// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 // William E. Kempf // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include #include #include #include #include class bounded_buffer : private boost::noncopyable { public: typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock; bounded_buffer(int n) : begin(0), end(0), buffered(0), circular_buf(n) { } void send (int m) { lock lk(monitor); while (buffered == circular_buf.size()) buffer_not_full.wait(lk); circular_buf[end] = m; end = (end+1) % circular_buf.size(); ++buffered; buffer_not_empty.notify_one(); } int receive() { lock lk(monitor); while (buffered == 0) buffer_not_empty.wait(lk); int i = circular_buf[begin]; begin = (begin+1) % circular_buf.size(); --buffered; buffer_not_full.notify_one(); return i; } private: int begin, end, buffered; std::vector circular_buf; boost::condition buffer_not_full, buffer_not_empty; boost::mutex monitor; }; bounded_buffer buf(2); void sender() { int n = 0; while (n < 100) { buf.send(n); std::cout << "sent: " << n << std::endl; ++n; } buf.send(-1); } void receiver() { int n; do { n = buf.receive(); std::cout << "received: " << n << std::endl; } while (n != -1); // -1 indicates end of buffer } int main() { boost::thread thrd1(&sender); boost::thread thrd2(&receiver); thrd1.join(); thrd2.join(); }