Numeric Operators Library Reference
default_ T T const T const & one T T const T const & mpl::if_::type< is_empty< T >, default_< T >, one< T > >zero T T const T const & mpl::if_::type< is_empty< T >, default_< T >, zero< T > > boost::numeric::functional::as_max_base< Arg, void >Arg remove_const< Arg >::type std::numeric_limits< typename remove_const< Arg >::type >::is_specialized remove_const< Arg >::typeArg & boost::numeric::functional::as_min_base< Arg, void >Arg remove_const< Arg >::type std::numeric_limits< typename remove_const< Arg >::type >::is_specialized remove_const< Arg >::typeArg & Argtypename enable_if< is_floating_point< Arg > >::typeArg remove_const< Arg >::type std::numeric_limits< typename remove_const< Arg >::type >::is_specialized remove_const< Arg >::typeArg & boost::numeric::functional::as_one_base< Arg, void >Arg remove_const< Arg >::type remove_const< Arg >::typeArg & boost::numeric::functional::as_zero_base< Arg, void >Arg remove_const< Arg >::type remove_const< Arg >::typeArg & boost::numeric::functional::assign_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left = right boost::numeric::functional::complement_base< Arg, void >std::unary_function< Arg, typeof(~ lvalue< Arg >())> result_typeArg & ~ arg boost::numeric::functional::divides_base< Left, Right, void >boost::numeric::functional::divides_assign_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()/=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left /= right std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()/lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left / right boost::numeric::functional::equal_to_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()==lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left == right boost::numeric::functional::fdiv_base< Left, Right, void >boost::numeric::functional::divides< Left, Right >LeftRighttypename enable_if< are_integral< LeftRight > >::typeboost::numeric::functional::divides< double const, double const >boost::numeric::functional::greater_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() > lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left > right boost::numeric::functional::greater_equal_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() >=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left >= right Left & boost::numeric::functional::less_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()< lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left < right boost::numeric::functional::less_equal_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()<=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left <= right boost::numeric::functional::logical_not_base< Arg, void >std::unary_function< Arg, typeof(! lvalue< Arg >())> result_typeArg & ! arg boost::numeric::functional::max_assign_base< Left, Right, void >Left Right void voidLeft &Right & boost::numeric::functional::min_assign_base< Left, Right, void >Left Right void voidLeft &Right & boost::numeric::functional::minus_base< Left, Right, void >boost::numeric::functional::minus_assign_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() -=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left -= right std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() - lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left - right boost::numeric::functional::modulus_base< Left, Right, void >boost::numeric::functional::modulus_assign_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() %=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left %= right std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() % lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left % right boost::numeric::functional::multiplies_base< Left, Right, void >boost::numeric::functional::multiplies_assign_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() *=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left *= right std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() *lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left * right boost::numeric::functional::not_equal_to_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >() !=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left != right boost::numeric::functional::plus_base< Left, Right, void >boost::numeric::functional::plus_assign_base< Left, Right, void >std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()+=lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left += right std::binary_function< Left, Right, typeof(lvalue< Left >()+lvalue< Right >())> result_typeLeft &Right & left + right boost::numeric::functional::promote_base< To, From, void >From To ToFrom & ToFromToFromvoidToFrom ToFrom ToFrom &ToFrom & boost::numeric::functional::unary_minus_base< Arg, void >std::unary_function< Arg, typeof(- lvalue< Arg >())> result_typeArg & - arg boost::numeric::functional::unary_plus_base< Arg, void >std::unary_function< Arg, typeof(+lvalue< Arg >())> result_typeArg & + arg lazy_disable_if< is_const< From >, mpl::if_< is_same< To, From >, To &, To > >::typeFrom & mpl::if_< is_same< To const, From const >, To const &, To const >::typeFrom const &
disable_if< mpl::or_< is_same< T, U >, is_same< std::complex< T >, U > >, std::complex< T > >::typestd::complex< T >U const & disable_if< mpl::or_< is_same< T, U >, is_same< std::complex< T >, U > >, std::complex< T > >::typestd::complex< T >U const &
Tstd_valarray_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & Tstd_valarray_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & Tstd_valarray_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & Tstd_valarray_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & LeftRightstd_valarray_tagRightTagmpl::if_::type< are_integral< Left::value_type, Right >, divides< Left, double const >, divides< Left, Right > >LeftRightstd_valarray_tagstd_valarray_tagLeft Right void voidLeft &Right & LeftRightstd_valarray_tagstd_valarray_tagLeft Right void voidLeft &Right & bool constFromvoidstd_valarray_tagboost::numeric::functional::promote< bool, From, void, std_valarray_tag >boolFromvoidstd_valarray_tagFrom bool boolFrom & ToFromstd_valarray_tagstd_valarray_tagFrom To ToFrom & ToFromToFromstd_valarray_tagstd_valarray_tagToFrom ToFrom ToFrom &ToFrom & std::valarray< T >std_valarray_tag unspecifiedstd::valarray< Left > const &Right const & unspecifiedstd::valarray< Left > const &Right const & unspecifiedstd::valarray< Left > const &std::valarray< Right > const &
Tstd_vector_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & Tstd_vector_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & Tstd_vector_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & Tstd_vector_tagT remove_const< T >::type remove_const< T >::typeT & LeftRightstd_vector_tagvoidmpl::if_::type< are_integral< Left::value_type, Right >, divides< Left, double const >, divides< Left, Right > >LeftRightstd_vector_tagstd_vector_tagLeft Right void voidLeft &Right & LeftRightstd_vector_tagstd_vector_tagLeft Right void voidLeft &Right & ToFromstd_vector_tagstd_vector_tagFrom To ToFrom & ToFromToFromstd_vector_tagstd_vector_tagToFrom ToFrom ToFrom &ToFrom & std::vector< TAl >std_vector_tag unspecifiedstd::vector< Left > const &Right const & std::vector< typename functional::divides< Left, Right >::result_type >std::vector< Left > const &std::vector< Right > const & unspecifiedstd::vector< Left > const &Right const & unspecifiedLeft const &std::vector< Right > const & std::vector< typename functional::multiplies< Left, Right >::result_type >std::vector< Left > const &std::vector< Right > const & std::vector< typename functional::plus< Left, Right >::result_type >std::vector< Left > const &std::vector< Right > const & std::vector< typename functional::minus< Left, Right >::result_type >std::vector< Left > const &std::vector< Right > const & std::vector< Left > &std::vector< Left > &std::vector< Left > const & std::vector< typename functional::unary_minus< Arg >::result_type >std::vector< Arg > const &