[/ Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2017. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt ] [#hip] [section:hip ROCm/HIP] [@http://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/tree/roc-1.6.0/ HIP] is part of the [@http://rocm.github.io/ ROC (Radeon Open Compute)] platform for parallel computing on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. The application programming interface of HIP gives access to GPU's instruction set and computation resources (Execution of compute kernels). [heading Synchronization with ROCm/HIP streams] HIP operation such as compute kernels or memory transfer (between host and device) can be grouped/queued by HIP streams. are executed on the GPUs. Boost.Fiber enables a fiber to sleep (suspend) till a HIP stream has completed its operations. This enables applications to run other fibers on the CPU without the need to spawn an additional OS-threads. And resume the fiber when the HIP streams has finished. __global__ void kernel( int size, int * a, int * b, int * c) { int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if ( idx < size) { int idx1 = (idx + 1) % 256; int idx2 = (idx + 2) % 256; float as = (a[idx] + a[idx1] + a[idx2]) / 3.0f; float bs = (b[idx] + b[idx1] + b[idx2]) / 3.0f; c[idx] = (as + bs) / 2; } } boost::fibers::fiber f([&done]{ hipStream_t stream; hipStreamCreate( & stream); int size = 1024 * 1024; int full_size = 20 * size; int * host_a, * host_b, * host_c; hipHostMalloc( & host_a, full_size * sizeof( int), hipHostMallocDefault); hipHostMalloc( & host_b, full_size * sizeof( int), hipHostMallocDefault); hipHostMalloc( & host_c, full_size * sizeof( int), hipHostMallocDefault); int * dev_a, * dev_b, * dev_c; hipMalloc( & dev_a, size * sizeof( int) ); hipMalloc( & dev_b, size * sizeof( int) ); hipMalloc( & dev_c, size * sizeof( int) ); std::minstd_rand generator; std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 6); for ( int i = 0; i < full_size; ++i) { host_a[i] = distribution( generator); host_b[i] = distribution( generator); } for ( int i = 0; i < full_size; i += size) { hipMemcpyAsync( dev_a, host_a + i, size * sizeof( int), hipMemcpyHostToDevice, stream); hipMemcpyAsync( dev_b, host_b + i, size * sizeof( int), hipMemcpyHostToDevice, stream); hipLaunchKernel(kernel, dim3(size / 256), dim3(256), 0, stream, size, dev_a, dev_b, dev_c); hipMemcpyAsync( host_c + i, dev_c, size * sizeof( int), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream); } auto result = boost::fibers::hip::waitfor_all( stream); // suspend fiber till HIP stream has finished BOOST_ASSERT( stream == std::get< 0 >( result) ); BOOST_ASSERT( hipSuccess == std::get< 1 >( result) ); std::cout << "f1: GPU computation finished" << std::endl; hipHostFree( host_a); hipHostFree( host_b); hipHostFree( host_c); hipFree( dev_a); hipFree( dev_b); hipFree( dev_c); hipStreamDestroy( stream); }); f.join(); [heading Synopsis] #include namespace boost { namespace fibers { namespace hip { std::tuple< hipStream_t, hipError_t > waitfor_all( hipStream_t st); std::vector< std::tuple< hipStream_t, hipError_t > > waitfor_all( hipStream_t ... st); }}} [ns_function_heading hip..waitfor] #include namespace boost { namespace fibers { namespace hip { std::tuple< hipStream_t, hipError_t > waitfor_all( hipStream_t st); std::vector< std::tuple< hipStream_t, hipError_t > > waitfor_all( hipStream_t ... st); }}} [variablelist [[Effects:] [Suspends active fiber till HIP stream has finished its operations.]] [[Returns:] [tuple of stream reference and the HIP stream status]] ] [endsect]