--[[ Script Name : Spells/Scout/Predator/Ranger/FocusAim.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2019.10.17 11:10:31 Script Purpose : : --]] -- Info from spell_display_effects (remove from script when done) -- Applies Nature's Focus. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. -- Group members (AE) will have their chance to hit with a weapon increased by 13.5% -- Increases Crushing of group members (AE) by 23.8 -- Increases Piercing of group members (AE) by 23.8 -- If profession other than Ranger -- Increases Slashing of group members (AE) by 23.8 -- If profession other than Ranger -- Caster will have their chance to hit with a weapon increased by 4.5% -- Increases Haste of caster by 29.7 -- Increases Multi Attack of caster by 34.1 -- Decreases Slashing and Piercing of caster by 66.0 -- Increases Ranged of caster by 23.8 function cast(Caster, Target) end function remove(Caster, Target) end