// Copyright Benjamin Sobotta 2012 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning (disable : 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated # pragma warning (disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant. #endif #include using boost::math::skew_normal_distribution; using boost::math::skew_normal; #include #include #include void check(const double loc, const double sc, const double sh, const double * const cumulants, const std::pair qu, const double x, const double tpdf, const double tcdf) { using namespace boost::math; skew_normal D(loc, sc, sh); const double sk = cumulants[2] / (std::pow(cumulants[1], 1.5)); const double kt = cumulants[3] / (cumulants[1] * cumulants[1]); // checks against tabulated values std::cout << "mean: table=" << cumulants[0] << "\tcompute=" << mean(D) << "\tdiff=" << fabs(cumulants[0]-mean(D)) << std::endl; std::cout << "var: table=" << cumulants[1] << "\tcompute=" << variance(D) << "\tdiff=" << fabs(cumulants[1]-variance(D)) << std::endl; std::cout << "skew: table=" << sk << "\tcompute=" << skewness(D) << "\tdiff=" << fabs(sk-skewness(D)) << std::endl; std::cout << "kur.: table=" << kt << "\tcompute=" << kurtosis_excess(D) << "\tdiff=" << fabs(kt-kurtosis_excess(D)) << std::endl; std::cout << "mode: table=" << "N/A" << "\tcompute=" << mode(D) << "\tdiff=" << "N/A" << std::endl; const double q = quantile(D, qu.first); const double cq = quantile(complement(D, qu.first)); std::cout << "quantile(" << qu.first << "): table=" << qu.second << "\tcompute=" << q << "\tdiff=" << fabs(qu.second-q) << std::endl; // consistency std::cout << "cdf(quantile)=" << cdf(D, q) << "\tp=" << qu.first << "\tdiff=" << fabs(qu.first-cdf(D, q)) << std::endl; std::cout << "ccdf(cquantile)=" << cdf(complement(D,cq)) << "\tp=" << qu.first << "\tdiff=" << fabs(qu.first-cdf(complement(D,cq))) << std::endl; // PDF & CDF std::cout << "pdf(" << x << "): table=" << tpdf << "\tcompute=" << pdf(D,x) << "\tdiff=" << fabs(tpdf-pdf(D,x)) << std::endl; std::cout << "cdf(" << x << "): table=" << tcdf << "\tcompute=" << cdf(D,x) << "\tdiff=" << fabs(tcdf-cdf(D,x)) << std::endl; std::cout << "================================\n"; } int main() { using namespace boost::math; double sc = 0.0,loc,sh,x,dsn,qsn,psn,p; std::cout << std::setprecision(20); double cumulants[4]; /* R: > install.packages("sn") Warning in install.packages("sn") : 'lib = "/usr/lib64/R/library"' is not writable Would you like to create a personal library '~/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/2.12' to install packages into? (y/n) y --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done also installing the dependency mnormt trying URL 'http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/cran/src/contrib/mnormt_1.4-5.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 34049 bytes (33 Kb) opened URL ================================================== downloaded 33 Kb trying URL 'http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/cran/src/contrib/sn_0.4-17.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 65451 bytes (63 Kb) opened URL ================================================== downloaded 63 Kb > library(sn) > options(digits=22) > sn.cumulants(1.1, 2.2, -3.3) [1] -0.5799089925398568 2.0179057767837230 -2.0347951542374196 [4] 2.2553488991015072 > qsn(0.3, 1.1, 2.2, -3.3) [1] -1.180104068086876 > psn(0.4, 1.1, 2.2, -3.3) [1] 0.733918618927874 > dsn(0.4, 1.1, 2.2, -3.3) [1] 0.2941401101565995 */ //1 st loc = 1.1; sc = 2.2; sh = -3.3; std::cout << "location: " << loc << "\tscale: " << sc << "\tshape: " << sh << std::endl; cumulants[0] = -0.5799089925398568; cumulants[1] = 2.0179057767837230; cumulants[2] = -2.0347951542374196; cumulants[3] = 2.2553488991015072; x = 0.4; p = 0.3; qsn = -1.180104068086876; psn = 0.733918618927874; dsn = 0.2941401101565995; check(loc, sc, sh, cumulants, std::make_pair(p,qsn), x, dsn, psn); /* R: > sn.cumulants(1.1, .02, .03) [1] 1.1004785154529559e+00 3.9977102296128255e-04 4.7027439329779991e-11 [4] 1.4847542790693825e-14 > qsn(0.01, 1.1, .02, .03) [1] 1.053964962950150 > psn(1.3, 1.1, .02, .03) [1] 1 > dsn(1.3, 1.1, .02, .03) [1] 4.754580380601393e-21 */ // 2nd loc = 1.1; sc = .02; sh = .03; std::cout << "location: " << loc << "\tscale: " << sc << "\tshape: " << sh << std::endl; cumulants[0] = 1.1004785154529559e+00; cumulants[1] = 3.9977102296128255e-04; cumulants[2] = 4.7027439329779991e-11; cumulants[3] = 1.4847542790693825e-14; x = 1.3; p = 0.01; qsn = 1.053964962950150; psn = 1; dsn = 4.754580380601393e-21; check(loc, sc, sh, cumulants, std::make_pair(p,qsn), x, dsn, psn); /* R: > sn.cumulants(10.1, 5, -.03) [1] 9.980371136761052e+00 2.498568893508016e+01 -7.348037395278123e-04 [4] 5.799821402614775e-05 > qsn(.8, 10.1, 5, -.03) [1] 14.18727407491953 > psn(-1.3, 10.1, 5, -.03) [1] 0.01201290665838824 > dsn(-1.3, 10.1, 5, -.03) [1] 0.006254346348897927 */ // 3rd loc = 10.1; sc = 5; sh = -.03; std::cout << "location: " << loc << "\tscale: " << sc << "\tshape: " << sh << std::endl; cumulants[0] = 9.980371136761052e+00; cumulants[1] = 2.498568893508016e+01; cumulants[2] = -7.348037395278123e-04; cumulants[3] = 5.799821402614775e-05; x = -1.3; p = 0.8; qsn = 14.18727407491953; psn = 0.01201290665838824; dsn = 0.006254346348897927; check(loc, sc, sh, cumulants, std::make_pair(p,qsn), x, dsn, psn); /* R: > sn.cumulants(-10.1, 5, 30) [1] -6.112791696741384 9.102169946425548 27.206345266148194 71.572537838642916 > qsn(.8, -10.1, 5, 30) [1] -3.692242172277 > psn(-1.3, -10.1, 5, 30) [1] 0.921592193425035 > dsn(-1.3, -10.1, 5, 30) [1] 0.0339105445232089 */ // 4th loc = -10.1; sc = 5; sh = 30; std::cout << "location: " << loc << "\tscale: " << sc << "\tshape: " << sh << std::endl; cumulants[0] = -6.112791696741384; cumulants[1] = 9.102169946425548; cumulants[2] = 27.206345266148194; cumulants[3] = 71.572537838642916; x = -1.3; p = 0.8; qsn = -3.692242172277; psn = 0.921592193425035; dsn = 0.0339105445232089; check(loc, sc, sh, cumulants, std::make_pair(p,qsn), x, dsn, psn); /* R: > sn.cumulants(0,1,5) [1] 0.7823901817554269 0.3878656034927102 0.2055576317962637 0.1061119471655128 > qsn(0.5,0,1,5) [1] 0.674471117502844 > psn(-0.5, 0,1,5) [1] 0.0002731513884140924 > dsn(-0.5, 0,1,5) [1] 0.00437241570403263 */ // 5th loc = 0; sc = 1; sh = 5; std::cout << "location: " << loc << "\tscale: " << sc << "\tshape: " << sh << std::endl; cumulants[0] = 0.7823901817554269; cumulants[1] = 0.3878656034927102; cumulants[2] = 0.2055576317962637; cumulants[3] = 0.1061119471655128; x = -0.5; p = 0.5; qsn = 0.674471117502844; psn = 0.0002731513884140924; dsn = 0.00437241570403263; check(loc, sc, sh, cumulants, std::make_pair(p,qsn), x, dsn, psn); /* R: > sn.cumulants(0,1,1e5) [1] 0.7978845607629713 0.3633802276960805 0.2180136141122883 0.1147706820312645 > qsn(0.5,0,1,1e5) [1] 0.6744897501960818 > psn(-0.5, 0,1,1e5) [1] 0 > dsn(-0.5, 0,1,1e5) [1] 0 */ // 6th loc = 0; sc = 1; sh = 1e5; std::cout << "location: " << loc << "\tscale: " << sc << "\tshape: " << sh << std::endl; cumulants[0] = 0.7978845607629713; cumulants[1] = 0.3633802276960805; cumulants[2] = 0.2180136141122883; cumulants[3] = 0.1147706820312645; x = -0.5; p = 0.5; qsn = 0.6744897501960818; psn = 0.; dsn = 0.; check(loc, sc, sh, cumulants, std::make_pair(p,qsn), x, dsn, psn); return 0; } // EOF