#include "map.h" #include "raycast_mesh.h" #include "../../common/Log.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define _snprintf snprintf #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Map::impl { RaycastMesh *rm; }; inline bool file_exists(const std::string& name) { std::ifstream f(name.c_str()); return f.good(); } ThreadReturnType LoadMapAsync(void* mapToLoad) { Map* map = (Map*)mapToLoad; map->SetMapLoaded(false); std::string filename = "Maps/"; filename += map->GetFileName(); std::string deflatedFileName = filename + ".EQ2MapDeflated"; filename += ".EQ2Map"; if(file_exists(deflatedFileName)) filename = deflatedFileName; map->SetFileName(filename); if (map->Load(filename)) map->SetMapLoaded(true); map->SetMapLoading(false); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } Map::Map(string zonename, string file) { CheckMapMutex.SetName(file + "MapMutex"); SetMapLoaded(false); m_ZoneName = zonename; m_ZoneFile = file; imp = nullptr; m_MinY = 9999999.0f; m_MaxY = -9999999.0f; } Map::~Map() { SetMapLoaded(false); if(imp) { imp->rm->release(); safe_delete(imp); } } float Map::FindBestZ(glm::vec3 &start, glm::vec3 *result, uint32* GridID) { if (!IsMapLoaded()) return BEST_Z_INVALID; if (!imp) return BEST_Z_INVALID; glm::vec3 tmp; if(!result) result = &tmp; start.z += 1.0f;//RuleI(Map, FindBestZHeightAdjust); glm::vec3 from(start.x, start.y, start.z); glm::vec3 to(start.x, start.y, BEST_Z_INVALID); float hit_distance; bool hit = false; hit = imp->rm->raycast((const RmReal*)&from, (const RmReal*)&to, (RmReal*)result, nullptr, &hit_distance, (RmUint32*)GridID); if(hit) { return result->z; } // Find nearest Z above us to.z = -BEST_Z_INVALID; hit = imp->rm->raycast((const RmReal*)&from, (const RmReal*)&to, (RmReal*)result, nullptr, &hit_distance, (RmUint32*)GridID); if (hit) { return result->z; } return BEST_Z_INVALID; } float Map::FindClosestZ(glm::vec3 &start, glm::vec3 *result) { if (!IsMapLoaded()) return false; // Unlike FindBestZ, this method finds the closest Z value above or below the specified point. // if (!imp) return false; float ClosestZ = BEST_Z_INVALID; glm::vec3 tmp; if (!result) result = &tmp; glm::vec3 from(start.x, start.y, start.z); glm::vec3 to(start.x, start.y, BEST_Z_INVALID); float hit_distance; bool hit = false; uint32 grid_id = 0; // first check is below us hit = imp->rm->raycast((const RmReal*)&from, (const RmReal*)&to, (RmReal*)result, nullptr, &hit_distance, (RmUint32*)grid_id); if (hit) { ClosestZ = result->z; } // Find nearest Z above us to.z = -BEST_Z_INVALID; hit = imp->rm->raycast((const RmReal*)&from, (const RmReal*)&to, (RmReal*)result, nullptr, &hit_distance, (RmUint32*)grid_id); if (hit) { if (std::abs(from.z - result->z) < std::abs(ClosestZ - from.z)) return result->z; } return ClosestZ; } bool Map::LineIntersectsZone(glm::vec3 start, glm::vec3 end, float step, glm::vec3 *result) { if (!IsMapLoaded()) return false; if(!imp) return false; return imp->rm->raycast((const RmReal*)&start, (const RmReal*)&end, (RmReal*)result, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } bool Map::LineIntersectsZoneNoZLeaps(glm::vec3 start, glm::vec3 end, float step_mag, glm::vec3 *result) { if (!IsMapLoaded()) return false; if (!imp) return false; float z = BEST_Z_INVALID; glm::vec3 step; glm::vec3 cur; cur.x = start.x; cur.y = start.y; cur.z = start.z; step.x = end.x - start.x; step.y = end.y - start.y; step.z = end.z - start.z; float factor = step_mag / sqrt(step.x*step.x + step.y*step.y + step.z*step.z); step.x *= factor; step.y *= factor; step.z *= factor; int steps = 0; if (step.x > 0 && step.x < 0.001f) step.x = 0.001f; if (step.y > 0 && step.y < 0.001f) step.y = 0.001f; if (step.z > 0 && step.z < 0.001f) step.z = 0.001f; if (step.x < 0 && step.x > -0.001f) step.x = -0.001f; if (step.y < 0 && step.y > -0.001f) step.y = -0.001f; if (step.z < 0 && step.z > -0.001f) step.z = -0.001f; //while we are not past end //always do this once, even if start == end. while(cur.x != end.x || cur.y != end.y || cur.z != end.z) { steps++; glm::vec3 me; me.x = cur.x; me.y = cur.y; me.z = cur.z; glm::vec3 hit; float best_z = FindBestZ(me, &hit); float diff = best_z - z; diff = diff < 0 ? -diff : diff; if (z <= BEST_Z_INVALID || best_z <= BEST_Z_INVALID || diff < 12.0) z = best_z; else return true; //look at current location if(LineIntersectsZone(start, end, step_mag, result)) { return true; } //move 1 step if (cur.x != end.x) cur.x += step.x; if (cur.y != end.y) cur.y += step.y; if (cur.z != end.z) cur.z += step.z; //watch for end conditions if ( (cur.x > end.x && end.x >= start.x) || (cur.x < end.x && end.x <= start.x) || (step.x == 0) ) { cur.x = end.x; } if ( (cur.y > end.y && end.y >= start.y) || (cur.y < end.y && end.y <= start.y) || (step.y == 0) ) { cur.y = end.y; } if ( (cur.z > end.z && end.z >= start.z) || (cur.z < end.z && end.z < start.z) || (step.z == 0) ) { cur.z = end.z; } } //walked entire line and didnt run into anything... return false; } bool Map::CheckLoS(glm::vec3 myloc, glm::vec3 oloc) { if (!IsMapLoaded()) return false; if(!imp) return false; return !imp->rm->raycast((const RmReal*)&myloc, (const RmReal*)&oloc, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } // returns true if a collision happens bool Map::DoCollisionCheck(glm::vec3 myloc, glm::vec3 oloc, glm::vec3 &outnorm, float &distance) { if (!IsMapLoaded()) return false; if(!imp) return false; return imp->rm->raycast((const RmReal*)&myloc, (const RmReal*)&oloc, nullptr, (RmReal *)&outnorm, (RmReal *)&distance, nullptr); } Map *Map::LoadMapFile(std::string zonename, std::string file) { std::string filename = "Maps/"; filename += file; std::string deflatedFileName = filename + ".EQ2MapDeflated"; filename += ".EQ2Map"; if(file_exists(deflatedFileName)) filename = deflatedFileName; LogWrite(MAP__INFO, 7, "Map", "Attempting to load Map File [{%s}]", filename.c_str()); auto m = new Map(zonename, file); m->SetMapLoading(true); m->SetFileName(filename); #ifdef WIN32 _beginthread(LoadMapAsync, 0, (void*)m); #else pthread_t t1; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, LoadMapAsync, (void*)m); pthread_detach(t1); #endif return m; } /** * @param filename * @return */ bool Map::Load(const std::string &filename) { FILE *map_file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (map_file) { LogWrite(MAP__INFO, 7, "Map", "Loading Map File [{%s}]", filename.c_str()); bool loaded_map_file = LoadV2(map_file); fclose(map_file); if (loaded_map_file) { LogWrite(MAP__INFO, 7, "Map", "Loaded Map File [{%s}]", filename.c_str()); } else { LogWrite(MAP__ERROR, 7, "Map", "FAILED Loading Map File [{%s}]", filename.c_str()); } return loaded_map_file; } else { return false; } return false; } struct ModelEntry { struct Poly { uint32 v1, v2, v3; uint8 vis; }; std::vector verts; std::vector polys; }; bool Map::LoadV2(FILE* f) { std::size_t foundDeflated = m_FileName.find(".EQ2MapDeflated"); if(foundDeflated != std::string::npos) return LoadV2Deflated(f); // Read the string for the zone file name this was created for int8 strSize; char name[256]; fread(&strSize, sizeof(int8), 1, f); LogWrite(MAP__DEBUG, 0, "Map", "strSize = %u", strSize); size_t len = fread(&name, sizeof(char), strSize, f); name[len] = '\0'; LogWrite(MAP__DEBUG, 0, "Map", "name = %s", name); string fileName(name); std::size_t found = fileName.find(m_ZoneName); // Make sure file contents are for the correct zone if (found == std::string::npos) { fclose(f); LogWrite(MAP__ERROR, 0, "Map", "Map::LoadV2() map contents (%s) do not match its name (%s).", &name, m_ZoneName.c_str()); return false; } // Read the min bounds fread(&m_MinX, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&m_MinZ, sizeof(float), 1, f); // Read the max bounds fread(&m_MaxX, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&m_MaxZ, sizeof(float), 1, f); // Read the number of grids int32 NumGrids; fread(&NumGrids, sizeof(int32), 1, f); std::vector verts; std::vector indices; std::vector grids; uint32 face_count = 0; // Loop through the grids loading the face list for (int32 i = 0; i < NumGrids; i++) { // Read the grid id int32 GridID; fread(&GridID, sizeof(int32), 1, f); // Read the number of vertices int32 NumFaces; fread(&NumFaces, sizeof(int32), 1, f); face_count += NumFaces; // Loop through the vertices list reading // 3 at a time to creat a triangle (face) for (int32 y = 0; y < NumFaces; ) { // Each vertex need an x,y,z coordinate and // we will be reading 3 to create the face float x1, x2, x3; float y1, y2, y3; float z1, z2, z3; // Read the first vertex fread(&x1, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&y1, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&z1, sizeof(float), 1, f); y++; // Read the second vertex fread(&x2, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&y2, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&z2, sizeof(float), 1, f); y++; // Read the third (final) vertex fread(&x3, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&y3, sizeof(float), 1, f); fread(&z3, sizeof(float), 1, f); y++; glm::vec3 a(x1, z1, y1); glm::vec3 b(x2, z2, y2); glm::vec3 c(x3, z3, y3); MapMinMaxY(y1); MapMinMaxY(y2); MapMinMaxY(y3); size_t sz = verts.size(); verts.push_back(a); indices.push_back((uint32)sz); verts.push_back(b); indices.push_back((uint32)sz + 1); verts.push_back(c); indices.push_back((uint32)sz + 2); grids.push_back((uint32)GridID); } } face_count = face_count / 3; if (imp) { imp->rm->release(); imp->rm = nullptr; } else { imp = new impl; } imp->rm = createRaycastMesh((RmUint32)verts.size(), (const RmReal*)&verts[0], face_count, &indices[0], &grids[0]); if (!imp->rm) { delete imp; imp = nullptr; return false; } return true; } bool Map::LoadV2Deflated(FILE* f) { std::ifstream file(m_FileName.c_str(), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf inbuf; inbuf.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_decompressor()); inbuf.push(file); ostream out(&inbuf); std::streambuf * const srcbuf = out.rdbuf(); std::streamsize size = srcbuf->in_avail(); if(size == -1) { file.close(); LogWrite(MAP__ERROR, 0, "Map", "Map::LoadV2Deflated() unable to deflate (%s).", m_ZoneFile.c_str()); return false; } // Read the string for the zone file name this was created for int8 strSize; char* buf = new char[1024]; srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(int8)); memcpy(&strSize,&buf[0],sizeof(int8)); LogWrite(MAP__DEBUG, 0, "Map", "strSize = %u", strSize); char name[256]; srcbuf->sgetn(&name[0],strSize); name[strSize] = '\0'; LogWrite(MAP__DEBUG, 0, "Map", "name = %s", name); string fileName(name); std::size_t found = fileName.find(m_ZoneName); // Make sure file contents are for the correct zone if (found == std::string::npos) { file.close(); safe_delete_array(buf); LogWrite(MAP__ERROR, 0, "Map", "Map::LoadV2Deflated() map contents (%s) do not match its name (%s).", &name, m_ZoneFile.c_str()); return false; } // Read the min bounds srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(float)); memcpy(&m_MinX,&buf[0],sizeof(float)); srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(float)); memcpy(&m_MinZ,&buf[0],sizeof(float)); srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(float)); memcpy(&m_MaxX,&buf[0],sizeof(float)); srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(float)); memcpy(&m_MaxZ,&buf[0],sizeof(float)); // Read the number of grids int32 NumGrids; srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(int32)); memcpy(&NumGrids,&buf[0],sizeof(int32)); std::vector verts; std::vector indices; std::vector grids; uint32 face_count = 0; // Loop through the grids loading the face list for (int32 i = 0; i < NumGrids; i++) { // Read the grid id int32 GridID; srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(int32)); memcpy(&GridID,&buf[0],sizeof(int32)); // Read the number of vertices int32 NumFaces; srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(int32)); memcpy(&NumFaces,&buf[0],sizeof(int32)); face_count += NumFaces; // Loop through the vertices list reading // 3 at a time to creat a triangle (face) for (int32 y = 0; y < NumFaces; ) { // Each vertex need an x,y,z coordinate and // we will be reading 3 to create the face float x1, x2, x3; float y1, y2, y3; float z1, z2, z3; // Read the first vertex srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(float)*3); memcpy(&x1,&buf[0],sizeof(float)); memcpy(&y1,&buf[4],sizeof(float)); memcpy(&z1,&buf[8],sizeof(float)); y++; // Read the second vertex srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(float)*3); memcpy(&x2,&buf[0],sizeof(float)); memcpy(&y2,&buf[4],sizeof(float)); memcpy(&z2,&buf[8],sizeof(float)); y++; // Read the third (final) vertex srcbuf->sgetn(buf,sizeof(float)*3); memcpy(&x3,&buf[0],sizeof(float)); memcpy(&y3,&buf[4],sizeof(float)); memcpy(&z3,&buf[8],sizeof(float)); y++; glm::vec3 a(x1, z1, y1); glm::vec3 b(x2, z2, y2); glm::vec3 c(x3, z3, y3); MapMinMaxY(y1); MapMinMaxY(y2); MapMinMaxY(y3); size_t sz = verts.size(); verts.push_back(a); indices.push_back((uint32)sz); verts.push_back(b); indices.push_back((uint32)sz + 1); verts.push_back(c); indices.push_back((uint32)sz + 2); grids.push_back(GridID); } } face_count = face_count / 3; if (imp) { imp->rm->release(); imp->rm = nullptr; } else { imp = new impl; } imp->rm = createRaycastMesh((RmUint32)verts.size(), (const RmReal*)&verts[0], face_count, &indices[0], &grids[0]); file.close(); safe_delete_array(buf); if (!imp->rm) { delete imp; imp = nullptr; return false; } return true; } void Map::RotateVertex(glm::vec3 &v, float rx, float ry, float rz) { glm::vec3 nv = v; nv.y = (std::cos(rx) * v.y) - (std::sin(rx) * v.z); nv.z = (std::sin(rx) * v.y) + (std::cos(rx) * v.z); v = nv; nv.x = (std::cos(ry) * v.x) + (std::sin(ry) * v.z); nv.z = -(std::sin(ry) * v.x) + (std::cos(ry) * v.z); v = nv; nv.x = (std::cos(rz) * v.x) - (std::sin(rz) * v.y); nv.y = (std::sin(rz) * v.x) + (std::cos(rz) * v.y); v = nv; } void Map::ScaleVertex(glm::vec3 &v, float sx, float sy, float sz) { v.x = v.x * sx; v.y = v.y * sy; v.z = v.z * sz; } void Map::TranslateVertex(glm::vec3 &v, float tx, float ty, float tz) { v.x = v.x + tx; v.y = v.y + ty; v.z = v.z + tz; } void Map::MapMinMaxY(float y) { if(y < m_MinY) m_MinY = y; if(y > m_MaxY) m_MaxY = y; } void MapRange::AddVersionRange(std::string zoneName) { boost::filesystem::path targetDir("Maps/"); // crash fix since the dir isn't present if(!boost::filesystem::is_directory(targetDir)) { LogWrite(MAP__ERROR, 7, "Map", "Unable to find directory %s", targetDir.c_str()); return; } boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator iter(targetDir), eod; boost::smatch base_match; std::string formula = "(.*\\/|.*\\\\)((" + zoneName + ")(\\-([0-9]+)\\-([0-9]+))?)(\\.EQ2Map|\\.EQ2MapDeflated)$"; boost::regex re(formula.c_str()); LogWrite(MAP__INFO, 0, "Map", "Map Formula to match: %s", formula.c_str()); BOOST_FOREACH(boost::filesystem::path const & i, make_pair(iter, eod)) { if (is_regular_file(i)) { std::string fileName(i.string()); if (boost::regex_match(fileName, base_match, re)) { boost::ssub_match base_sub_match = base_match[2]; boost::ssub_match base_sub_match2 = base_match[5]; boost::ssub_match base_sub_match3 = base_match[6]; std::string baseMatch(base_sub_match.str().c_str()); std::string baseMatch2(base_sub_match2.str().c_str()); std::string baseMatch3(base_sub_match3.str().c_str()); LogWrite(MAP__INFO, 0, "Map", "Map To Load: %s, size: %i, string: %s, min: %s, max: %s\n", i.string().c_str(), base_match.size(), baseMatch.c_str(), baseMatch2.c_str(), baseMatch3.c_str()); Map * zonemap = Map::LoadMapFile(zoneName, base_sub_match.str().c_str()); int32 min_version = 0, max_version = 0; if (strlen(base_sub_match2.str().c_str()) > 0) min_version = atoul(base_sub_match2.str().c_str()); if (strlen(base_sub_match2.str().c_str()) > 0) max_version = atoul(base_sub_match3.str().c_str()); version_map.insert(std::make_pair(new VersionRange(min_version, max_version), zonemap)); } } } } MapRange::MapRange() { } MapRange::~MapRange() { Clear(); } void MapRange::Clear() { map::iterator itr; for (itr = version_map.begin(); itr != version_map.end(); itr++) { VersionRange* range = itr->first; Map* map = itr->second; delete range; delete map; } version_map.clear(); } map::iterator MapRange::FindVersionRange(int32 min_version, int32 max_version) { map::iterator itr; for (itr = version_map.begin(); itr != version_map.end(); itr++) { VersionRange* range = itr->first; // if min and max version are both in range if (range->GetMinVersion() <= min_version && max_version <= range->GetMaxVersion()) return itr; // if the min version is in range, but max range is 0 else if (range->GetMinVersion() <= min_version && range->GetMaxVersion() == 0) return itr; // if min version is 0 and max_version has a cap else if (range->GetMinVersion() == 0 && max_version <= range->GetMaxVersion()) return itr; } return version_map.end(); } map::iterator MapRange::FindMapByVersion(int32 version) { map::iterator enditr = version_map.end(); map::iterator itr; for (itr = version_map.begin(); itr != version_map.end(); itr++) { VersionRange* range = itr->first; // if min and max version are both in range if(range->GetMinVersion() == 0 && range->GetMaxVersion() == 0) enditr = itr; else if (version >= range->GetMinVersion() && version <= range->GetMaxVersion()) return itr; } return enditr; }