[/ Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Joachim Faulhaber Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ] [/ //= Selection ===================================================================] [section Selection] [table [[['*Selection*]] [__ch_itv_sets__][__ch_itv_maps__][__ch_ele_sets__][__ch_ele_maps__] [condition] ] [[`iterator T::find(const domain_type&)`] [ ] [ ] [__Olgn__] [__Olgn__] [] ] [[`const_iterator T::find(const domain_type&)const`] [__Olgn__] [__Olgn__] [__Olgn__] [__Olgn__] [] ] [[`const_iterator find(T&, const domain_type&)`] [__Olgn__] [__Olgn__] [ ] [ ] [] ] [[`const_iterator T::find(const interval_type&)const`] [__Olgn__] [__Olgn__] [ ] [ ] [] ] [[`const_iterator find(T&, const interval_type&)`] [__Olgn__] [__Olgn__] [ ] [ ] [] ] [[`codomain_type& operator[] (const domain_type&)`] [ ] [ ] [ ] [__Olgn__] [] ] [[`codomain_type operator() (const domain_type&)const`] [ ] [__Olgn__] [ ] [__Olgn__] [`is_total::value`] ] ] * All time *complexities* are ['*logarithmic*] in the containers `iterative_size()`. * `operator()` is available for total maps only. * `interval_type` is also the interval container's `key_type` [table [[['*Selection*]] [Types] [Description] ] [[`iterator T::find(const domain_type& x)`] [__s __m] [Searches the container for the element `x` and return an iterator to it, if `x` is found. Otherwise `find` returns iterator `end()`.] ] [[`const_iterator T::find`\n `(const domain_type& x)const`] [__s __m] [Const version of `find` above.] ] [[`const_iterator T::find`\n `(const domain_type& x)const`\n\n `const_iterator find`\n `(T&, const domain_type& x)`] [__S __M] [For interval containers `c`, `c.find(x)` or `icl::find(c,x)` searches a key element `x` and returns an iterator to the interval containing the element `x`.] ] [[`const_iterator T::find`\n `(const interval_type& x)const`\n\n `const_iterator find`\n `(T&, const interval_type& x)`] [__S __M] [For interval containers `c`, `c.find(y)` or `icl::find(c,y)` searches an interval `y` and returns an iterator to the first interval in `c` that overlaps with `y`.] ] [[`codomain_type& operator[]`\n `(const domain_type& x)`] [__m ] [For the key element `x` the operator returns a reference to the mapped value. A pair `std::pair(x,codomain_type())` will be inserted, of `x` is not found in the map.] ] [[`codomain_type operator()`\n `(const domain_type& x)const`] [__M __m ] [Returns the mapped value for a key `x`. The operator is only available for ['*total*] maps. ] ] ] ['*See also . . .*] [table [] [[[link boost_icl.function_reference.intersection ['*Intersection*]] ]] ] ['*Back to section . . .*] [table [] [[[link function_synopsis_table ['*Function Synopsis*]] ]] [[[link boost_icl.interface ['*Interface*]] ]] ] [endsect][/ Selection]