/* * Copyright Nick Thompson, 2019 * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE lanczos_smoothing_test #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for float_distance #include using std::abs; using std::pow; using std::sqrt; using std::sin; using boost::math::constants::two_pi; using boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float_50; using boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float_100; using boost::math::differentiation::discrete_lanczos_derivative; using boost::math::differentiation::detail::discrete_legendre; using boost::math::differentiation::detail::interior_velocity_filter; using boost::math::differentiation::detail::boundary_velocity_filter; using boost::math::tools::summation_condition_number; template void test_dlp_norms() { std::cout << "Testing Discrete Legendre Polynomial norms on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); auto dlp = discrete_legendre(1, Real(0)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dlp.norm_sq(0), 3, tol); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dlp.norm_sq(1), 2, tol); dlp = discrete_legendre(2, Real(0)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dlp.norm_sq(0), Real(5)/Real(2), tol); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dlp.norm_sq(1), Real(5)/Real(4), tol); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dlp.norm_sq(2), Real(3*3*7)/Real(pow(2,6)), 2*tol); dlp = discrete_legendre(200, Real(0)); for(size_t r = 0; r < 10; ++r) { Real calc = dlp.norm_sq(r); Real expected = Real(2)/Real(2*r+1); // As long as r << n, ||q_r||^2 -> 2/(2r+1) as n->infty BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(calc, expected, 0.05); } } template void test_dlp_evaluation() { std::cout << "Testing evaluation of Discrete Legendre polynomials on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); size_t n = 25; Real x = 0.72; auto dlp = discrete_legendre(n, x); Real q0 = dlp(x, 0); BOOST_TEST(q0 == 1); Real q1 = dlp(x, 1); BOOST_TEST(q1 == x); Real q2 = dlp(x, 2); int N = 2*n+1; Real expected = 0.5*(3*x*x - Real(N*N - 1)/Real(4*n*n)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(q2, expected, tol); Real q3 = dlp(x, 3); expected = (x/3)*(5*expected - (Real(N*N - 4))/(2*n*n)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(q3, expected, 2*tol); // q_r(x) is even for even r, and odd for odd r: for (size_t n = 8; n < 22; ++n) { dlp = discrete_legendre(n, x); for(size_t r = 2; r <= n; ++r) { if (r & 1) { Real q1 = dlp(x, r); Real q2 = -dlp(-x, r); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(q1, q2, tol); } else { Real q1 = dlp(x, r); Real q2 = dlp(-x, r); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(q1, q2, tol); } Real l2_sq = 0; for (int j = -(int)n; j <= (int) n; ++j) { Real y = Real(j)/Real(n); Real term = dlp(y, r); l2_sq += term*term; } l2_sq /= n; Real l2_sq_expected = dlp.norm_sq(r); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(l2_sq, l2_sq_expected, 20*tol); } } } template void test_dlp_next() { std::cout << "Testing Discrete Legendre polynomial 'next' function on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); for(size_t n = 2; n < 20; ++n) { for(Real x = -1; x <= 1; x += 0.1) { auto dlp = discrete_legendre(n, x); for (size_t k = 2; k < n; ++k) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(dlp.next(), dlp(x, k), tol); } dlp = discrete_legendre(n, x); for (size_t k = 2; k < n; ++k) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(dlp.next_prime(), dlp.prime(x, k), tol); } } } } template void test_dlp_derivatives() { std::cout << "Testing Discrete Legendre polynomial derivatives on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = 10*std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); int n = 25; Real x = 0.72; auto dlp = discrete_legendre(n, x); Real q0p = dlp.prime(x, 0); BOOST_TEST(q0p == 0); Real q1p = dlp.prime(x, 1); BOOST_TEST(q1p == 1); Real q2p = dlp.prime(x, 2); Real expected = 3*x; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(q2p, expected, tol); } template void test_dlp_second_derivative() { std::cout << "Testing Discrete Legendre polynomial derivatives on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; int n = 25; Real x = Real(1)/Real(3); auto dlp = discrete_legendre(n, x); Real q2pp = dlp.next_dbl_prime(); BOOST_TEST(q2pp == 3); } template void test_interior_velocity_filter() { using boost::math::constants::half; std::cout << "Testing interior filter on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); for(int n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (int p = 1; p < n; p += 2) { auto f = interior_velocity_filter(n,p); // Since we only store half the filter coefficients, // we need to reindex the moment sums: auto cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t j = 0; j < f.size(); ++j) { cond += j*f[j]; } BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(cond.sum(), half(), 2*cond()*tol); for (int l = 3; l <= p; l += 2) { cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t j = 0; j < f.size() - 1; ++j) { cond += pow(Real(j), l)*f[j]; } Real expected = -pow(Real(f.size() - 1), l)*f[f.size()-1]; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(expected, cond.sum(), 7*cond()*tol); } //std::cout << "(n,p) = (" << n << "," << p << ") = {"; //for (auto & x : f) //{ // std::cout << x << ", "; //} //std::cout << "}\n"; } } } template void test_interior_lanczos() { std::cout << "Testing interior Lanczos on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); std::vector v(500); std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 7); for (size_t n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < 2*n; p += 2) { auto dld = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(0.1), n, p); for (size_t m = n; m < v.size() - n; ++m) { Real dvdt = dld(v, m); BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(dvdt, tol); } auto dvdt = dld(v); for (size_t m = n; m < v.size() - n; ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(dvdt[m], tol); } } } for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 7*i+8; } for (size_t n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < 2*n; p += 2) { auto dld = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), n, p); for (size_t m = n; m < v.size() - n; ++m) { Real dvdt = dld(v, m); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dvdt, 7, 2000*tol); } auto dvdt = dld(v); for (size_t m = n; m < v.size() - n; ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dvdt[m], 7, 2000*tol); } } } //std::random_device rd{}; //auto seed = rd(); //std::cout << "Seed = " << seed << "\n"; std::mt19937 gen(4172378669); std::normal_distribution<> dis{0, 0.01}; for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 7*i+8 + dis(gen); } for (size_t n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < 2*n; p += 2) { auto dld = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), n, p); for (size_t m = n; m < v.size() - n; ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dld(v, m), Real(7), Real(0.0042)); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 15*i*i + 7*i+8 + dis(gen); } for (size_t n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < 2*n; p += 2) { auto dld = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), n, p); for (size_t m = n; m < v.size() - n; ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dld(v,m), Real(30*m + 7), Real(0.00008)); } } } std::normal_distribution<> dis1{0, 0.0001}; Real omega = Real(1)/Real(16); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = sin(i*omega) + dis1(gen); } for (size_t n = 10; n < 20; ++n) { for (size_t p = 3; p < 100 && p < n/2; p += 2) { auto dld = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), n, p); for (size_t m = n; m < v.size() - n && m < n + 10; ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dld(v,m), omega*cos(omega*m), Real(0.03)); } } } } template void test_boundary_velocity_filters() { std::cout << "Testing boundary filters on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); for(int n = 1; n < 5; ++n) { for (int p = 1; p < 2*n+1; ++p) { for (int s = -n; s <= n; ++s) { auto f = boundary_velocity_filter(n, p, s); // Sum is zero: auto cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < f.size() - 1; ++i) { cond += f[i]; } BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(cond.sum(), -f[f.size()-1], 6*cond()*tol); cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t k = 0; k < f.size(); ++k) { Real j = Real(k) - Real(n); // note the shifted index here: cond += (j-s)*f[k]; } BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(cond.sum(), 1, 6*cond()*tol); for (int l = 2; l <= p; ++l) { cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t k = 0; k < f.size() - 1; ++k) { Real j = Real(k) - Real(n); // The condition number of this sum is infinite! // No need to get to worked up about the tolerance. cond += pow(j-s, l)*f[k]; } Real expected = -pow(Real(f.size()-1) - Real(n) - Real(s), l)*f[f.size()-1]; if (expected == 0) { BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(cond.sum(), cond()*tol); } else { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(expected, cond.sum(), 200*cond()*tol); } } //std::cout << "(n,p,s) = ("<< n << ", " << p << "," << s << ") = {"; //for (auto & x : f) //{ // std::cout << x << ", "; //} //std::cout << "}\n";*/ } } } } template void test_boundary_lanczos() { std::cout << "Testing Lanczos boundary on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); std::vector v(500, 7); for (size_t n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < 2*n; ++p) { auto lsd = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(0.0125), n, p); for (size_t m = 0; m < n; ++m) { Real dvdt = lsd(v,m); BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(dvdt, 4*sqrt(tol)); } for (size_t m = v.size() - n; m < v.size(); ++m) { Real dvdt = lsd(v,m); BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(dvdt, 4*sqrt(tol)); } } } for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 7*i+8; } for (size_t n = 3; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < 2*n; ++p) { auto lsd = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), n, p); for (size_t m = 0; m < n; ++m) { Real dvdt = lsd(v,m); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dvdt, 7, sqrt(tol)); } for (size_t m = v.size() - n; m < v.size(); ++m) { Real dvdt = lsd(v,m); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dvdt, 7, 4*sqrt(tol)); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 15*i*i + 7*i+8; } for (size_t n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < 2*n; ++p) { auto lsd = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), n, p); for (size_t m = 0; m < v.size(); ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(lsd(v,m), 30*m+7, 30*sqrt(tol)); } } } // Demonstrate that the boundary filters are also denoising: //std::random_device rd{}; //auto seed = rd(); //std::cout << "seed = " << seed << "\n"; std::mt19937 gen(311354333); std::normal_distribution<> dis{0, 0.01}; for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] += dis(gen); } for (size_t n = 1; n < 10; ++n) { for (size_t p = 2; p < n; ++p) { auto lsd = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), n, p); for (size_t m = 0; m < v.size(); ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(lsd(v,m), 30*m+7, 0.005); } auto dvdt = lsd(v); for (size_t m = 0; m < v.size(); ++m) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dvdt[m], 30*m+7, 0.005); } } } } template void test_acceleration_filters() { Real eps = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); for (size_t n = 1; n < 5; ++n) { for(size_t p = 3; p <= 2*n; ++p) { for(int64_t s = -int64_t(n); s <= 0; ++s) { auto g = boost::math::differentiation::detail::acceleration_filter(n,p,s); std::vector f(g.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < g.size(); ++i) { f[i] = static_cast(g[i]); } auto cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < f.size() - 1; ++i) { cond += f[i]; } BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(cond.sum(), -f[f.size()-1], 10*cond()*eps); cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t k = 0; k < f.size() -1; ++k) { Real j = Real(k) - Real(n); cond += (j-s)*f[k]; } Real expected = -(Real(f.size()-1)- Real(n) - s)*f[f.size()-1]; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(cond.sum(), expected, 10*cond()*eps); cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t k = 0; k < f.size(); ++k) { Real j = Real(k) - Real(n); cond += (j-s)*(j-s)*f[k]; } BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(cond.sum(), 2, 100*cond()*eps); // See unlabelled equation in McDevitt, 2012, just after equation 26: // It appears that there is an off-by-one error in that equation, since p + 1 moments don't vanish, only p. // This test is itself suspect; the condition number of the moment sum is infinite. // So the *slightest* error in the filter gets amplified by the test; in terms of the // behavior of the actual filter, it's not a big deal. for (size_t l = 3; l <= p; ++l) { cond = summation_condition_number(0); for (size_t k = 0; k < f.size() - 1; ++k) { Real j = Real(k) - Real(n); cond += pow((j-s), l)*f[k]; } Real expected = -pow(Real(f.size()- 1 - n -s), l)*f[f.size()-1]; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(cond.sum(), expected, 1000*cond()*eps); } } } } } template void test_lanczos_acceleration() { Real eps = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); std::vector v(100, 7); auto lanczos = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), 4, 3); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(lanczos(v, i), eps); } for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 7*i + 6; } for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(lanczos(v,i), 200*eps); } for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 7*i*i + 9*i + 6; } for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(lanczos(v, i), 14, 1500*eps); } // Now add noise, and kick up the smoothing of the Lanzcos derivative (increase n): //std::random_device rd{}; //auto seed = rd(); //std::cout << "seed = " << seed << "\n"; size_t seed = 2507134629; std::mt19937 gen(seed); Real std_dev = 0.1; std::normal_distribution dis{0, std_dev}; for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] += dis(gen); } lanczos = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1), 18, 3); auto w = lanczos(v); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(w[i], 14, std_dev/200); } } template void test_rescaling() { std::cout << "Test rescaling on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); std::vector v(500); for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 7*i*i + 9*i + 6; } std::vector dvdt1(500); std::vector dvdt2(500); auto lanczos1 = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1)); auto lanczos2 = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(2)); lanczos1(v, dvdt1); lanczos2(v, dvdt2); for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dvdt1[i], 2*dvdt2[i], tol); } auto lanczos3 = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1)); auto lanczos4 = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(2)); std::vector dv2dt21(500); std::vector dv2dt22(500); for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dv2dt21[i], 4*dv2dt22[i], tol); } } template void test_data_representations() { std::cout << "Test rescaling on type " << typeid(Real).name() << "\n"; Real tol = 150*std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); std::array v; for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 9*i + 6; } std::array dvdt; auto lanczos = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1)); lanczos(v, dvdt); for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dvdt[i], 9, tol); } boost::numeric::ublas::vector w(500); boost::numeric::ublas::vector dwdt(500); for(size_t i = 0; i < w.size(); ++i) { w[i] = 9*i + 6; } lanczos(w, dwdt); for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(dwdt[i], 9, tol); } auto v1 = boost::make_iterator_range(v.begin(), v.end()); auto v2 = boost::make_iterator_range(dvdt.begin(), dvdt.end()); lanczos(v1, v2); for(size_t i = 0; i < v2.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(v2[i], 9, tol); } auto lanczos2 = discrete_lanczos_derivative(Real(1)); lanczos2(v1, v2); for(size_t i = 0; i < v2.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(v2[i], 10*tol); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(lanczos_smoothing_test) { test_dlp_second_derivative(); test_dlp_norms(); test_dlp_evaluation(); test_dlp_derivatives(); test_dlp_next(); // Takes too long! //test_dlp_norms(); test_boundary_velocity_filters(); test_boundary_velocity_filters(); // Takes too long! //test_boundary_velocity_filters(); test_boundary_lanczos(); test_boundary_lanczos(); // Takes too long! //test_boundary_lanczos(); test_interior_velocity_filter(); test_interior_velocity_filter(); test_interior_lanczos(); test_acceleration_filters(); test_lanczos_acceleration(); test_lanczos_acceleration(); test_rescaling(); test_data_representations(); }