// // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be // misrepresented as being the original software. // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. // #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #include #include #include #include #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_opengl.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ # include #else # include #endif #include "imgui.h" #include "InputGeom.h" #include "Sample.h" #include "Sample_TempObstacles.h" #include "Recast.h" #include "RecastDebugDraw.h" #include "DetourAssert.h" #include "DetourNavMesh.h" #include "DetourNavMeshBuilder.h" #include "DetourDebugDraw.h" #include "DetourCommon.h" #include "DetourTileCache.h" #include "NavMeshTesterTool.h" #include "OffMeshConnectionTool.h" #include "ConvexVolumeTool.h" #include "CrowdTool.h" #include "RecastAlloc.h" #include "RecastAssert.h" #include "fastlz.h" #ifdef WIN32 # define snprintf _snprintf #endif // This value specifies how many layers (or "floors") each navmesh tile is expected to have. static const int EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE = 4; static bool isectSegAABB(const float* sp, const float* sq, const float* amin, const float* amax, float& tmin, float& tmax) { static const float EPS = 1e-6f; float d[3]; rcVsub(d, sq, sp); tmin = 0; // set to -FLT_MAX to get first hit on line tmax = FLT_MAX; // set to max distance ray can travel (for segment) // For all three slabs for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (fabsf(d[i]) < EPS) { // Ray is parallel to slab. No hit if origin not within slab if (sp[i] < amin[i] || sp[i] > amax[i]) return false; } else { // Compute intersection t value of ray with near and far plane of slab const float ood = 1.0f / d[i]; float t1 = (amin[i] - sp[i]) * ood; float t2 = (amax[i] - sp[i]) * ood; // Make t1 be intersection with near plane, t2 with far plane if (t1 > t2) rcSwap(t1, t2); // Compute the intersection of slab intersections intervals if (t1 > tmin) tmin = t1; if (t2 < tmax) tmax = t2; // Exit with no collision as soon as slab intersection becomes empty if (tmin > tmax) return false; } } return true; } static int calcLayerBufferSize(const int gridWidth, const int gridHeight) { const int headerSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtTileCacheLayerHeader)); const int gridSize = gridWidth * gridHeight; return headerSize + gridSize*4; } struct FastLZCompressor : public dtTileCacheCompressor { virtual int maxCompressedSize(const int bufferSize) { return (int)(bufferSize* 1.05f); } virtual dtStatus compress(const unsigned char* buffer, const int bufferSize, unsigned char* compressed, const int /*maxCompressedSize*/, int* compressedSize) { *compressedSize = fastlz_compress((const void *const)buffer, bufferSize, compressed); return DT_SUCCESS; } virtual dtStatus decompress(const unsigned char* compressed, const int compressedSize, unsigned char* buffer, const int maxBufferSize, int* bufferSize) { *bufferSize = fastlz_decompress(compressed, compressedSize, buffer, maxBufferSize); return *bufferSize < 0 ? DT_FAILURE : DT_SUCCESS; } }; struct LinearAllocator : public dtTileCacheAlloc { unsigned char* buffer; size_t capacity; size_t top; size_t high; LinearAllocator(const size_t cap) : buffer(0), capacity(0), top(0), high(0) { resize(cap); } ~LinearAllocator() { dtFree(buffer); } void resize(const size_t cap) { if (buffer) dtFree(buffer); buffer = (unsigned char*)dtAlloc(cap, DT_ALLOC_PERM); capacity = cap; } virtual void reset() { high = dtMax(high, top); top = 0; } virtual void* alloc(const size_t size) { if (!buffer) return 0; if (top+size > capacity) return 0; unsigned char* mem = &buffer[top]; top += size; return mem; } virtual void free(void* /*ptr*/) { // Empty } }; struct MeshProcess : public dtTileCacheMeshProcess { InputGeom* m_geom; inline MeshProcess() : m_geom(0) { } inline void init(InputGeom* geom) { m_geom = geom; } virtual void process(struct dtNavMeshCreateParams* params, unsigned char* polyAreas, unsigned short* polyFlags) { // Update poly flags from areas. for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; ++i) { if (polyAreas[i] == DT_TILECACHE_WALKABLE_AREA) polyAreas[i] = SAMPLE_POLYAREA_GROUND; if (polyAreas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_GROUND || polyAreas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_GRASS || polyAreas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_ROAD) { polyFlags[i] = SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK; } else if (polyAreas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_WATER) { polyFlags[i] = SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM; } else if (polyAreas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_DOOR) { polyFlags[i] = SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK | SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR; } } // Pass in off-mesh connections. if (m_geom) { params->offMeshConVerts = m_geom->getOffMeshConnectionVerts(); params->offMeshConRad = m_geom->getOffMeshConnectionRads(); params->offMeshConDir = m_geom->getOffMeshConnectionDirs(); params->offMeshConAreas = m_geom->getOffMeshConnectionAreas(); params->offMeshConFlags = m_geom->getOffMeshConnectionFlags(); params->offMeshConUserID = m_geom->getOffMeshConnectionId(); params->offMeshConCount = m_geom->getOffMeshConnectionCount(); } } }; static const int MAX_LAYERS = 32; struct TileCacheData { unsigned char* data; int dataSize; }; struct RasterizationContext { RasterizationContext() : solid(0), triareas(0), lset(0), chf(0), ntiles(0) { memset(tiles, 0, sizeof(TileCacheData)*MAX_LAYERS); } ~RasterizationContext() { rcFreeHeightField(solid); delete [] triareas; rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet(lset); rcFreeCompactHeightfield(chf); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LAYERS; ++i) { dtFree(tiles[i].data); tiles[i].data = 0; } } rcHeightfield* solid; unsigned char* triareas; rcHeightfieldLayerSet* lset; rcCompactHeightfield* chf; TileCacheData tiles[MAX_LAYERS]; int ntiles; }; int Sample_TempObstacles::rasterizeTileLayers( const int tx, const int ty, const rcConfig& cfg, TileCacheData* tiles, const int maxTiles) { if (!m_geom || !m_geom->getMesh() || !m_geom->getChunkyMesh()) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTile: Input mesh is not specified."); return 0; } FastLZCompressor comp; RasterizationContext rc; const float* verts = m_geom->getMesh()->getVerts(); const int nverts = m_geom->getMesh()->getVertCount(); const rcChunkyTriMesh* chunkyMesh = m_geom->getChunkyMesh(); // Tile bounds. const float tcs = cfg.tileSize * cfg.cs; rcConfig tcfg; memcpy(&tcfg, &cfg, sizeof(tcfg)); tcfg.bmin[0] = cfg.bmin[0] + tx*tcs; tcfg.bmin[1] = cfg.bmin[1]; tcfg.bmin[2] = cfg.bmin[2] + ty*tcs; tcfg.bmax[0] = cfg.bmin[0] + (tx+1)*tcs; tcfg.bmax[1] = cfg.bmax[1]; tcfg.bmax[2] = cfg.bmin[2] + (ty+1)*tcs; tcfg.bmin[0] -= tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs; tcfg.bmin[2] -= tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs; tcfg.bmax[0] += tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs; tcfg.bmax[2] += tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs; // Allocate voxel heightfield where we rasterize our input data to. rc.solid = rcAllocHeightfield(); if (!rc.solid) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'solid'."); return 0; } if (!rcCreateHeightfield(m_ctx, *rc.solid, tcfg.width, tcfg.height, tcfg.bmin, tcfg.bmax, tcfg.cs, tcfg.ch)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not create solid heightfield."); return 0; } // Allocate array that can hold triangle flags. // If you have multiple meshes you need to process, allocate // and array which can hold the max number of triangles you need to process. rc.triareas = new unsigned char[chunkyMesh->maxTrisPerChunk]; if (!rc.triareas) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'm_triareas' (%d).", chunkyMesh->maxTrisPerChunk); return 0; } float tbmin[2], tbmax[2]; tbmin[0] = tcfg.bmin[0]; tbmin[1] = tcfg.bmin[2]; tbmax[0] = tcfg.bmax[0]; tbmax[1] = tcfg.bmax[2]; int cid[512];// TODO: Make grow when returning too many items. const int ncid = rcGetChunksOverlappingRect(chunkyMesh, tbmin, tbmax, cid, 512); if (!ncid) { return 0; // empty } for (int i = 0; i < ncid; ++i) { const rcChunkyTriMeshNode& node = chunkyMesh->nodes[cid[i]]; const int* tris = &chunkyMesh->tris[node.i*3]; const int ntris = node.n; memset(rc.triareas, 0, ntris*sizeof(unsigned char)); rcMarkWalkableTriangles(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableSlopeAngle, verts, nverts, tris, ntris, rc.triareas); if (!rcRasterizeTriangles(m_ctx, verts, nverts, tris, rc.triareas, ntris, *rc.solid, tcfg.walkableClimb)) return 0; } // Once all geometry is rasterized, we do initial pass of filtering to // remove unwanted overhangs caused by the conservative rasterization // as well as filter spans where the character cannot possibly stand. if (m_filterLowHangingObstacles) rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid); if (m_filterLedgeSpans) rcFilterLedgeSpans(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid); if (m_filterWalkableLowHeightSpans) rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, *rc.solid); rc.chf = rcAllocCompactHeightfield(); if (!rc.chf) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'chf'."); return 0; } if (!rcBuildCompactHeightfield(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid, *rc.chf)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build compact data."); return 0; } // Erode the walkable area by agent radius. if (!rcErodeWalkableArea(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableRadius, *rc.chf)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not erode."); return 0; } // (Optional) Mark areas. const ConvexVolume* vols = m_geom->getConvexVolumes(); for (int i = 0; i < m_geom->getConvexVolumeCount(); ++i) { rcMarkConvexPolyArea(m_ctx, vols[i].verts, vols[i].nverts, vols[i].hmin, vols[i].hmax, (unsigned char)vols[i].area, *rc.chf); } rc.lset = rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet(); if (!rc.lset) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'lset'."); return 0; } if (!rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(m_ctx, *rc.chf, tcfg.borderSize, tcfg.walkableHeight, *rc.lset)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build heighfield layers."); return 0; } rc.ntiles = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rcMin(rc.lset->nlayers, MAX_LAYERS); ++i) { TileCacheData* tile = &rc.tiles[rc.ntiles++]; const rcHeightfieldLayer* layer = &rc.lset->layers[i]; // Store header dtTileCacheLayerHeader header; header.magic = DT_TILECACHE_MAGIC; header.version = DT_TILECACHE_VERSION; // Tile layer location in the navmesh. header.tx = tx; header.ty = ty; header.tlayer = i; dtVcopy(header.bmin, layer->bmin); dtVcopy(header.bmax, layer->bmax); // Tile info. header.width = (unsigned char)layer->width; header.height = (unsigned char)layer->height; header.minx = (unsigned char)layer->minx; header.maxx = (unsigned char)layer->maxx; header.miny = (unsigned char)layer->miny; header.maxy = (unsigned char)layer->maxy; header.hmin = (unsigned short)layer->hmin; header.hmax = (unsigned short)layer->hmax; dtStatus status = dtBuildTileCacheLayer(&comp, &header, layer->heights, layer->areas, layer->cons, &tile->data, &tile->dataSize); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) { return 0; } } // Transfer ownsership of tile data from build context to the caller. int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rcMin(rc.ntiles, maxTiles); ++i) { tiles[n++] = rc.tiles[i]; rc.tiles[i].data = 0; rc.tiles[i].dataSize = 0; } return n; } void drawTiles(duDebugDraw* dd, dtTileCache* tc) { unsigned int fcol[6]; float bmin[3], bmax[3]; for (int i = 0; i < tc->getTileCount(); ++i) { const dtCompressedTile* tile = tc->getTile(i); if (!tile->header) continue; tc->calcTightTileBounds(tile->header, bmin, bmax); const unsigned int col = duIntToCol(i,64); duCalcBoxColors(fcol, col, col); duDebugDrawBox(dd, bmin[0],bmin[1],bmin[2], bmax[0],bmax[1],bmax[2], fcol); } for (int i = 0; i < tc->getTileCount(); ++i) { const dtCompressedTile* tile = tc->getTile(i); if (!tile->header) continue; tc->calcTightTileBounds(tile->header, bmin, bmax); const unsigned int col = duIntToCol(i,255); const float pad = tc->getParams()->cs * 0.1f; duDebugDrawBoxWire(dd, bmin[0]-pad,bmin[1]-pad,bmin[2]-pad, bmax[0]+pad,bmax[1]+pad,bmax[2]+pad, col, 2.0f); } } enum DrawDetailType { DRAWDETAIL_AREAS, DRAWDETAIL_REGIONS, DRAWDETAIL_CONTOURS, DRAWDETAIL_MESH, }; void drawDetail(duDebugDraw* dd, dtTileCache* tc, const int tx, const int ty, int type) { struct TileCacheBuildContext { inline TileCacheBuildContext(struct dtTileCacheAlloc* a) : layer(0), lcset(0), lmesh(0), alloc(a) {} inline ~TileCacheBuildContext() { purge(); } void purge() { dtFreeTileCacheLayer(alloc, layer); layer = 0; dtFreeTileCacheContourSet(alloc, lcset); lcset = 0; dtFreeTileCachePolyMesh(alloc, lmesh); lmesh = 0; } struct dtTileCacheLayer* layer; struct dtTileCacheContourSet* lcset; struct dtTileCachePolyMesh* lmesh; struct dtTileCacheAlloc* alloc; }; dtCompressedTileRef tiles[MAX_LAYERS]; const int ntiles = tc->getTilesAt(tx,ty,tiles,MAX_LAYERS); dtTileCacheAlloc* talloc = tc->getAlloc(); dtTileCacheCompressor* tcomp = tc->getCompressor(); const dtTileCacheParams* params = tc->getParams(); for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) { const dtCompressedTile* tile = tc->getTileByRef(tiles[i]); talloc->reset(); TileCacheBuildContext bc(talloc); const int walkableClimbVx = (int)(params->walkableClimb / params->ch); dtStatus status; // Decompress tile layer data. status = dtDecompressTileCacheLayer(talloc, tcomp, tile->data, tile->dataSize, &bc.layer); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) return; if (type == DRAWDETAIL_AREAS) { duDebugDrawTileCacheLayerAreas(dd, *bc.layer, params->cs, params->ch); continue; } // Build navmesh status = dtBuildTileCacheRegions(talloc, *bc.layer, walkableClimbVx); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) return; if (type == DRAWDETAIL_REGIONS) { duDebugDrawTileCacheLayerRegions(dd, *bc.layer, params->cs, params->ch); continue; } bc.lcset = dtAllocTileCacheContourSet(talloc); if (!bc.lcset) return; status = dtBuildTileCacheContours(talloc, *bc.layer, walkableClimbVx, params->maxSimplificationError, *bc.lcset); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) return; if (type == DRAWDETAIL_CONTOURS) { duDebugDrawTileCacheContours(dd, *bc.lcset, tile->header->bmin, params->cs, params->ch); continue; } bc.lmesh = dtAllocTileCachePolyMesh(talloc); if (!bc.lmesh) return; status = dtBuildTileCachePolyMesh(talloc, *bc.lcset, *bc.lmesh); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) return; if (type == DRAWDETAIL_MESH) { duDebugDrawTileCachePolyMesh(dd, *bc.lmesh, tile->header->bmin, params->cs, params->ch); continue; } } } void drawDetailOverlay(const dtTileCache* tc, const int tx, const int ty, double* proj, double* model, int* view) { dtCompressedTileRef tiles[MAX_LAYERS]; const int ntiles = tc->getTilesAt(tx,ty,tiles,MAX_LAYERS); if (!ntiles) return; const int rawSize = calcLayerBufferSize(tc->getParams()->width, tc->getParams()->height); char text[128]; for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) { const dtCompressedTile* tile = tc->getTileByRef(tiles[i]); float pos[3]; pos[0] = (tile->header->bmin[0]+tile->header->bmax[0])/2.0f; pos[1] = tile->header->bmin[1]; pos[2] = (tile->header->bmin[2]+tile->header->bmax[2])/2.0f; GLdouble x, y, z; if (gluProject((GLdouble)pos[0], (GLdouble)pos[1], (GLdouble)pos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { snprintf(text,128,"(%d,%d)/%d", tile->header->tx,tile->header->ty,tile->header->tlayer); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y-25, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, text, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,220)); snprintf(text,128,"Compressed: %.1f kB", tile->dataSize/1024.0f); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y-45, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, text, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,128)); snprintf(text,128,"Raw:%.1fkB", rawSize/1024.0f); imguiDrawText((int)x, (int)y-65, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, text, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,128)); } } } dtObstacleRef hitTestObstacle(const dtTileCache* tc, const float* sp, const float* sq) { float tmin = FLT_MAX; const dtTileCacheObstacle* obmin = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tc->getObstacleCount(); ++i) { const dtTileCacheObstacle* ob = tc->getObstacle(i); if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_EMPTY) continue; float bmin[3], bmax[3], t0,t1; tc->getObstacleBounds(ob, bmin,bmax); if (isectSegAABB(sp,sq, bmin,bmax, t0,t1)) { if (t0 < tmin) { tmin = t0; obmin = ob; } } } return tc->getObstacleRef(obmin); } void drawObstacles(duDebugDraw* dd, const dtTileCache* tc) { // Draw obstacles for (int i = 0; i < tc->getObstacleCount(); ++i) { const dtTileCacheObstacle* ob = tc->getObstacle(i); if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_EMPTY) continue; float bmin[3], bmax[3]; tc->getObstacleBounds(ob, bmin,bmax); unsigned int col = 0; if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_PROCESSING) col = duRGBA(255,255,0,128); else if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_PROCESSED) col = duRGBA(255,192,0,192); else if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_REMOVING) col = duRGBA(220,0,0,128); duDebugDrawCylinder(dd, bmin[0],bmin[1],bmin[2], bmax[0],bmax[1],bmax[2], col); duDebugDrawCylinderWire(dd, bmin[0],bmin[1],bmin[2], bmax[0],bmax[1],bmax[2], duDarkenCol(col), 2); } } class TempObstacleHilightTool : public SampleTool { Sample_TempObstacles* m_sample; float m_hitPos[3]; bool m_hitPosSet; int m_drawType; public: TempObstacleHilightTool() : m_sample(0), m_hitPosSet(false), m_drawType(DRAWDETAIL_AREAS) { m_hitPos[0] = m_hitPos[1] = m_hitPos[2] = 0; } virtual ~TempObstacleHilightTool() { } virtual int type() { return TOOL_TILE_HIGHLIGHT; } virtual void init(Sample* sample) { m_sample = (Sample_TempObstacles*)sample; } virtual void reset() {} virtual void handleMenu() { imguiLabel("Highlight Tile Cache"); imguiValue("Click LMB to highlight a tile."); imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Draw Areas", m_drawType == DRAWDETAIL_AREAS)) m_drawType = DRAWDETAIL_AREAS; if (imguiCheck("Draw Regions", m_drawType == DRAWDETAIL_REGIONS)) m_drawType = DRAWDETAIL_REGIONS; if (imguiCheck("Draw Contours", m_drawType == DRAWDETAIL_CONTOURS)) m_drawType = DRAWDETAIL_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Draw Mesh", m_drawType == DRAWDETAIL_MESH)) m_drawType = DRAWDETAIL_MESH; } virtual void handleClick(const float* /*s*/, const float* p, bool /*shift*/) { m_hitPosSet = true; rcVcopy(m_hitPos,p); } virtual void handleToggle() {} virtual void handleStep() {} virtual void handleUpdate(const float /*dt*/) {} virtual void handleRender() { if (m_hitPosSet && m_sample) { const float s = m_sample->getAgentRadius(); glColor4ub(0,0,0,128); glLineWidth(2.0f); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(m_hitPos[0]-s,m_hitPos[1]+0.1f,m_hitPos[2]); glVertex3f(m_hitPos[0]+s,m_hitPos[1]+0.1f,m_hitPos[2]); glVertex3f(m_hitPos[0],m_hitPos[1]-s+0.1f,m_hitPos[2]); glVertex3f(m_hitPos[0],m_hitPos[1]+s+0.1f,m_hitPos[2]); glVertex3f(m_hitPos[0],m_hitPos[1]+0.1f,m_hitPos[2]-s); glVertex3f(m_hitPos[0],m_hitPos[1]+0.1f,m_hitPos[2]+s); glEnd(); glLineWidth(1.0f); int tx=0, ty=0; m_sample->getTilePos(m_hitPos, tx, ty); m_sample->renderCachedTile(tx,ty,m_drawType); } } virtual void handleRenderOverlay(double* proj, double* model, int* view) { if (m_hitPosSet) { if (m_sample) { int tx=0, ty=0; m_sample->getTilePos(m_hitPos, tx, ty); m_sample->renderCachedTileOverlay(tx,ty,proj,model,view); } } } }; class TempObstacleCreateTool : public SampleTool { Sample_TempObstacles* m_sample; public: TempObstacleCreateTool() : m_sample(0) { } virtual ~TempObstacleCreateTool() { } virtual int type() { return TOOL_TEMP_OBSTACLE; } virtual void init(Sample* sample) { m_sample = (Sample_TempObstacles*)sample; } virtual void reset() {} virtual void handleMenu() { imguiLabel("Create Temp Obstacles"); if (imguiButton("Remove All")) m_sample->clearAllTempObstacles(); imguiSeparator(); imguiValue("Click LMB to create an obstacle."); imguiValue("Shift+LMB to remove an obstacle."); } virtual void handleClick(const float* s, const float* p, bool shift) { if (m_sample) { if (shift) m_sample->removeTempObstacle(s,p); else m_sample->addTempObstacle(p); } } virtual void handleToggle() {} virtual void handleStep() {} virtual void handleUpdate(const float /*dt*/) {} virtual void handleRender() {} virtual void handleRenderOverlay(double* /*proj*/, double* /*model*/, int* /*view*/) { } }; Sample_TempObstacles::Sample_TempObstacles() : m_keepInterResults(false), m_tileCache(0), m_cacheBuildTimeMs(0), m_cacheCompressedSize(0), m_cacheRawSize(0), m_cacheLayerCount(0), m_cacheBuildMemUsage(0), m_drawMode(DRAWMODE_NAVMESH), m_maxTiles(0), m_maxPolysPerTile(0), m_tileSize(48) { resetCommonSettings(); m_talloc = new LinearAllocator(32000); m_tcomp = new FastLZCompressor; m_tmproc = new MeshProcess; setTool(new TempObstacleCreateTool); } Sample_TempObstacles::~Sample_TempObstacles() { dtFreeNavMesh(m_navMesh); m_navMesh = 0; dtFreeTileCache(m_tileCache); } void Sample_TempObstacles::handleSettings() { Sample::handleCommonSettings(); if (imguiCheck("Keep Itermediate Results", m_keepInterResults)) m_keepInterResults = !m_keepInterResults; imguiLabel("Tiling"); imguiSlider("TileSize", &m_tileSize, 16.0f, 128.0f, 8.0f); int gridSize = 1; if (m_geom) { const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin(); const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax(); char text[64]; int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); const int ts = (int)m_tileSize; const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts; const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts; snprintf(text, 64, "Tiles %d x %d", tw, th); imguiValue(text); // Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated. // There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon. int tileBits = rcMin((int)dtIlog2(dtNextPow2(tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE)), 14); if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14; int polyBits = 22 - tileBits; m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits; m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits; snprintf(text, 64, "Max Tiles %d", m_maxTiles); imguiValue(text); snprintf(text, 64, "Max Polys %d", m_maxPolysPerTile); imguiValue(text); gridSize = tw*th; } else { m_maxTiles = 0; m_maxPolysPerTile = 0; } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Tile Cache"); char msg[64]; const float compressionRatio = (float)m_cacheCompressedSize / (float)(m_cacheRawSize+1); snprintf(msg, 64, "Layers %d", m_cacheLayerCount); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Layers (per tile) %.1f", (float)m_cacheLayerCount/(float)gridSize); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Memory %.1f kB / %.1f kB (%.1f%%)", m_cacheCompressedSize/1024.0f, m_cacheRawSize/1024.0f, compressionRatio*100.0f); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Navmesh Build Time %.1f ms", m_cacheBuildTimeMs); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Build Peak Mem Usage %.1f kB", m_cacheBuildMemUsage/1024.0f); imguiValue(msg); imguiSeparator(); imguiIndent(); imguiIndent(); if (imguiButton("Save")) { saveAll("all_tiles_tilecache.bin"); } if (imguiButton("Load")) { dtFreeNavMesh(m_navMesh); dtFreeTileCache(m_tileCache); loadAll("all_tiles_tilecache.bin"); m_navQuery->init(m_navMesh, 2048); } imguiUnindent(); imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(); } void Sample_TempObstacles::handleTools() { int type = !m_tool ? TOOL_NONE : m_tool->type(); if (imguiCheck("Test Navmesh", type == TOOL_NAVMESH_TESTER)) { setTool(new NavMeshTesterTool); } if (imguiCheck("Highlight Tile Cache", type == TOOL_TILE_HIGHLIGHT)) { setTool(new TempObstacleHilightTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Temp Obstacles", type == TOOL_TEMP_OBSTACLE)) { setTool(new TempObstacleCreateTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Off-Mesh Links", type == TOOL_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)) { setTool(new OffMeshConnectionTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Convex Volumes", type == TOOL_CONVEX_VOLUME)) { setTool(new ConvexVolumeTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Crowds", type == TOOL_CROWD)) { setTool(new CrowdTool); } imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiIndent(); if (m_tool) m_tool->handleMenu(); imguiUnindent(); } void Sample_TempObstacles::handleDebugMode() { // Check which modes are valid. bool valid[MAX_DRAWMODE]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) valid[i] = false; if (m_geom) { valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES] = m_navQuery != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_MESH] = true; valid[DRAWMODE_CACHE_BOUNDS] = true; } int unavail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) if (!valid[i]) unavail++; if (unavail == MAX_DRAWMODE) return; imguiLabel("Draw"); if (imguiCheck("Input Mesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_MESH, valid[DRAWMODE_MESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_MESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Invis", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Trans", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh BVTree", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Nodes", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Portals", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS; if (imguiCheck("Cache Bounds", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_CACHE_BOUNDS, valid[DRAWMODE_CACHE_BOUNDS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_CACHE_BOUNDS; if (unavail) { imguiValue("Tick 'Keep Itermediate Results'"); imguiValue("rebuild some tiles to see"); imguiValue("more debug mode options."); } } void Sample_TempObstacles::handleRender() { if (!m_geom || !m_geom->getMesh()) return; const float texScale = 1.0f / (m_cellSize * 10.0f); // Draw mesh if (m_drawMode != DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS) { // Draw mesh duDebugDrawTriMeshSlope(&m_dd, m_geom->getMesh()->getVerts(), m_geom->getMesh()->getVertCount(), m_geom->getMesh()->getTris(), m_geom->getMesh()->getNormals(), m_geom->getMesh()->getTriCount(), m_agentMaxSlope, texScale); m_geom->drawOffMeshConnections(&m_dd); } if (m_tileCache && m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_CACHE_BOUNDS) drawTiles(&m_dd, m_tileCache); if (m_tileCache) drawObstacles(&m_dd, m_tileCache); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); // Draw bounds const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin(); const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax(); duDebugDrawBoxWire(&m_dd, bmin[0],bmin[1],bmin[2], bmax[0],bmax[1],bmax[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,128), 1.0f); // Tiling grid. int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); const int tw = (gw + (int)m_tileSize-1) / (int)m_tileSize; const int th = (gh + (int)m_tileSize-1) / (int)m_tileSize; const float s = m_tileSize*m_cellSize; duDebugDrawGridXZ(&m_dd, bmin[0],bmin[1],bmin[2], tw,th, s, duRGBA(0,0,0,64), 1.0f); if (m_navMesh && m_navQuery && (m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH || m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS || m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE || m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES || m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS || m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS)) { if (m_drawMode != DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS) duDebugDrawNavMeshWithClosedList(&m_dd, *m_navMesh, *m_navQuery, m_navMeshDrawFlags/*|DU_DRAWNAVMESH_COLOR_TILES*/); if (m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE) duDebugDrawNavMeshBVTree(&m_dd, *m_navMesh); if (m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS) duDebugDrawNavMeshPortals(&m_dd, *m_navMesh); if (m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES) duDebugDrawNavMeshNodes(&m_dd, *m_navQuery); duDebugDrawNavMeshPolysWithFlags(&m_dd, *m_navMesh, SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DISABLED, duRGBA(0,0,0,128)); } glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); m_geom->drawConvexVolumes(&m_dd); if (m_tool) m_tool->handleRender(); renderToolStates(); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } void Sample_TempObstacles::renderCachedTile(const int tx, const int ty, const int type) { if (m_tileCache) drawDetail(&m_dd,m_tileCache,tx,ty,type); } void Sample_TempObstacles::renderCachedTileOverlay(const int tx, const int ty, double* proj, double* model, int* view) { if (m_tileCache) drawDetailOverlay(m_tileCache, tx, ty, proj, model, view); } void Sample_TempObstacles::handleRenderOverlay(double* proj, double* model, int* view) { if (m_tool) m_tool->handleRenderOverlay(proj, model, view); renderOverlayToolStates(proj, model, view); // Stats /* imguiDrawRect(280,10,300,100,imguiRGBA(0,0,0,64)); char text[64]; int y = 110-30; snprintf(text,64,"Lean Data: %.1fkB", m_tileCache->getRawSize()/1024.0f); imguiDrawText(300, y, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,255)); y -= 20; snprintf(text,64,"Compressed: %.1fkB (%.1f%%)", m_tileCache->getCompressedSize()/1024.0f, m_tileCache->getRawSize() > 0 ? 100.0f*(float)m_tileCache->getCompressedSize()/(float)m_tileCache->getRawSize() : 0); imguiDrawText(300, y, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,255)); y -= 20; if (m_rebuildTileCount > 0 && m_rebuildTime > 0.0f) { snprintf(text,64,"Changed obstacles, rebuild %d tiles: %.3f ms", m_rebuildTileCount, m_rebuildTime); imguiDrawText(300, y, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(255,192,0,255)); y -= 20; } */ } void Sample_TempObstacles::handleMeshChanged(class InputGeom* geom) { Sample::handleMeshChanged(geom); dtFreeTileCache(m_tileCache); m_tileCache = 0; dtFreeNavMesh(m_navMesh); m_navMesh = 0; if (m_tool) { m_tool->reset(); m_tool->init(this); m_tmproc->init(m_geom); } resetToolStates(); initToolStates(this); } void Sample_TempObstacles::addTempObstacle(const float* pos) { if (!m_tileCache) return; float p[3]; dtVcopy(p, pos); p[1] -= 0.5f; m_tileCache->addObstacle(p, 1.0f, 2.0f, 0); } void Sample_TempObstacles::removeTempObstacle(const float* sp, const float* sq) { if (!m_tileCache) return; dtObstacleRef ref = hitTestObstacle(m_tileCache, sp, sq); m_tileCache->removeObstacle(ref); } void Sample_TempObstacles::clearAllTempObstacles() { if (!m_tileCache) return; for (int i = 0; i < m_tileCache->getObstacleCount(); ++i) { const dtTileCacheObstacle* ob = m_tileCache->getObstacle(i); if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_EMPTY) continue; m_tileCache->removeObstacle(m_tileCache->getObstacleRef(ob)); } } bool Sample_TempObstacles::handleBuild() { dtStatus status; if (!m_geom || !m_geom->getMesh()) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: No vertices and triangles."); return false; } m_tmproc->init(m_geom); // Init cache const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin(); const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax(); int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); const int ts = (int)m_tileSize; const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts; const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts; // Generation params. rcConfig cfg; memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); cfg.cs = m_cellSize; cfg.ch = m_cellHeight; cfg.walkableSlopeAngle = m_agentMaxSlope; cfg.walkableHeight = (int)ceilf(m_agentHeight / cfg.ch); cfg.walkableClimb = (int)floorf(m_agentMaxClimb / cfg.ch); cfg.walkableRadius = (int)ceilf(m_agentRadius / cfg.cs); cfg.maxEdgeLen = (int)(m_edgeMaxLen / m_cellSize); cfg.maxSimplificationError = m_edgeMaxError; cfg.minRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMinSize); // Note: area = size*size cfg.mergeRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMergeSize); // Note: area = size*size cfg.maxVertsPerPoly = (int)m_vertsPerPoly; cfg.tileSize = (int)m_tileSize; cfg.borderSize = cfg.walkableRadius + 3; // Reserve enough padding. cfg.width = cfg.tileSize + cfg.borderSize*2; cfg.height = cfg.tileSize + cfg.borderSize*2; cfg.detailSampleDist = m_detailSampleDist < 0.9f ? 0 : m_cellSize * m_detailSampleDist; cfg.detailSampleMaxError = m_cellHeight * m_detailSampleMaxError; rcVcopy(cfg.bmin, bmin); rcVcopy(cfg.bmax, bmax); // Tile cache params. dtTileCacheParams tcparams; memset(&tcparams, 0, sizeof(tcparams)); rcVcopy(tcparams.orig, bmin); tcparams.cs = m_cellSize; tcparams.ch = m_cellHeight; tcparams.width = (int)m_tileSize; tcparams.height = (int)m_tileSize; tcparams.walkableHeight = m_agentHeight; tcparams.walkableRadius = m_agentRadius; tcparams.walkableClimb = m_agentMaxClimb; tcparams.maxSimplificationError = m_edgeMaxError; tcparams.maxTiles = tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE; tcparams.maxObstacles = 128; dtFreeTileCache(m_tileCache); m_tileCache = dtAllocTileCache(); if (!m_tileCache) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not allocate tile cache."); return false; } status = m_tileCache->init(&tcparams, m_talloc, m_tcomp, m_tmproc); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init tile cache."); return false; } dtFreeNavMesh(m_navMesh); m_navMesh = dtAllocNavMesh(); if (!m_navMesh) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not allocate navmesh."); return false; } dtNavMeshParams params; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); rcVcopy(params.orig, bmin); params.tileWidth = m_tileSize*m_cellSize; params.tileHeight = m_tileSize*m_cellSize; params.maxTiles = m_maxTiles; params.maxPolys = m_maxPolysPerTile; status = m_navMesh->init(¶ms); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init navmesh."); return false; } status = m_navQuery->init(m_navMesh, 2048); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init Detour navmesh query"); return false; } // Preprocess tiles. m_ctx->resetTimers(); m_cacheLayerCount = 0; m_cacheCompressedSize = 0; m_cacheRawSize = 0; for (int y = 0; y < th; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < tw; ++x) { TileCacheData tiles[MAX_LAYERS]; memset(tiles, 0, sizeof(tiles)); int ntiles = rasterizeTileLayers(x, y, cfg, tiles, MAX_LAYERS); for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) { TileCacheData* tile = &tiles[i]; status = m_tileCache->addTile(tile->data, tile->dataSize, DT_COMPRESSEDTILE_FREE_DATA, 0); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) { dtFree(tile->data); tile->data = 0; continue; } m_cacheLayerCount++; m_cacheCompressedSize += tile->dataSize; m_cacheRawSize += calcLayerBufferSize(tcparams.width, tcparams.height); } } } // Build initial meshes m_ctx->startTimer(RC_TIMER_TOTAL); for (int y = 0; y < th; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < tw; ++x) m_tileCache->buildNavMeshTilesAt(x,y, m_navMesh); m_ctx->stopTimer(RC_TIMER_TOTAL); m_cacheBuildTimeMs = m_ctx->getAccumulatedTime(RC_TIMER_TOTAL)/1000.0f; m_cacheBuildMemUsage = static_cast(m_talloc->high); const dtNavMesh* nav = m_navMesh; int navmeshMemUsage = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nav->getMaxTiles(); ++i) { const dtMeshTile* tile = nav->getTile(i); if (tile->header) navmeshMemUsage += tile->dataSize; } printf("navmeshMemUsage = %.1f kB", navmeshMemUsage/1024.0f); if (m_tool) m_tool->init(this); initToolStates(this); return true; } void Sample_TempObstacles::handleUpdate(const float dt) { Sample::handleUpdate(dt); if (!m_navMesh) return; if (!m_tileCache) return; m_tileCache->update(dt, m_navMesh); } void Sample_TempObstacles::getTilePos(const float* pos, int& tx, int& ty) { if (!m_geom) return; const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin(); const float ts = m_tileSize*m_cellSize; tx = (int)((pos[0] - bmin[0]) / ts); ty = (int)((pos[2] - bmin[2]) / ts); } static const int TILECACHESET_MAGIC = 'T'<<24 | 'S'<<16 | 'E'<<8 | 'T'; //'TSET'; static const int TILECACHESET_VERSION = 1; struct TileCacheSetHeader { int magic; int version; int numTiles; dtNavMeshParams meshParams; dtTileCacheParams cacheParams; }; struct TileCacheTileHeader { dtCompressedTileRef tileRef; int dataSize; }; void Sample_TempObstacles::saveAll(const char* path) { if (!m_tileCache) return; FILE* fp = fopen(path, "wb"); if (!fp) return; // Store header. TileCacheSetHeader header; header.magic = TILECACHESET_MAGIC; header.version = TILECACHESET_VERSION; header.numTiles = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_tileCache->getTileCount(); ++i) { const dtCompressedTile* tile = m_tileCache->getTile(i); if (!tile || !tile->header || !tile->dataSize) continue; header.numTiles++; } memcpy(&header.cacheParams, m_tileCache->getParams(), sizeof(dtTileCacheParams)); memcpy(&header.meshParams, m_navMesh->getParams(), sizeof(dtNavMeshParams)); fwrite(&header, sizeof(TileCacheSetHeader), 1, fp); // Store tiles. for (int i = 0; i < m_tileCache->getTileCount(); ++i) { const dtCompressedTile* tile = m_tileCache->getTile(i); if (!tile || !tile->header || !tile->dataSize) continue; TileCacheTileHeader tileHeader; tileHeader.tileRef = m_tileCache->getTileRef(tile); tileHeader.dataSize = tile->dataSize; fwrite(&tileHeader, sizeof(tileHeader), 1, fp); fwrite(tile->data, tile->dataSize, 1, fp); } fclose(fp); } void Sample_TempObstacles::loadAll(const char* path) { FILE* fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (!fp) return; // Read header. TileCacheSetHeader header; size_t headerReadReturnCode = fread(&header, sizeof(TileCacheSetHeader), 1, fp); if( headerReadReturnCode != 1) { // Error or early EOF fclose(fp); return; } if (header.magic != TILECACHESET_MAGIC) { fclose(fp); return; } if (header.version != TILECACHESET_VERSION) { fclose(fp); return; } m_navMesh = dtAllocNavMesh(); if (!m_navMesh) { fclose(fp); return; } dtStatus status = m_navMesh->init(&header.meshParams); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) { fclose(fp); return; } m_tileCache = dtAllocTileCache(); if (!m_tileCache) { fclose(fp); return; } status = m_tileCache->init(&header.cacheParams, m_talloc, m_tcomp, m_tmproc); if (dtStatusFailed(status)) { fclose(fp); return; } // Read tiles. for (int i = 0; i < header.numTiles; ++i) { TileCacheTileHeader tileHeader; size_t tileHeaderReadReturnCode = fread(&tileHeader, sizeof(tileHeader), 1, fp); if( tileHeaderReadReturnCode != 1) { // Error or early EOF fclose(fp); return; } if (!tileHeader.tileRef || !tileHeader.dataSize) break; unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)dtAlloc(tileHeader.dataSize, DT_ALLOC_PERM); if (!data) break; memset(data, 0, tileHeader.dataSize); size_t tileDataReadReturnCode = fread(data, tileHeader.dataSize, 1, fp); if( tileDataReadReturnCode != 1) { // Error or early EOF dtFree(data); fclose(fp); return; } dtCompressedTileRef tile = 0; dtStatus addTileStatus = m_tileCache->addTile(data, tileHeader.dataSize, DT_COMPRESSEDTILE_FREE_DATA, &tile); if (dtStatusFailed(addTileStatus)) { dtFree(data); } if (tile) m_tileCache->buildNavMeshTile(tile, m_navMesh); } fclose(fp); }