/* * Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ /*! * \file formatters/if.hpp * \author Andrey Semashev * \date 17.11.2012 * * The header contains implementation of a conditional formatter. */ #ifndef BOOST_LOG_EXPRESSIONS_FORMATTERS_IF_HPP_INCLUDED_ #define BOOST_LOG_EXPRESSIONS_FORMATTERS_IF_HPP_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif namespace boost { BOOST_LOG_OPEN_NAMESPACE namespace expressions { namespace aux { template< typename LeftT, typename CondT, typename ThenT > class if_output_terminal { private: //! Self type typedef if_output_terminal this_type; public: #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS //! Internal typedef for type categorization typedef void _is_boost_log_terminal; #endif //! Result type definition template< typename > struct result; template< typename ThisT, typename ContextT > struct result< ThisT(ContextT) > { typedef typename remove_cv< typename remove_reference< ContextT >::type >::type context_type; typedef typename phoenix::evaluator::impl< typename LeftT::proto_base_expr&, context_type, phoenix::unused >::result_type type; }; private: //! Left argument actor LeftT m_left; //! Condition expression CondT m_cond; //! Positive branch ThenT m_then; public: //! Initializing constructor if_output_terminal(LeftT const& left, CondT const& cond, ThenT const& then_) : m_left(left), m_cond(cond), m_then(then_) { } //! Invokation operator template< typename ContextT > typename result< this_type(ContextT const&) >::type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) { typedef typename result< this_type(ContextT const&) >::type result_type; result_type strm = phoenix::eval(m_left, ctx); if (phoenix::eval(m_cond, ctx)) phoenix::eval(m_then, ctx); return strm; } //! Invokation operator template< typename ContextT > typename result< const this_type(ContextT const&) >::type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) const { typedef typename result< const this_type(ContextT const&) >::type result_type; result_type strm = phoenix::eval(m_left, ctx); if (phoenix::eval(m_cond, ctx)) phoenix::eval(m_then, ctx); return strm; } BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(if_output_terminal()) }; template< typename LeftT, typename CondT, typename ThenT, typename ElseT > class if_else_output_terminal { private: //! Self type typedef if_else_output_terminal this_type; public: #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS //! Internal typedef for type categorization typedef void _is_boost_log_terminal; #endif //! Result type definition template< typename > struct result; template< typename ThisT, typename ContextT > struct result< ThisT(ContextT) > { typedef typename remove_cv< typename remove_reference< ContextT >::type >::type context_type; typedef typename phoenix::evaluator::impl< typename LeftT::proto_base_expr&, context_type, phoenix::unused >::result_type type; }; private: //! Left argument actor LeftT m_left; //! Condition expression CondT m_cond; //! Positive branch ThenT m_then; //! Negative branch ElseT m_else; public: //! Initializing constructor if_else_output_terminal(LeftT const& left, CondT const& cond, ThenT const& then_, ElseT const& else_) : m_left(left), m_cond(cond), m_then(then_), m_else(else_) { } //! Invokation operator template< typename ContextT > typename result< this_type(ContextT const&) >::type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) { typedef typename result< this_type(ContextT const&) >::type result_type; result_type strm = phoenix::eval(m_left, ctx); if (phoenix::eval(m_cond, ctx)) phoenix::eval(m_then, ctx); else phoenix::eval(m_else, ctx); return strm; } //! Invokation operator template< typename ContextT > typename result< const this_type(ContextT const&) >::type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) const { typedef typename result< const this_type(ContextT const&) >::type result_type; result_type strm = phoenix::eval(m_left, ctx); if (phoenix::eval(m_cond, ctx)) phoenix::eval(m_then, ctx); else phoenix::eval(m_else, ctx); return strm; } BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(if_else_output_terminal()) }; template< typename CondT, typename ThenT, typename ElseT > struct if_then_else_gen { CondT m_cond; ThenT m_then; ElseT m_else; if_then_else_gen(CondT const& cond, ThenT const& then_, ElseT const& else_) : m_cond(cond), m_then(then_), m_else(else_) { } }; #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS #define BOOST_LOG_AUX_OVERLOAD(left_ref, right_ref)\ template< typename LeftExprT, typename CondT, typename ThenT, typename ElseT >\ BOOST_FORCEINLINE phoenix::actor< if_else_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, CondT, ThenT, ElseT > >\ operator<< (phoenix::actor< LeftExprT > left_ref left, if_then_else_gen< CondT, ThenT, ElseT > right_ref right)\ {\ typedef if_else_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, CondT, ThenT, ElseT > terminal_type;\ phoenix::actor< terminal_type > actor = {{ terminal_type(left, right.m_cond, right.m_then, right.m_else) }};\ return actor;\ } #include #undef BOOST_LOG_AUX_OVERLOAD #endif // BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS template< typename CondT, typename ThenT > struct if_then_gen { struct else_gen { CondT m_cond; ThenT m_then; else_gen(CondT const& cond, ThenT const& then_) : m_cond(cond), m_then(then_) { } template< typename ElseT > BOOST_FORCEINLINE if_then_else_gen< CondT, ThenT, ElseT > operator[] (ElseT const& el) { return if_then_else_gen< CondT, ThenT, ElseT >(m_cond, m_then, el); } } else_; if_then_gen(CondT const& cond, ThenT const& then_) : else_(cond, then_) {} }; #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS #define BOOST_LOG_AUX_OVERLOAD(left_ref, right_ref)\ template< typename LeftExprT, typename CondT, typename ThenT >\ BOOST_FORCEINLINE phoenix::actor< if_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, CondT, ThenT > >\ operator<< (phoenix::actor< LeftExprT > left_ref left, if_then_gen< CondT, ThenT > right_ref right)\ {\ typedef if_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, CondT, ThenT > terminal_type;\ phoenix::actor< terminal_type > actor = {{ terminal_type(left, right.else_.m_cond, right.else_.m_then) }};\ return actor;\ } #include #undef BOOST_LOG_AUX_OVERLOAD #endif // BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS template< typename CondT > class if_gen { private: CondT const& m_cond; public: explicit if_gen(CondT const& cond) : m_cond(cond) { } template< typename ThenT > BOOST_FORCEINLINE if_then_gen< CondT, ThenT > operator[] (ThenT const& then_) const { return if_then_gen< CondT, ThenT >(m_cond, then_); } }; } // namespace aux /*! * The function returns a conditional formatter generator object. The generator provides operator[] that can be used * to construct the actual formatter. The formatter must participate in a streaming expression. * * \param cond A filter expression that will be used as the condition */ template< typename CondT > BOOST_FORCEINLINE aux::if_gen< CondT > if_(CondT const& cond) { return aux::if_gen< CondT >(cond); } } // namespace expressions BOOST_LOG_CLOSE_NAMESPACE // namespace log #ifndef BOOST_LOG_DOXYGEN_PASS namespace phoenix { namespace result_of { template< typename LeftT, typename CondT, typename ThenT > struct is_nullary< custom_terminal< boost::log::expressions::aux::if_output_terminal< LeftT, CondT, ThenT > > > : public mpl::false_ { }; template< typename LeftT, typename CondT, typename ThenT, typename ElseT > struct is_nullary< custom_terminal< boost::log::expressions::aux::if_else_output_terminal< LeftT, CondT, ThenT, ElseT > > > : public mpl::false_ { }; } // namespace result_of } // namespace phoenix #endif } // namespace boost #include #endif // BOOST_LOG_EXPRESSIONS_FORMATTERS_IF_HPP_INCLUDED_