and donating it to the community. ===============================================================================/] [section Error Handling] This tutorial wouldn't be complete without touching on error handling. As a prerequisite in understanding this tutorial, please review the previous [tutorial_employee employee] and [tutorial_annotation annotations] examples. This example builds on top of these previous examples. The full cpp file for this example can be found here: [@../../../example/x3/error_handling.cpp error_handling.cpp] Please review the previous [tutorial_annotation annotations example]. The information there will be very helpful in understanding error handling. [heading The AST] Our AST is exactly the same as what we had before in the [tutorial_annotation annotations]: namespace client { namespace ast { struct person : x3::position_tagged { person( std::string const& first_name = "" , std::string const& last_name = "" ) : first_name(first_name) , last_name(last_name) {} std::string first_name, last_name; }; struct employee : x3::position_tagged { int age; person who; double salary; }; }} We have two structs, the `person` and the `employee`. Each inherits from `x3::position_tagged` which provides positional information that we can use to tell the AST's position in the input stream anytime. We will need these information for error handling and reporting. Like before, we need to tell __fusion__ about our structs to make them first-class fusion citizens that the grammar can utilize: BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::person, first_name, last_name ) BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::ast::employee, age, who, salary ) [heading Expectations] There are occasions in which it is expected that the input must match a particular parser or the input is invalid. Such cases generally arise after matching a portion of a grammar, such that the context is fully known. In such a situation, failure to match should result in an exception. For example, when parsing an e-mail address, a name, an "@" and a domain name must be matched or the address is invalid. Two X3 mechanisms facilitate parser expectations: # The expectation operator (__x3_expect__) # The expect directive (__x3_expectd__`[p]`) The expectation operator (__x3_expect__) requires that the following parser (`b`) match the input or an __x3_expectation_failure__ is emitted. Using a client supplied `on_error` handler, the exception can be serviced by calling the handler with the source iterators and context at which the parsing failed can be reported. By contrast, the sequence operator (__x3_sequence__) does not require that the following parser match the input, which allows for backtracking or simply returning false from the parse function with no exceptions. The expect directive (__x3_expectd__`[p]`) requires that the argument parser matches the input or an exception is emitted. Using on_error(), that exception can be handled by calling a handler with the context at which the parsing failed can be reported. [heading on_error] `on_error` is the counterpart of `on_success`, as discussed in the [tutorial_annotation annotations example]. While `on_success` handlers are callback hooks to client code that are executed by the parser after a /successful/ parse, `on_error` handlers are callback hooks to client code that are executed by the parser when an __x3_expectation_failure__ is thrown via the expect operator or directive. `on_error` handlers have access to the iterators, the context and the exception that was thrown. [heading Error Handling] Before we proceed, let me introduce a helper class, the x3::__x3_error_handler__. It is utility class that provides __clang__ style error reporting which gives you nice reports such as the following: [pre In line 16: Error! Expecting: person here: 'I am not a person!' <--- this should be a person ____^_ ] We'll see later that this error message is exactly what this example emits. Here's our `on_error` handler: struct error_handler { template x3::error_handler_result on_error( Iterator& first, Iterator const& last , Exception const& x, Context const& context) { auto& error_handler = x3::get(context).get(); std::string message = "Error! Expecting: " + x.which() + " here:"; error_handler(x.where(), message); return x3::error_handler_result::fail; } }; `x3::error_handler_tag` is a special tag we will use to get a reference to the actual x3::__x3_error_handler__ that we will inject at very start, when we call parse. We get the x3::__x3_error_handler__ here: auto& error_handler = x3::get(context).get(); The x3::__x3_error_handler__ handles all the nitty gritty details such as determining the line number and actual column position, and formatting the error message printed. All we have to do is provide the actual error string which we extract from the __x3_expectation_failure__ exception: std::string message = "Error! Expecting: " + x.which() + " here:"; Then, we return `x3::error_handler_result::fail` to tell X3 that we want to fail the parse when such an event is caught. You can return one of: [table [[`Action`] [Description]] [[fail] [Quit and fail. Return a no_match.]] [[retry] [Attempt error recovery, possibly moving the iterator position.]] [[accept] [Force success, moving the iterator position appropriately.]] [[rethrow] [Rethrows the error.]] ] [heading The Parser] Now we'll rewrite employee parser with error handling in mind. Like the [tutorial_annotation annotations] example, inputs will be of the form: { age, "forename", "surname", salary } Here we go: namespace parser { using x3::int_; using x3::double_; using x3::lexeme; using ascii::char_; struct quoted_string_class; struct person_class; struct employee_class; x3::rule const quoted_string = "quoted_string"; x3::rule const person = "person"; x3::rule const employee = "employee"; auto const quoted_string_def = lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"']; auto const person_def = quoted_string > ',' > quoted_string; auto const employee_def = '{' > int_ > ',' > person > ',' > double_ > '}' ; auto const employees = employee >> *(',' >> employee); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(quoted_string, person, employee); struct quoted_string_class {}; struct person_class : x3::annotate_on_success {}; struct employee_class : error_handler, x3::annotate_on_success {}; } Go back and review the [link __tutorial_annotated_employee_parser__ annotated employee parser]. What has changed? It is almost identical, except: Where appropriate, we're using the expectation operator (__x3_expect__) in place of the sequence operator (__x3_sequence__): auto const person_def = quoted_string > ',' > quoted_string; auto const employee_def = '{' > int_ > ',' > person > ',' > double_ > '}' ; You will have some "deterministic points" in the grammar. Those are the places where backtracking *cannot* occur. For our example above, when you get a `'{'`, you definitely must see an `int_` next. After that, you definitely must have a `','` next and then a `person` and so on until the final `'}'`. Otherwise, there is no point in proceeding and trying other branches, regardless where they are. The input is definitely erroneous. When this happens, an expectation_failure exception is thrown. Somewhere outward, the error handler will catch the exception. In our case, it is caught in our `on_error` handler. Notice too that we subclass the `employee_class` from our `error_handler`. By doing so, we tell X3 that we want to call our `error_handler` whenever an exception is thrown somewhere inside the `employee` rule and whatever else it calls (i.e. the `person` and `quoted_string` rules). [heading Let's Parse] Now we have the complete parse mechanism with error handling: void parse(std::string const& input) { using boost::spirit::x3::ascii::space; typedef std::string::const_iterator iterator_type; std::vector ast; iterator_type iter = input.begin(); iterator_type const end = input.end(); using boost::spirit::x3::with; using boost::spirit::x3::error_handler_tag; using error_handler_type = boost::spirit::x3::error_handler; // Our error handler error_handler_type error_handler(iter, end, std::cerr); // Our parser using client::parser::employees; auto const parser = // we pass our error handler to the parser so we can access // it later in our on_error and on_sucess handlers with(std::ref(error_handler)) [ employees ]; bool r = phrase_parse(iter, end, parser, space, ast); // ... Some final reports here } Prior to calling `phrase_parse`, we first create an AST where parsed data will be stored: std::vector ast; We also create the actual error handler, sending message to `std::cerr`: error_handler_type error_handler(iter, end, std::cerr); Then, we inject a reference to `error_handler`, using the `with` directive similar to what we did in the [link __tutorial_with_directive__ annotations example]: auto const parser = // we pass our error handler to the parser so we can access // it later in our on_error and on_sucess handlers with(std::ref(error_handler)) [ employees ]; Now, if we give the parser an erroneous input: std::string bad_input = R"( { 23, "Amanda", "Stefanski", 1000.99 }, { 35, "Angie", "Chilcote", 2000.99 }, { 43, 'I am not a person!' <--- this should be a person 3000.99 }, { 22, "Dorene", "Dole", 2500.99 }, { 38, "Rossana", "Rafferty", 5000.99 } )"; The parser will complain as expected: [pre ------------------------- Now we have some errors In line 16: Error! Expecting: person here: 'I am not a person!' <--- this should be a person ____^_ ------------------------- Parsing failed ------------------------- ] [endsect]