[/============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Joel de Guzman Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ===============================================================================/] [section Parsing Expression Grammar] Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG) [footnote Bryan Ford: Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntactic Foundation, [@http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/packrat/popl04/]] are a derivative of Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) [footnote Richard E. Pattis: EBNF: A Notation to Describe Syntax, [@http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pattis/misc/ebnf.pdf]] with a different interpretation, designed to represent a recursive descent parser. A PEG can be directly represented as a recursive-descent parser. Like EBNF, PEG is a formal grammar for describing a formal language in terms of a set of rules used to recognize strings of this language. Unlike EBNF, PEGs have an exact interpretation. There is only one valid parse tree (see __ast__) for each PEG grammar. [heading Sequences] Sequences are represented by juxtaposition like in EBNF: a b The PEG expression above states that, in order for this to succeed, `b` must follow `a`. Here's the syntax diagram: [:__sd_sequence__] Here's a trivial example: 'x' digit which means the character `x` must be followed by a digit. [note In __x3__, we use the `>>` for sequences since C++ does not allow juxtaposition.] [heading Alternatives] Alternatives are represented in PEG using the slash: a / b [note In __x3__, we use the `|` for alternatives just as in EBNF.] Alternatives allow for choices. The expression above reads: try to match `a`. If `a` succeeds, success, if not try to match `b`. This is a bit of a deviation from the usual EBNF interpretation where you simply match `a` *or* `b`. Here's the syntax diagram: [:__sd_choice__] PEGs allow for ambiguity in the alternatives. In the expression above, both `a` or `b` can both match an input string. However, only the first matching alternative is valid. As noted, there can only be one valid parse tree. [/FIXME: $$$ explain more about this $$$] [heading Loops] Again, like EBNF, PEG uses the regular-expression Kleene star and the plus loops: a* a+ [note __x3__ uses the prefix star and plus since there is no postfix star or plus in C++.] Here are the syntax diagrams: [:__sd_kleene__] [:__sd_plus__] The first, called the Kleene star, matches zero or more of its subject `a`. The second, plus, matches one ore more of its subject `a`. Unlike EBNF, PEGs have greedy loops. It will match as much as it can until its subject fails to match without regard to what follows. The following is a classic example of a fairly common EBNF/regex expression failing to match in PEG: alnum* digit In PEG, alnum will eat as much alpha-numeric characters as it can leaving nothing more left behind. Thus, the trailing digit will get nothing. Loops are simply implemented in recursive descent code as for/while loops making them extremely efficient. That is a definite advantage. On the other hand, those who are familiar with EBNF and regex behavior might find the behavior a major gotcha. PEG provides a couple of other mechanisms to circumvent this. We will see more of these other mechanisms shortly. [heading Difference] In some cases, you may want to restrict a certain expression. You can think of a PEG expression as a match for a potentially infinite set of strings. The difference operator allows you to restrict this set: a - b The expression reads: match `a` but not `b`. [endsect]