Other libraries support layer
Andrey Semashev 07.11.2012 This header enables Boost.DateTime support for Boost.Log.
Andrey Semashev 18.07.2009 This header enables Boost.Exception support for Boost.Log. System resource name error_info< struct object_name_tag, object_name > Attribute name exception information error_info< struct attribute_name_info_tag, attribute_name > Type info exception information error_info< struct type_info_info_tag, typeindex::type_index > Parse position exception information error_info< struct position_info_tag, unsigned int > Current scope exception information error_info< struct current_scope_info_tag, attributes::named_scope_list > current_scope_infoThe function returns an error information object that contains current stack of scopes. This information can then be attached to an exception and extracted at the catch site. The extracted scope list won't be affected by any scope changes that may happen during the exception propagation.See the named_scope attribute documentation on how to maintain scope list.
Andrey Semashev 18.07.2009 This header enables Boost.Regex support for Boost.Log.
Andrey Semashev 19.07.2009 This header enables Boost.Spirit (classic) support for Boost.Log.
Andrey Semashev 19.07.2009 This header enables Boost.Spirit.Qi support for Boost.Log.
Andrey Semashev 19.03.2014 This header enables std::regex support for Boost.Log.
Andrey Semashev 18.07.2009 This header enables Boost.Xpressive support for Boost.Log.