//======================================================================= // Copyright 2001 Jeremy G. Siek, Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) //======================================================================= /* IMPORTANT: ~~~~~~~~~~ This example appears to be broken and crashes at runtime, see https://github.com/boostorg/graph/issues/148 */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_HAS_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include using namespace boost; template < typename Graph, typename VertexNamePropertyMap > void read_graph_file(std::istream & graph_in, std::istream & name_in, Graph & g, VertexNamePropertyMap name_map) { typedef typename graph_traits < Graph >::vertices_size_type size_type; size_type n_vertices; typename graph_traits < Graph >::vertex_descriptor u; typename property_traits < VertexNamePropertyMap >::value_type name; graph_in >> n_vertices; // read in number of vertices for (size_type i = 0; i < n_vertices; ++i) { // Add n vertices to the graph u = add_vertex(g); name_in >> name; put(name_map, u, name); // ** Attach name property to vertex u ** } size_type src, targ; while (graph_in >> src) // Read in edges if (graph_in >> targ) add_edge(src, targ, g); // add an edge to the graph else break; } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { typedef adjacency_list < listS, // Store out-edges of each vertex in a std::list vecS, // Store vertex set in a std::vector directedS, // The graph is directed property < vertex_name_t, std::string > // Add a vertex property >graph_type; graph_type g; // use default constructor to create empty graph std::ifstream file_in(argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : "makefile-dependencies.dat"), name_in(argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : "makefile-target-names.dat"); if (!file_in) { std::cerr << "** Error: could not open file makefile-target-names.dat" << std::endl; exit(-1); } // Obtain internal property map from the graph property_map < graph_type, vertex_name_t >::type name_map = get(vertex_name, g); read_graph_file(file_in, name_in, g, name_map); // Create storage for last modified times std::vector < time_t > last_mod_vec(num_vertices(g)); // Create nickname for the property map type typedef iterator_property_map < std::vector < time_t >::iterator, property_map < graph_type, vertex_index_t >::type, time_t, time_t&> iter_map_t; // Create last modified time property map iter_map_t mod_time_map(last_mod_vec.begin(), get(vertex_index, g)); property_map < graph_type, vertex_name_t >::type name = get(vertex_name, g); struct stat stat_buf; graph_traits < graph_type >::vertex_descriptor u; typedef graph_traits < graph_type >::vertex_iterator vertex_iter_t; std::pair < vertex_iter_t, vertex_iter_t > p; for (p = vertices(g); p.first != p.second; ++p.first) { u = *p.first; if (stat(name[u].c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) std::cerr << "error in stat() for file " << name[u] << std::endl; put(mod_time_map, u, stat_buf.st_mtime); } for (p = vertices(g); p.first != p.second; ++p.first) { std::cout << name[*p.first] << " was last modified at " << ctime(&mod_time_map[*p.first]); } assert(num_vertices(g) == 15); assert(num_edges(g) == 19); return 0; }