// Copyright 2013-2019 Antony Polukhin // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See the accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt // or a copy at .) //[type_index_names_table /*` The following example shows how different type names look when we explicitly use classes for RTTI and RTT off. This example requires RTTI. For a more portable example see 'Getting human readable and mangled type names': */ #include #include #include template void print(const char* name) { boost::typeindex::stl_type_index sti = boost::typeindex::stl_type_index::type_id(); boost::typeindex::ctti_type_index cti = boost::typeindex::ctti_type_index::type_id(); std::cout << "\t[" /* start of the row */ << "[" << name << "]" << "[`" << sti.raw_name() << "`] " << "[`" << sti.pretty_name() << "`] " << "[`" << cti.raw_name() << "`] " << "]\n" /* end of the row */ ; } struct user_defined_type{}; namespace ns1 { namespace ns2 { struct user_defined_type{}; }} // namespace ns1::ns2 namespace { struct in_anon_type{}; } // anonymous namespace namespace ns3 { namespace { namespace ns4 { struct in_anon_type{}; }}} // namespace ns3::{anonymous}::ns4 template class templ {}; template <> class templ {}; int main() { std::cout << "[table:id Table of names\n"; std::cout << "\t[[Type] [RTTI & raw_name] [RTTI & pretty_name] [noRTTI & raw_name]]\n"; print("User defined type"); print("In anonymous namespace"); print("In ns3::{anonymous}::ns4 namespace"); print >("Template class"); print >("Template class (full specialization)"); print, templ > >("Template class with templae classes"); std::cout << "]\n"; } /*` Code from the example will produce the following table: [table:id Table of names [[Type] [RTTI & raw_name] [RTTI & pretty_name] [noRTTI & raw_name]] [[User defined type][`17user_defined_type`] [`user_defined_type`] [`user_defined_type]`] ] [[In anonymous namespace][`N12_GLOBAL__N_112in_anon_typeE`] [`(anonymous namespace)::in_anon_type`] [`{anonymous}::in_anon_type]`] ] [[In ns3::{anonymous}::ns4 namespace][`N3ns312_GLOBAL__N_13ns412in_anon_typeE`] [`ns3::(anonymous namespace)::ns4::in_anon_type`] [`ns3::{anonymous}::ns4::in_anon_type]`] ] [[Template class][`5templIsiE`] [`templ`] [`templ]`] ] [[Template class (full specialization)][`5templIiiE`] [`templ`] [`templ]`] ] [[Template class with template classes][`5templIS_IcaES_Ii17user_defined_typeEE`] [`templ, templ >`] [`templ, templ >]`] ] ] We have not show the "noRTTI & pretty_name" column in the table because it is almost equal to "noRTTI & raw_name" column. [warning With RTTI off different classes with same names in anonymous namespace may collapse. See 'RTTI emulation limitations'. ] */ //] [/type_index_names_table]