[/=========================================================================== Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Kyle Lutz Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt =============================================================================/] [section:performance Performance] The following tests were run with an NVIDIA Tesla K40c GPU on a system with an Intel Core i7 920 2.67GHz CPU. Source code for the benchmarks can be found under the [@https://github.com/boostorg/compute/tree/master/perf perf] directory. All benchmarks were compiled with optimizations enabled (i.e. "gcc -O3"). [h3 Accumulate] [$images/perf/accumulate_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Count] [$images/perf/count_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Inner Product] [$images/perf/inner_product_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Merge] [$images/perf/merge_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Partial Sum] [$images/perf/partial_sum_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Partition] [$images/perf/partition_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Reverse] [$images/perf/reverse_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Rotate] [$images/perf/rotate_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Set Difference] [$images/perf/set_difference_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Sort] [$images/perf/sort_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Transform] [$images/perf/saxpy_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [h3 Unique] [$images/perf/unique_time_plot.png [width 850px] [align center]] [endsect] [/ performance]