# Copyright 2019 Mike Dev # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt # # NOTE: CMake support for Boost.Ratio is currently experimental at best # and this file runs only a subset of the unit tests # (in particular none of the fail tests) ## unit tests # list of tests that contain a main function set( exec_test_files ratio_ext_pass;ratio_io_pass;ratio_pass ) file( GLOB_RECURSE test_files *_pass.cpp ) foreach( file IN LISTS test_files ) get_filename_component( core_name ${file} NAME_WE ) set( test_name test_boost_ratio_${core_name} ) if( ${core_name} IN_LIST exec_test_files ) add_executable( ${test_name} ${file} ) add_test( NAME ${test_name} COMMAND ${test_name} ) else() # most tests are compile only, so we just need to create an object file # in order to see, if it compiles add_library( ${test_name} STATIC ${file}) endif() target_link_libraries( ${test_name} PUBLIC Boost::ratio ) endforeach() ## examples file( GLOB_RECURSE test_files ../example/*.cpp ) foreach( file IN LISTS test_files ) get_filename_component( core_name ${file} NAME_WE ) set( test_name test_boost_ratio_${core_name} ) add_executable( ${test_name} ${file} ) target_link_libraries( ${test_name} PUBLIC Boost::ratio ) add_test( NAME ${test_name} COMMAND ${test_name} ) endforeach()