/* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc. * Subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst * $Date$ */ #include "boost/date_time/local_time/custom_time_zone.hpp" #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp" #include "boost/date_time/local_time/local_time.hpp" // #include "boost/date_time/local_time/posix_time_zone.hpp" #include "../testfrmwk.hpp" //#include "boost/date_time/c_time.hpp" #include #include // function eases testing std::string tm_out(const tm& ptr){ std::stringstream ss; ss << ptr.tm_wday << ' ' << ptr.tm_yday << ' ' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << ptr.tm_mon + 1 << '/' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << ptr.tm_mday << '/' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << ptr.tm_year + 1900 << ' ' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << ptr.tm_hour << ':' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << ptr.tm_min << ':' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << ptr.tm_sec << ' '; if(ptr.tm_isdst >= 0){ ss << (ptr.tm_isdst ? "DST" : "STD"); } else{ ss << "DST/STD unknown"; } return ss.str(); } int main() { using namespace boost::gregorian; using namespace boost::posix_time; using namespace boost::local_time; // since local_date_time inherits it's math operations from time, the // tests here only show that the operations work. The thorough testing // of these operations is done in the posix_time tests try { time_zone_ptr az_tz(new posix_time_zone("MST-07")); time_zone_ptr ny_tz(new posix_time_zone("EST-05EDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0")); // EST & EST for sydney is correct, according to zoneinfo files time_zone_ptr sydney(new posix_time_zone("EST+10EST,M10.5.0,M3.5.0/03:00")); time_zone_ptr null_tz; date d(2003, 12, 20); hours h(12); ptime t(d,h); local_date_time az_time(t, az_tz); // ptime constructor is a UTC time check("Zone abbreviation", az_time.zone()->std_zone_abbrev() == std::string("MST")); check("base offset", az_time.zone()->base_utc_offset() == hours(-7)); check("zone has dst", az_time.zone()->has_dst() == false); check("is_dst check", az_time.is_dst() == false); check("to_string: " + az_time.to_string(), az_time.to_string() == "2003-Dec-20 05:00:00 MST"); std::cout << "\nChecking copy construction" << std::endl; local_date_time az_time2(az_time); //copy constructor // Now test the copy check("is_dst check", az_time2.is_dst() == false); check("to_string: " + az_time2.to_string(), az_time2.to_string() == "2003-Dec-20 05:00:00 MST"); check("zone has dst", az_time2.zone()->has_dst() == false); check("base offset", az_time2.zone()->base_utc_offset() == hours(-7)); std::cout << "\nChecking special_value construction" << std::endl; // since local_date_time inherits its special value operatorations // from time, we only need to show here that they work as thorough // testing is done in the posix_time tests ptime svpt(not_a_date_time); local_date_time sv_time(svpt, ny_tz); check("is special_value", sv_time.is_not_a_date_time()); check("to_string: " + sv_time.to_string(), sv_time.to_string() == "not-a-date-time"); check("is_dst", sv_time.is_dst() == false); local_date_time sv_time2(pos_infin); check("is special_value", sv_time2.is_pos_infinity()); check("to_string: " + sv_time2.to_string(), sv_time2.to_string() == "+infinity"); check("is_dst", sv_time2.is_dst() == false); sv_time2 += days(12); // add a duration to a special value check("Add a duration to a special value", sv_time2.is_pos_infinity()); local_date_time sv_time3(max_date_time, ny_tz); #ifdef BOOST_DATE_TIME_POSIX_TIME_STD_CONFIG check("max_date_time to_string: " + sv_time3.to_string(), sv_time3.to_string() == "9999-Dec-31 18:59:59.999999999 EST"); #else check("max_date_time to_string: " + sv_time3.to_string(), sv_time3.to_string() == "9999-Dec-31 18:59:59.999999 EST"); #endif try { local_date_time sv_time4(min_date_time); check("min_date_time to_string: " + sv_time4.to_string(), sv_time4.to_string() == "1400-Jan-01 00:00:00 UTC"); } catch (std::exception& e) { check("min_date_time to_string -- exception" , false); std::cout << "Exception is : " << e.what() << std::endl; } /** todo -- this will cause an out of range when min_date is adjusted for ny_tz local_date_time sv_time5(min_date_time, ny_tz); std::cout << sv_time5.to_string() << std::endl; **/ std::cout << "\nChecking calc_options construction" << std::endl; { // invalid NADT date dx(2004, Apr, 4); time_duration td(2,30,0); // invalid local time in ny_tz local_date_time calcop(dx, td, ny_tz, local_date_time::NOT_DATE_TIME_ON_ERROR); check("is NADT", calcop.is_not_a_date_time()); } { // invalid exception date dx(2004, Apr, 4); time_duration td(2,30,0); // invalid local time in ny_tz try{ local_date_time calcop(dx, td, ny_tz, local_date_time::EXCEPTION_ON_ERROR); check("Did not catch expected exception", false); }catch(time_label_invalid& /*i*/){ check("Caught expected exception", true); }catch(...){ check("Caught unexpected exception", false); } } { // ambig NADT date dx(2004, Oct, 31); time_duration td(1,30,0); // ambig local time in ny_tz local_date_time calcop(dx, td, ny_tz, local_date_time::NOT_DATE_TIME_ON_ERROR); check("is NADT", calcop.is_not_a_date_time()); } { // ambig exception date dx(2004, Oct, 31); time_duration td(1,30,0); // ambig local time in ny_tz try{ local_date_time calcop(dx, td, ny_tz, local_date_time::EXCEPTION_ON_ERROR); check("Did not catch expected exception", false); }catch(ambiguous_result& /*a*/){ check("Caught expected exception", true); }catch(...){ check("Caught unexpected exception", false); } } //Now construct with a date and time std::cout << "\nChecking construct with date and time_duration" << std::endl; local_date_time az_time3(d, h, az_tz, false); check("Zone abbreviation", az_time3.zone()->std_zone_abbrev() == std::string("MST")); check("base offset", az_time3.zone()->base_utc_offset() == hours(-7)); check("base offset", az_time3.zone()->has_dst() == false); check("is_dst check", az_time3.is_dst() == false); check("to_string: " + az_time3.to_string(), az_time3.to_string() == "2003-Dec-20 12:00:00 MST"); // construct with a null tz //local_date_time null_tz_time(d, h, null_tz, false); local_date_time null_tz_time(d, h, null_tz, true); // TODO: how to handle calls to null_tz_time.zone()->... check("is_dst check", null_tz_time.is_dst() == false); check("to_string: " + null_tz_time.to_string(), null_tz_time.to_string() == "2003-Dec-20 12:00:00 UTC"); //Now construct with a date and time - invalid parameters try{ local_date_time blt(d, h, ny_tz, true); check("Did not catch expected exception (dst_not_valid)", false); }catch(dst_not_valid& e){ check(std::string("Caught expected exception (dst_not_valid) ") + e.what(), true); }catch(std::exception& e){ check(std::string("Caught unexpected exception ") + e.what(), false); } try{ local_date_time blt(date(2004,Apr,4), time_duration(2,30,0), ny_tz, true); check("Did not catch expected exception (Invalid_Time_Label)", false); }catch(time_label_invalid& e){ check(std::string("Caught expected exception (Invalid_Time_Label) ") + e.what(), true); }catch(std::exception& e){ check(std::string("Caught unexpected exception ") + e.what(), false); } // thorough is_dst() tests, tests againts null_tz and non dst tz are // done where those local times were tested { date dx(2004,Apr,4); time_duration td(1,15,0); // local local_date_time lt1(dx,td,ny_tz,false); local_date_time lt2(ptime(dx,time_duration(6,15,0)), ny_tz); check("are local_times equal", lt1.utc_time() == lt2.utc_time()); check("is_dst - transition in 1", lt1.is_dst() == false); check("is_dst - transition in 2", lt2.is_dst() == false); lt1 += hours(1); lt2 += hours(1); check("is_dst - transition in 1", lt1.is_dst() == true); check("is_dst - transition in 2", lt2.is_dst() == true); } { date dx(2004,Oct,31); time_duration td(1,15,0); // local local_date_time lt1(dx,td,ny_tz,true); /*try{ //local_date_time lt1(dx,td,ny_tz,false); local_date_time lt1(dx,td,ny_tz,true); std::cout << "no exception thrown" << std::endl; }catch(time_label_invalid& e){ std::cout << "caught: " << e.what() << std::endl; }*/ local_date_time lt2(ptime(dx,time_duration(5,15,0)), ny_tz); check("are local_times equal", lt1.utc_time() == lt2.utc_time()); check("is_dst - transition out 1", lt1.is_dst() == true); check("is_dst - transition out 2", lt2.is_dst() == true); lt1 += hours(1); lt2 += hours(1); check("is_dst - transition out 1", lt1.is_dst() == false); check("is_dst - transition out 2", lt2.is_dst() == false); } { // southern hemisphere date dx(2004,Oct,31); time_duration td(1,15,0); // local local_date_time lt1(dx,td,sydney,false); check("is_dst - transition in (sydney)", lt1.is_dst() == false); lt1 += hours(1); check("is_dst - transition in (sydney)", lt1.is_dst() == true); } { date dx(2004,Mar,28); time_duration td(2,15,0); // local; sydney has a weird trans time local_date_time lt1(dx,td,sydney,true); check("is_dst - transition out (sydney)", lt1.is_dst() == true); lt1 += hours(1); check("is_dst - transition out (sydney)", lt1.is_dst() == false); } std::cout << "\nTest conversion of time zone from Arizona to New York" << std::endl; local_date_time ny_time = az_time.local_time_in(ny_tz); check("Zone abbreviation", ny_time.zone()->std_zone_abbrev() == std::string("EST")); check("base offset", ny_time.zone()->base_utc_offset() == hours(-5)); check("base offset", ny_time.zone()->has_dst() == true); check("to_string: " + ny_time.to_string(), ny_time.to_string() == "2003-Dec-20 07:00:00 EST"); ny_time += hours(3); check("to_string after add 3 hours: " + ny_time.to_string(), ny_time.to_string() == "2003-Dec-20 10:00:00 EST"); ny_time += days(3); check("to_string after add 3 days: " + ny_time.to_string(), ny_time.to_string() == "2003-Dec-23 10:00:00 EST"); { // test comparisons & math operations date dx(2003, Aug, 28); ptime sv_pt(pos_infin); local_date_time sv_lt(sv_pt, ny_tz); ptime utc_pt(dx, hours(12)); // all 4 of the following local times happen at the same instant // so they are all equal local_date_time utc_lt(utc_pt, null_tz); // noon in utc local_date_time az_lt(dx, hours(5), az_tz, false); // 5am local std local_date_time ny_lt(dx, hours(8), ny_tz, true); // 8am local dst local_date_time au_lt(dx, hours(22), sydney, false);// 10pm local std check("local_date_time to tm", std::string("4 239 08/28/2003 05:00:00 STD") == tm_out(to_tm(az_lt))); check("local_date_time to tm", std::string("4 239 08/28/2003 08:00:00 DST") == tm_out(to_tm(ny_lt))); check("local_date_time to tm", std::string("4 239 08/28/2003 22:00:00 STD") == tm_out(to_tm(au_lt))); try{ local_date_time ldt(not_a_date_time); tm ldt_tm = to_tm(ldt); check("Exception not thrown (special_value to_tm)", false); //does nothing useful but stops compiler from complaining about unused ldt_tm std::cout << ldt_tm.tm_sec << std::endl; }catch(std::out_of_range&){ check("Caught expected exception (special_value to_tm)", true); }catch(...){ check("Caught un-expected exception (special_value to_tm)", false); } // check that all are equal to sv_pt check("local == utc", az_lt == utc_lt); check("local == utc", ny_lt == utc_lt); check("local == utc", au_lt == utc_lt); check("local <= utc", au_lt <= utc_lt); check("local >= utc", au_lt >= utc_lt); check("local == local", az_lt == ny_lt); check("local < local", az_lt < ny_lt+seconds(1)); check("local > local", az_lt+seconds(1) > ny_lt); check("local <= local", az_lt <= ny_lt); check("local >= local", az_lt >= ny_lt); check("local != local", az_lt+seconds(1) != ny_lt); au_lt += hours(1); check("local != after +=", au_lt != utc_lt); check("local <= after +=", utc_lt <= au_lt); check("local >= after +=", au_lt >= utc_lt); check("local < after +=", utc_lt < au_lt); check("local > after +=", au_lt > utc_lt); au_lt -= hours(1); check("local == utc after -=", au_lt == utc_lt); check("local + days", (az_lt + days(2)).to_string() == "2003-Aug-30 05:00:00 MST"); check("local - days", (az_lt - days(2)).to_string() == "2003-Aug-26 05:00:00 MST"); check("local += days", (az_lt += days(2)).to_string() == "2003-Aug-30 05:00:00 MST"); check("local -= days", (az_lt -= days(2)).to_string() == "2003-Aug-28 05:00:00 MST"); check("local + time_duration", (az_lt + hours(2)).to_string() == "2003-Aug-28 07:00:00 MST"); check("local - time_duration", (az_lt - hours(2)).to_string() == "2003-Aug-28 03:00:00 MST"); // special_values is more thoroughly tested in posix_time check("pos_infinity > local", sv_lt > au_lt); local_date_time sv_lt2(sv_lt + days(2)); check("pos_infin + duration == pos_infin", sv_lt2 == sv_lt); #if defined(BOOST_DATE_TIME_OPTIONAL_GREGORIAN_TYPES) months m(2); years y(2); check("Local + months", (az_lt + m).to_string() == "2003-Oct-28 05:00:00 MST"); az_lt += m; check("Local += months", az_lt.to_string() == "2003-Oct-28 05:00:00 MST"); check("Local - months", (az_lt - m).to_string() == "2003-Aug-28 05:00:00 MST"); az_lt -= m; check("Local -= months", az_lt.to_string() == "2003-Aug-28 05:00:00 MST"); check("Local + years", (az_lt + y).to_string() == "2005-Aug-28 05:00:00 MST"); az_lt += y; check("Local += years", az_lt.to_string() == "2005-Aug-28 05:00:00 MST"); check("Local - years", (az_lt - y).to_string() == "2003-Aug-28 05:00:00 MST"); az_lt -= y; check("Local -= years", az_lt.to_string() == "2003-Aug-28 05:00:00 MST"); #endif // BOOST_DATE_TIME_OPTIONAL_GREGORIAN_TYPES } } catch(std::exception& e) { check(std::string("test failed due to exception: ") + e.what(), false); } return printTestStats(); }