[/============================================================================ Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France. Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK. Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================/] [/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk 1.1.1, don't change, will be overwritten automatically] [/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__enum.xml] [section:buffer_side_selector buffer_side_selector] '''buffer_side_selector''' '''buffer_side_left''' '''buffer_side_right''' Enumerates options for side of buffer (left/right w.r.t. directed segment) [heading Description] Around a linestring, a buffer can be defined left or right. Around a polygon, assumed clockwise internally, a buffer is either on the left side (inflates the polygon), or on the right side (deflates the polygon) [heading Synopsis] ``enum buffer_side_selector {buffer_side_left, buffer_side_right};`` [heading Values] [table [[Value] [Description] ] [[buffer_side_left] []] [[buffer_side_right] []] ] [heading Header] `#include ` [endsect] [section:closure_selector closure_selector] '''closure_selector''' '''open''' '''closed''' '''closure_undertermined''' Enumerates options for defining if polygons are open or closed. [heading Description] The enumeration closure\u005fselector describes options for if a polygon is open or closed. In a closed polygon the very first point (per ring) should be equal to the very last point. The specific closing property of a polygon type is defined by the closure metafunction. The closure metafunction defines a value, which is one of the values enumerated in the closure\u005fselector [heading Synopsis] ``enum closure_selector {open = 0, closed = 1, closure_undertermined = -1};`` [heading Values] [table [[Value] [Description] ] [[open] [Rings are open: first point and last point are different, algorithms close them explicitly on the fly ]] [[closed] [Rings are closed: first point and last point must be the same. ]] [[closure_undertermined] [(Not yet implemented): algorithms first figure out if ring must be closed on the fly ]] ] [heading Header] Either `#include ` Or `#include ` [heading See also] [link geometry.reference.core.closure The closure metafunction] [endsect] [section:join_selector join_selector] '''join_selector''' '''join_convex''' '''join_concave''' '''join_continue''' '''join_spike''' Enumerates types of joins. [heading Synopsis] ``enum join_selector {join_convex, join_concave, join_continue, join_spike};`` [heading Values] [table [[Value] [Description] ] [[join_convex] []] [[join_concave] []] [[join_continue] []] [[join_spike] []] ] [heading Header] `#include ` [endsect] [section:order_selector order_selector] '''order_selector''' '''clockwise''' '''counterclockwise''' '''order_undetermined''' Enumerates options for the order of points within polygons. [heading Description] The enumeration order\u005fselector describes options for the order of points within a polygon. Polygons can be ordered either clockwise or counterclockwise. The specific order of a polygon type is defined by the point\u005forder metafunction. The point\u005forder metafunction defines a value, which is one of the values enumerated in the order\u005fselector [heading Synopsis] ``enum order_selector {clockwise = 1, counterclockwise = 2, order_undetermined = 0};`` [heading Values] [table [[Value] [Description] ] [[clockwise] [Points are ordered clockwise. ]] [[counterclockwise] [Points are ordered counter clockwise. ]] [[order_undetermined] [Points might be stored in any order, algorithms will determine it on the fly (not yet supported) ]] ] [heading Header] Either `#include ` Or `#include ` [heading See also] [link geometry.reference.core.point_order The point_order metafunction] [endsect] [section:piece_type piece_type] '''piece_type''' '''buffered_segment''' '''buffered_join''' '''buffered_round_end''' '''buffered_flat_end''' '''buffered_point''' '''buffered_concave''' '''piece_type_unknown''' Enumerates types of pieces (parts of buffer) around geometries. [heading Synopsis] ``enum piece_type { buffered_segment, buffered_join, buffered_round_end, buffered_flat_end, buffered_point, buffered_concave, piece_type_unknown };`` [heading Values] [table [[Value] [Description] ] [[buffered_segment] []] [[buffered_join] []] [[buffered_round_end] []] [[buffered_flat_end] []] [[buffered_point] []] [[buffered_concave] []] [[piece_type_unknown] []] ] [heading Header] `#include ` [endsect] [section:result_code result_code] '''result_code''' '''result_normal''' '''result_error_numerical''' '''result_no_output''' Enumerates types of result codes from buffer strategies. [heading Synopsis] ``enum result_code {result_normal, result_error_numerical, result_no_output};`` [heading Values] [table [[Value] [Description] ] [[result_normal] []] [[result_error_numerical] []] [[result_no_output] []] ] [heading Header] `#include ` [endsect] [section:validity_failure_type validity_failure_type] '''validity_failure_type''' '''no_failure''' '''failure_few_points''' '''failure_wrong_topological_dimension''' '''failure_spikes''' '''failure_duplicate_points''' '''failure_not_closed''' '''failure_self_intersections''' '''failure_wrong_orientation''' '''failure_interior_rings_outside''' '''failure_nested_interior_rings''' '''failure_disconnected_interior''' '''failure_intersecting_interiors''' '''failure_wrong_corner_order''' '''failure_invalid_coordinate''' Enumerates the possible validity failure types for a geometry. [heading Description] The enumeration validity\u005ffailure\u005ftype enumerates the possible reasons for which a geometry may be found as invalid by the is\u005fvalid algorithm. Besides the values that indicate invalidity, there is an additional value (no\u005ffailure) that indicates validity. [heading Synopsis] ``enum validity_failure_type { no_failure = 0, failure_few_points = 10, failure_wrong_topological_dimension = 11, failure_spikes = 12, failure_duplicate_points = 13, failure_not_closed = 20, failure_self_intersections = 21, failure_wrong_orientation = 22, failure_interior_rings_outside = 30, failure_nested_interior_rings = 31, failure_disconnected_interior = 32, failure_intersecting_interiors = 40, failure_wrong_corner_order = 50, failure_invalid_coordinate = 60 };`` [heading Values] [table [[Value] [Description] ] [[no_failure] [The geometry is valid ]] [[failure_few_points] [The geometry has a very small number of points, e.g., less than 2 for linestrings, less than 3 for open rings, a closed multi-polygon that contains a polygon with less than 4 points, etc. (applies to linestrings, rings, polygons, multi-linestrings and multi-polygons) ]] [[failure_wrong_topological_dimension] [The topological dimension of the geometry is smaller than its dimension, e.g., a linestring with 3 identical points, an open polygon with an interior ring consisting of 3 collinear points, etc. (applies to linear and areal geometries, including segments and boxes) ]] [[failure_spikes] [The geometry contains spikes (applies to linear and areal geometries) ]] [[failure_duplicate_points] [The geometry has (consecutive) duplicate points (applies to areal geometries only) ]] [[failure_not_closed] [The geometry is defined as closed, the starting/ending points are not equal (applies to areal geometries only) ]] [[failure_self_intersections] [The geometry has invalid self-intersections. (applies to areal geometries only) ]] [[failure_wrong_orientation] [The actual orientation of the geometry is different from the one defined (applies to areal geometries only) ]] [[failure_interior_rings_outside] [The geometry contains interior rings that lie outside the exterior ring (applies to polygons and multi-polygons only) ]] [[failure_nested_interior_rings] [The geometry has nested interior rings (applies to polygons and multi-polygons only) ]] [[failure_disconnected_interior] [The interior of the geometry is disconnected (applies to polygons and multi-polygons only) ]] [[failure_intersecting_interiors] [The multi-polygon contains polygons whose interiors are not disjoint (applies to multi-polygons only) ]] [[failure_wrong_corner_order] [The top-right corner of the box is lexicographically smaller than its bottom-left corner (applies to boxes only) ]] [[failure_invalid_coordinate] [The geometry has at least one point with an invalid coordinate (for example, the coordinate is a NaN) ]] ] [heading Header] `#include ` [heading See also] [link geometry.reference.algorithms.is_valid The is_valid algorithm taking a reference to validity_failure_type as second argument] [endsect]