+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Boost Parameter Library Python Binding Documentation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :Authors: David Abrahams, Daniel Wallin :Contact: dave@boost-consulting.com, daniel@boostpro.com :organization: `BoostPro Computing`_ :date: $Date$ :copyright: Copyright David Abrahams, Daniel Wallin 2005-2009. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) :abstract: Makes it possible to bind Boost.Parameter-enabled functions, operators and constructors to Python. |(logo)|__ .. |(logo)| image:: ../../../../boost.png :alt: Boost __ ../../../../index.htm .. _`BoostPro Computing`: http://www.boostpro.com .. role:: class :class: class .. role:: concept :class: concept .. role:: function :class: function .. |ParameterSpec| replace:: :concept:`ParameterSpec` .. contents:: :depth: 1 Introduction ------------ ``boost/parameter/python.hpp`` introduces a group of |def_visitors|_ that can be used to easily expose Boost.Parameter-enabled member functions to Python with Boost.Python. It also provides a function template ``def()`` that can be used to expose Boost.Parameter-enabled free functions. .. |def_visitor| replace:: ``def_visitor`` .. |def_visitors| replace:: ``def_visitors`` .. _def_visitor: def_visitors_ .. _def_visitors: ../../../python/doc/v2/def_visitor.html When binding a Boost.Parameter enabled function, the keyword tags must be specified. Additionally, because Boost.Parameter enabled functions are templates, the desired function signature must be specified. .. The keyword tags are specified as an `MPL Sequence`_, using the pointer qualifications described in |ParameterSpec|_ below. The signature is also specifid as an `MPL sequence`_ of parameter types. Additionally, ``boost::parameter::python::function`` and ``boost::parameter::python::def`` requires a class with forwarding overloads. We will take a closer look at how this is done in the tutorial section below. The keyword tags and associated argument types are specified as an `MPL Sequence`_, using the function type syntax described in |ParameterSpec|_ below. Additionally, ``boost::parameter::python::function`` and ``boost::parameter::python::def`` requires a class with forwarding overloads. We will take a closer look at how this is done in the tutorial section below. .. The last two sentences are terribly vague. Which namespace is .. ``function`` in? Isn't the return type always needed? What .. else are we going to do other than pass these sequences to .. function? .. _`MPL Sequence`: ../../../mpl/doc/refmanual/sequences.html .. _parameterspec: `concept ParameterSpec`_ Tutorial -------- In this section we will outline the steps needed to bind a simple Boost.Parameter-enabled member function to Python. Knowledge of the Boost.Parameter macros_ are required to understand this section. .. _macros: index.html The class and member function we are interested in binding looks like this: .. parsed-literal:: #include #include #include #include // First the keywords BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, title) BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, width) BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, height) class window { public: BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION( (void), open, tag, (required (title, (std::string))) (optional (width, (unsigned), 400) (height, (unsigned), 400)) ) { *… function implementation …* } }; .. @example.prepend('#include ') .. @example.replace_emphasis(''' assert(title == "foo"); assert(height == 20); assert(width == 400); ''') It defines a set of overloaded member functions called ``open`` with one required parameter and two optional ones. To bind this member function to Python we use the binding utility ``boost::parameter::python::function``. ``boost::parameter::python::function`` is a |def_visitor|_ that we'll instantiate and pass to ``boost::python::class_::def()``. To use ``boost::parameter::python::function`` we first need to define a class with forwarding overloads. This is needed because ``window::open()`` is a function template, so we can't refer to it in any other way. :: struct open_fwd { template void operator()( boost::type, window& self , A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2 ) { self.open(a0, a1, a2); } }; The first parameter, ``boost::type``, tells the forwarding overload what the return type should be. In this case we know that it's always void but in some cases, when we are exporting several specializations of a Boost.Parameter-enabled template, we need to use that parameter to deduce the return type. ``window::open()`` takes a total of 3 parameters, so the forwarding function needs to take three parameters as well. .. Note:: We only need one overload in the forwarding class, despite the fact that there are two optional parameters. There are special circumstances when several overload are needed; see `special keywords`_. Next we'll define the module and export the class: :: BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(my_module) { using namespace boost::python; namespace py = boost::parameter::python; namespace mpl = boost::mpl; class_("window") .def( "open", py::function< open_fwd , mpl::vector< void , tag::title(std::string) , tag::width*(unsigned) , tag::height*(unsigned) > >() ); } .. @jam_prefix.append('import python ;') .. @jam_prefix.append('stage . : my_module /boost/python//boost_python ;') .. @my_module = build( output = 'my_module' , target_rule = 'python-extension' , input = '/boost/python//boost_python' , howmany = 'all' ) .. @del jam_prefix[:] ``py::function`` is passed two parameters. The first one is the class with forwarding overloads that we defined earlier. The second one is an `MPL Sequence`_ with the keyword tag types and argument types for the function specified as function types. The pointer syntax used in ``tag::width*`` and ``tag::height*`` means that the parameter is optional. The first element of the `MPL Sequence`_ is the return type of the function, in this case ``void``, which is passed as the first argument to ``operator()`` in the forwarding class. .. The pointer syntax means that the parameter is optional, so in this case ``width`` and ``height`` are optional parameters. The third parameter is an `MPL Sequence`_ with the desired function signature. The return type comes first, and then the parameter types: .. parsed-literal:: mpl::vector *return type* *title* *width* *height* .. @ignore() That's it! This class can now be used in Python with the expected syntax:: >>> w = my_module.window() >>> w.open(title = "foo", height = 20) .. @example.prepend('import my_module') .. @run_python(module_path = my_module) .. Sorry to say this at such a late date, but this syntax really .. strikes me as cumbersome. Couldn't we do something like: class_("window") .def( "open", (void (*)( tag::title(std::string), tag::width*(unsigned), tag::height*(unsigned)) )0 ); or at least: class_("window") .def( "open", mpl::vector< void, tag::title(std::string), tag::width*(unsigned), tag::height*(unsigned) >() ); assuming, that is, that we will have to repeat the tags (yes, users of broken compilers will have to give us function pointer types instead). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ concept |ParameterSpec| ----------------------- A |ParameterSpec| is a function type ``K(T)`` that describes both the keyword tag, ``K``, and the argument type, ``T``, for a parameter. ``K`` is either: * A *required* keyword of the form ``Tag`` * **or**, an *optional* keyword of the form ``Tag*`` * **or**, a *special* keyword of the form ``Tag**`` where ``Tag`` is a keyword tag type, as used in a specialization of |keyword|__. .. |keyword| replace:: ``boost::parameter::keyword`` __ ../../../parameter/doc/html/reference.html#keyword The **arity range** for an `MPL Sequence`_ of |ParameterSpec|'s is defined as the closed range: .. parsed-literal:: [ mpl::size - number of *special* keyword tags in ``S``, mpl::size ] For example, the **arity range** of ``mpl::vector2`` is ``[2,2]``, the **arity range** of ``mpl::vector2`` is ``[2,2]`` and the **arity range** of ``mpl::vector2`` is ``[1,2]``. *special* keywords --------------------------------- Sometimes it is desirable to have a default value for a parameter that differ in type from the parameter. This technique is useful for doing simple tag-dispatching based on the presence of a parameter. For example: .. An example_ of this is given in the Boost.Parameter docs. The example uses a different technique, but could also have been written like this: .. parsed-literal:: namespace core { template void dfs_dispatch(ArgumentPack const& args, mpl::false\_) { *…compute and use default color map…* } template void dfs_dispatch(ArgumentPack const& args, ColorMap colormap) { *…use colormap…* } } template void depth_first_search(ArgumentPack const& args) { core::dfs_dispatch(args, args[color | mpl::false_()]); } .. @example.prepend(''' #include #include #include #include BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, color); typedef boost::parameter::parameters params; namespace mpl = boost::mpl; ''') .. @example.replace_emphasis(''' assert(args[color | 1] == 1); ''') .. @example.replace_emphasis(''' assert(args[color | 1] == 0); ''') .. @example.append(''' int main() { depth_first_search(params()()); depth_first_search(params()(color = 0)); }''') .. @build() .. .. _example: index.html#dispatching-based-on-the-presence-of-a-default In the above example the type of the default for ``color`` is ``mpl::false_``, a type that is distinct from any color map that the user might supply. When binding the case outlined above, the default type for ``color`` will not be convertible to the parameter type. Therefore we need to tag the ``color`` keyword as a *special* keyword. This is done by specifying the tag as ``tag::color**`` when binding the function (see `concept ParameterSpec`_ for more details on the tagging). By doing this we tell the binding functions that it needs to generate two overloads, one with the ``color`` parameter present and one without. Had there been two *special* keywords, four overloads would need to be generated. The number of generated overloads is equal to 2\ :sup:`N`, where ``N`` is the number of *special* keywords. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class template ``init`` ----------------------- Defines a named parameter enabled constructor. .. parsed-literal:: template struct init : python::def_visitor > { template void def(Class& class\_); template *def\_visitor* operator[](CallPolicies const& policies) const; }; .. @ignore() ``init`` requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element is a model of |ParameterSpec|. * For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity range** of ``ParameterSpecs``, ``Class`` must support these expressions: ======================= ============= ========================================= Expression Return type Requirements ======================= ============= ========================================= ``Class(a0, …, aN)`` \- ``a0``\ …\ ``aN`` are tagged arguments. ======================= ============= ========================================= ``template operator[](CallPolicies const&)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns a ``def_visitor`` equivalent to ``*this``, except that it uses CallPolicies when creating the binding. Example ~~~~~~~ .. parsed-literal:: #include #include #include #include #include BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, x) BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, y) struct base { template base(ArgumentPack const& args) { *… use args …* } }; class X : base { public: BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR(X, (base), tag, (required (x, \*)) (optional (y, \*)) ) }; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(*module name*) { using namespace boost::python; namespace py = boost::parameter::python; namespace mpl = boost::mpl; class_("X", no_init) .def( py::init< mpl::vector >() ); } .. @example.replace_emphasis(''' assert(args[x] == 0); assert(args[y | 1] == 1); ''') .. @example.replace_emphasis('my_module') .. @jam_prefix.append('import python ;') .. @jam_prefix.append('stage . : my_module /boost/python//boost_python ;') .. @my_module = build( output = 'my_module' , target_rule = 'python-extension' , input = '/boost/python//boost_python' ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class template ``call`` ----------------------- Defines a ``__call__`` operator, mapped to ``operator()`` in C++. .. parsed-literal:: template struct call : python::def_visitor > { template void def(Class& class\_); template *def\_visitor* operator[](CallPolicies const& policies) const; }; .. @ignore() ``call`` requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element except the first models |ParameterSpec|. The first element is the result type of ``c(…)``. * ``Class`` must support these expressions, where ``c`` is an instance of ``Class``: =================== ==================== ======================================= Expression Return type Requirements =================== ==================== ======================================= ``c(a0, …, aN)`` Convertible to ``R`` ``a0``\ …\ ``aN`` are tagged arguments. =================== ==================== ======================================= For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity range** of ``ParameterSpecs``. ``template operator[](CallPolicies const&)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns a ``def_visitor`` equivalent to ``*this``, except that it uses CallPolicies when creating the binding. Example ~~~~~~~ .. parsed-literal:: #include #include #include #include #include BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, x) BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, y) namespace parameter = boost::parameter; typedef parameter::parameters< parameter::required , parameter::optional > call_parameters; class X { public: template int call_impl(ArgumentPack const& args) { *… use args …* } template int operator()(A0 const& a0) { return call_impl(call_parameters()(a0)); } template int operator()(A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1) { return call_impl(call_parameters()(a0,a1)); } }; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(*module name*) { using namespace boost::python; namespace py = parameter::python; namespace mpl = boost::mpl; class_("X") .def( py::call< mpl::vector >() ); } .. @example.replace_emphasis(''' assert(args[x] == 0); assert(args[y | 1] == 1); return 0; ''') .. @example.replace_emphasis('my_module') .. @my_module = build( output = 'my_module' , target_rule = 'python-extension' , input = '/boost/python//boost_python' ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class template ``function`` --------------------------- Defines a named parameter enabled member function. .. parsed-literal:: template struct function : python::def_visitor > { template void def(Class& class\_, char const* name, Options const& options); }; .. @ignore() ``function`` requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element except the first models |ParameterSpec|. The first element is the result type of ``c.f(…)``, where ``f`` is the member function. * An instance of ``Fwd`` must support this expression: ============================================ ==================== ================================================= Expression Return type Requirements ============================================ ==================== ================================================= ``fwd(boost::type(), self, a0, …, aN)`` Convertible to ``R`` ``self`` is a reference to the object on which the function should be invoked. ``a0``\ …\ ``aN`` are tagged arguments. ============================================ ==================== ================================================= For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity range** of ``ParameterSpecs``. Example ~~~~~~~ This example exports a member function ``f(int x, int y = …)`` to Python. The sequence of |ParameterSpec|'s ``mpl::vector2`` has an **arity range** of [2,2], so we only need one forwarding overload. .. parsed-literal:: #include #include #include #include #include BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, x) BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag, y) class X { public: BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION((void), f, tag, (required (x, \*)) (optional (y, \*, 1)) ) { *…* } }; struct f_fwd { template void operator()(boost::type, X& self, A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1) { self.f(a0, a1); } }; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(*module name*) { using namespace boost::python; namespace py = boost::parameter::python; namespace mpl = boost::mpl; class_("X") .def("f", py::function< f_fwd , mpl::vector >() ); } .. @example.replace_emphasis(''' assert(x == 0); assert(y == 1); ''') .. @example.replace_emphasis('my_module') .. @my_module = build( output = 'my_module' , target_rule = 'python-extension' , input = '/boost/python//boost_python' ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function template ``def`` ------------------------- Defines a named parameter enabled free function in the current Python scope. .. parsed-literal:: template void def(char const* name); .. @ignore() ``def`` requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``ParameterSpecs`` is an `MPL sequence`_ where each element except the first models |ParameterSpec|. The first element is the result type of ``f(…)``, where ``f`` is the function. * An instance of ``Fwd`` must support this expression: ====================================== ==================== ======================================= Expression Return type Requirements ====================================== ==================== ======================================= ``fwd(boost::type(), a0, …, aN)`` Convertible to ``R`` ``a0``\ …\ ``aN`` are tagged arguments. ====================================== ==================== ======================================= For every ``N`` in ``[U,V]``, where ``[U,V]`` is the **arity range** of ``ParameterSpecs``. Example ~~~~~~~ This example exports a function ``f(int x, int y = …)`` to Python. The sequence of |ParameterSpec|'s ``mpl::vector2`` has an **arity range** of [2,2], so we only need one forwarding overload. .. parsed-literal:: BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION((void), f, tag, (required (x, \*)) (optional (y, \*, 1)) ) { *…* } struct f_fwd { template void operator()(boost::type, A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1) { f(a0, a1); } }; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(…) { def< f_fwd , mpl::vector< void, tag::\ x(int), tag::\ y\*(int) > >("f"); } .. @ignore() .. again, the undefined ``fwd`` identifier. Portability ----------- The Boost.Parameter Python binding library requires *partial template specialization*.