# Boost.Pool library documentation Jamfile.v2 # # Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2011. Use, modification and # distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version # 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # # See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history. local BOOST = $(BOOST_ROOT) ; BOOST ?= [ modules.peek : BOOST_ROOT ] ; BOOST ?= [ modules.peek : BOOST ] ; path-constant boost-root : $(BOOST) ; path-constant images_location : images ; # location of SVG and PNG images referenced by Quickbook. import modules ; using doxygen ; # Required if you want to use Doxygen. using quickbook ; doxygen autodoc : [ glob ../../../boost/pool/*.hpp ] #[ glob ../../../boost/pool/detail/*.hpp ] #[ glob ../../../boost/pool/detail/*.ipp ] # Renamed as .inc are not recognised correctly by doxywizard leaving error message. # Warning: include file boost/pool/detail/pool_construct.inc not found, perhaps you forgot to add its directory to INCLUDE_PATH? # and problem with 'no type' in jamfile. # error: target { ../../../boost/pool/detail/pool_construct.inc. } has no type #[ glob ../../../boost/pool/examples/*.*pp ] # Example source files. : WARNINGS=YES # Default NO, but useful to see warnings, especially in a logfile. # It is also wise to to set a warnings logfile like this: WARN_LOGFILE=AutoDoxywarnings.log # This may not be empty (usually not a good sign!), depending on options chosen. # Much better to send message to a logfile than the default stderr. # and make sure that there are no Doxygen errors or significant warnings in the log file. RECURSIVE=NO # Search recursively down subdirectories. EXTRACT_ALL=NO HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS=YES EXTRACT_PRIVATE=NO MACRO_EXPANSION=YES EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF=YES PREDEFINED="\"BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION=\" \"BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(t,v)=static const t v\" \"BOOST_DOXYGEN=1\"" "boost.doxygen.reftitle=Boost.Pool C++ Reference" ; xml pool : pool.qbk : $(boost-root)/tools/auto_index/include ; boostbook standalone : pool : # General settings # ================= # Options for html and pdf # ======================== # No indent on body text: body.start.indent=0pt # Margin size: page.margin.inner=0.5in # Margin size: page.margin.outer=0.5in # Yes, we want graphics for admonishments: admon.graphics=1 # Path for links to Boost: boost.root=../../../.. # HTML options: # ============= # Use graphics icons not text for navigation: navig.graphics=1 # How far down we chunk nested sections, basically all of them: chunk.section.depth=2 # Don't put the first section on the same page as the TOC itself: chunk.first.sections=1 # How far down sections get TOC's toc.section.depth=4 # Max depth in each TOC: toc.max.depth=2 # How far down we go with TOC's generate.section.toc.level=10 # Horizontal ? spacing in table cells. html:html.cellspacing=3 # pixels # Vertical spacing in table cells. html:html.cellpadding=5 # pixels html:boost.max.id.part.length=40 html:img.src.path=../images/ # PDF Options: # ============ # TOC Generation: this is needed for FOP-0.9 and later: pdf:fop1.extensions=0 # Or enable this if you're using XEP: pdf:xep.extensions=1 # TOC generation: this is needed for FOP 0.2, but must not be set to zero for FOP-0.9! pdf:fop.extensions=0 # No indent on body text: body.start.indent=0pt # Margin size: page.margin.inner=0.5in # Margin size: page.margin.outer=0.5in # Yes, we want graphics for admonishments: admon.graphics=1 # Set these one for PDF generation *only*: # default png graphics are awful in PDF form, # better use SVG instead: pdf:admon.graphics.extension=".svg" #pdf:admon.graphics.extension=".png" # Only png images are available. pdf:use.role.for.mediaobject=1 pdf:preferred.mediaobject.role=print pdf:img.src.path=$(images_location)/ # graphics (diagrams) for pdf. pdf:draft.mode="no" pdf:boost.url.prefix=I:/boost-sandbox/guild/pool/libs/pool/doc/html # on turns on index (or off). on on # Choose indexing method (separately for html and pdf): html:on # on (or off) to use internally generated indexes. # html:generate.index=0 # Don't let the XSL stylesheets generate indexes. pdf:off # on (or off) to use internally generated indexes. # index # Use ... as the XML wrapper. pdf:index.on.type=1 # For the native stylesheets to generate the different indexes. # PDF native index support is probably better for PDFs as then you actually get page numbers. index.idx # Specifies the name of the script to load. # ../../../ # Path to /pool so index.idx !scan-path can use boost/ and libs/doc. ../../.. autodoc # ; install pdfinstall : standalone/pdf : . PDF pool.pdf ; explicit pdfinstall ; ############################################################################### alias boostdoc ; explicit boostdoc ; alias boostrelease : standalone ; explicit boostrelease ;