[/=========================================================================== Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Kyle Lutz Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt =============================================================================/] [section:platforms_and_compilers Platforms and Compilers] Boost.Compute has been tested on the following: [section Compilers] * GCC (>= 4.6) * Clang (>= 3.0) * MSVC (>= 2010) Boost.Compute requires variadic macro support. Variadic macros are supported by most modern C++98 compilers and all C++11 compilers. To explicitly enable variadic support for Boost.Preprocessor add `-DBOOST_PP_VARIADICS=1` to your compiler flags. [endsect] [section Platforms] * Linux * Mac OSX * Windows [endsect] [section OpenCL Implementations] * NVIDIA (NVIDIA GPUs only) * AMD (CPUs and AMD GPUs) * Intel (CPUs and Intel GPUs) * POCL (CPUs only) * Beignet (Intel GPUs only) * Apple (CPUs and GPUs) * Xilinx (FPGA) [endsect] If you have an additional platform you would like to see supported please [@https://github.com/boostorg/compute/issues/new submit] a bug-report. [endsect]