--[[ Script Name : Spells/Scout/Rogue/Swashbuckler/ArcticBlast.lua Script Author : Jabantiz Script Date : 2013.12.16 03:12:34 Script Purpose : : --]] function precast(Caster, Target) -- If weapon equipped in Ranged local item = GetEquippedItemBySlot(Caster, 16) if item then if GetItemType(item) == 2 then return true end end return false, 68 end function cast(Caster, Target, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal, Snare) -- Inflicts 57 - 95 cold damage on target if MaxVal ~= nil and MinVal < MaxVal then SpellDamage(Target, DmgType, math.random(MinVal, MaxVal)) else SpellDamage(Target, DmgType, MinVal) end -- Inflicts 57 - 95 cold damage on target if LastSpellAttackHit() then if MaxVal ~= nil and MinVal < MaxVal then SpellDamage(Target, DmgType, math.random(MinVal, MaxVal)) else SpellDamage(Target, DmgType, MinVal) end end -- Applies Snare on termination. Lasts for 24.0 seconds. -- Slows target by 29.9% -- 5% chance to dispel when target receives hostile action -- 5% chance to dispel when target takes damage if LastSpellAttackHit() then SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, (100 - Snare) / 100) AddSpellTimer(24000, "RemoveSnare") end end function RemoveSnare(Caster, Target) SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, 1) end