// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sample_new_features.cpp : demonstrate features added to printf's syntax // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are // subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/libs/format for library home page // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "boost/format.hpp" int main(){ using namespace std; using boost::format; using boost::io::group; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Simple style of reordering : cout << format("%1% %2% %3% %2% %1% \n") % "o" % "oo" % "O"; // prints "o oo O oo o \n" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Centered alignment : flag '=' cout << format("_%|=6|_") % 1 << endl; // prints "_ 1 _" : 3 spaces are padded before, and 2 after. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Tabulations : "%|Nt|" => tabulation of N spaces. // "%|NTf|" => tabulation of N times the character . // are useful when printing lines with several fields whose width can vary a lot // but we'd like to print some fields at the same place when possible : vector names(1, "Marc-François Michel"), surname(1,"Durand"), tel(1, "+33 (0) 123 456 789"); names.push_back("Jean"); surname.push_back("de Lattre de Tassigny"); tel.push_back("+33 (0) 987 654 321"); for(unsigned int i=0; i