[/============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ===============================================================================/] [section:lexer_quickstart2 Quickstart 2 - A better word counter using __lex__] People familiar with __flex__ will probably complain about the example from the section __sec_lex_quickstart_1__ as being overly complex and not being written to leverage the possibilities provided by this tool. In particular the previous example did not directly use the lexer actions to count the lines, words, and characters. So the example provided in this step of the tutorial will show how to use semantic actions in __lex__. Even though this examples still counts textual elements, the purpose is to introduce new concepts and configuration options along the lines (for the full example code see here: [@../../example/lex/word_count_lexer.cpp word_count_lexer.cpp]). [import ../example/lex/word_count_lexer.cpp] [heading Prerequisites] In addition to the only required `#include` specific to /Spirit.Lex/ this example needs to include a couple of header files from the __phoenix__ library. This example shows how to attach functors to token definitions, which could be done using any type of C++ technique resulting in a callable object. Using __phoenix__ for this task simplifies things and avoids adding dependencies to other libraries (__phoenix__ is already in use for __spirit__ anyway). [wcl_includes] To make all the code below more readable we introduce the following namespaces. [wcl_namespaces] To give a preview at what to expect from this example, here is the flex program which has been used as the starting point. The useful code is directly included inside the actions associated with each of the token definitions. [wcl_flex_version] [heading Semantic Actions in __lex__] __lex__ uses a very similar way of associating actions with the token definitions (which should look familiar to anybody knowledgeable with __spirit__ as well): specifying the operations to execute inside of a pair of `[]` brackets. In order to be able to attach semantic actions to token definitions for each of them there is defined an instance of a `token_def<>`. [wcl_token_definition] The semantics of the shown code is as follows. The code inside the `[]` brackets will be executed whenever the corresponding token has been matched by the lexical analyzer. This is very similar to __flex__, where the action code associated with a token definition gets executed after the recognition of a matching input sequence. The code above uses function objects constructed using __phoenix__, but it is possible to insert any C++ function or function object as long as it exposes the proper interface. For more details on please refer to the section __sec_lex_semactions__. [heading Associating Token Definitions with the Lexer] If you compare this code to the code from __sec_lex_quickstart_1__ with regard to the way how token definitions are associated with the lexer, you will notice a different syntax being used here. In the previous example we have been using the `self.add()` style of the API, while we here directly assign the token definitions to `self`, combining the different token definitions using the `|` operator. Here is the code snippet again: this->self = word [++ref(w), ref(c) += distance(_1)] | eol [++ref(c), ++ref(l)] | any [++ref(c)] ; This way we have a very powerful and natural way of building the lexical analyzer. If translated into English this may be read as: The lexical analyzer will recognize ('`=`') tokens as defined by any of ('`|`') the token definitions `word`, `eol`, and `any`. A second difference to the previous example is that we do not explicitly specify any token ids to use for the separate tokens. Using semantic actions to trigger some useful work has freed us from the need to define those. To ensure every token gets assigned a id the __lex__ library internally assigns unique numbers to the token definitions, starting with the constant defined by `boost::spirit::lex::min_token_id`. [heading Pulling everything together] In order to execute the code defined above we still need to instantiate an instance of the lexer type, feed it from some input sequence and create a pair of iterators allowing to iterate over the token sequence as created by the lexer. This code shows how to achieve these steps: [wcl_main] [endsect]