--[[ Script Name : Spells/Mage/Sorcerer/Warlock/Apocalypse.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2019.04.23 09:04:39 Script Purpose : : --]] -- Inflicts 191 - 355 poison damage on target encounter instantly and every 1.5 seconds function cast(Caster, Target, DoTType, MinVal, MaxVal) if MaxVal ~= nil and MinVal < MaxVal then SpellDamage(Target, DoTType, math.random(MinVal, MaxVal)) else SpellDamage(Target, DoTType, MinVal) end end function tick(Caster, Target, DoTType, MinVal, MaxVal) if MaxVal ~= nil and MinVal < MaxVal then SpellDamage(Target, DoTType, math.random(MinVal, MaxVal)) else SpellDamage(Target, DoTType, MinVal) end end