--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/SourceEvil/eviltotem.lua Script Purpose : Handles most of the ring event in the instance Script Author : Jabantiz Script Date : 9/10/2016 Script Notes : --]] local VithID = 2540005 local PoisonID = 2540026 local Totem1 = 475343 local Totem2 = 475345 local Totem3 = 1584964 local Totem4 = 1584965 function spawn(NPC) end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function casted_on(NPC, Spawn, Message) if Message == "destroy totem" then SpawnSet(NPC, "show_command_icon", "0") SpawnSet(NPC, "display_hand_icon", "0") AddTimer(NPC, 1000, "Vanish") local Vith = GetSpawn(NPC, VithID) if Vith ~= nil then local choice = math.random(1, 2) if choice == 1 then PlayFlavor(Vith, "", "Don't touch those!", "", 1689589577, 4560189) else PlayFlavor(Vith, "", "No, not the totems! How did you know?", "", 1689589577, 4560189) end local locationID = GetSpawnLocationID(NPC) if locationID == Totem1 then SetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem1Destroyed", "true") elseif locationID == Totem2 then SetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem2Destroyed", "true") elseif locationID == Totem3 then SetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem3Destroyed", "true") elseif locationID == Totem4 then SetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem4Destroyed", "true") end if GetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem1Destroyed") == "true" and GetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem2Destroyed") == "true" and GetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem3Destroyed") == "true" and GetTempVariable(Vith, "Totem4Destroyed") == "true" then PlayFlavor(Vith, "", "Quite a nuisance you are. My patience is gone, prepare for my wrath!", "", 1689589577, 4560189, Spawn) AddTimer(Vith, 10000, "BeginAttack", 1, Spawn) local Poison = GetSpawn(NPC, PoisonID) if Poison ~= nil then SpawnSet(Poison, "visual_state", "0") end end end end end function Vanish(NPC) Despawn(NPC) end function death(NPC, Spawn) end